
C functions invoked as threads - Linux userland program

I'm writing a linux daemon in C which gets values from an ADC by SPI interface (ioctl). The SPI (spidev - userland) seems to be a bit unstable and freezes the daemon at random times. I need to have some better control of the calls to the functions getting the values, and I was thinking of making it as a thread which I could wait for to ...

What's the cleanest way to programmatically kill and restart explorer.exe?

Greetings all, I'm working on a Windows program whose installation necessitates restarting explorer.exe. I know "Reboot your computer to complete the installation" is the standard method here, but I'd like my installer to give users the option of just restarting Explorer so they can start using my program immediately. What's the best ...

Make help-file not TopMost

I created process and launched help-file Process help = new Process(); help.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\MyProjects\comp\help_eng.hlp"; help.Start(); However, this help file is displaying topform;I need to open a folder for example, but it is always under this process.Could you tell me, how to make process "ordinary"? - it shouldn't be to...

Mac OS X: Getting detailed process information (specifically its launch arguments) for arbitrary running applications using its PID.

I am trying to detect when particular applications are launched. Currently I am using NSWorkspace, registering for the "did launch application" notification. I also use the runningApplications method to get apps that are currently running when my app starts. For most apps, the name of the app bundle is enough. I have a plist of "known ...

How to draw a web page into a memory DC ?

I would like to trick Chrome in to rendering its tabs in some memory device context of mine. Is this possible at all ? Thank you ! ...

How to make a server application with PHP

I need to write some service for my application. I want each client to have limited persistent connections (like only allow first 10 clients to connect). I know I can listen on the port with PHP by socket_listen(). The parent process accept the connection, then pcntl_fork() the process to have children to handle connection. But as far ...

Spawning a interactive process

How can a Java application spawn a new interactive application (e.g. an command line editor) from Java/Scala? When I use Runtime.getRuntime().exec("vim test"), I would only get a Process instance, while vim would be running in the background; rather then appear to the user. ...

wxpython GUI and multiprocessing - how to send data back from the long running process

Hello everyone, Trying to run a time consuming task from a wxpython GUI. The basic idea is to start the long time task from the GUI (pressing a button) and then, a static text on the dialog should be updated from it. First I tried some threading ( and many other resourses seen), and I want to sh...

process.standardInput encoding problem

I have an issue with encoding of process.standartInput encoding. i am using some process in my windows form application but input should be UTF-8. Process.StandardInput.Encoding is read only so i can't set it to UTF-8 and it gets windows default encoding which deteriorate native characters which are good in UTF-8. 2 processes are used in...

Can not start an desktop application in C#'s Process

I try to pragrammatically run applications such as notepad.exe and Calc.exe with the following codes. I can see the application is activated in Process Exprorer but the application UI does not appear on the screen. I got this info inside the process p - "Process must exit before requested information can be determined" and the exitcode...

How do I connect two apps

I am considering building an app in C++ that will be parsing text from the web and create some statistical results. These results I want to be fed in an external app in real time. The external app (to whose code I have no access, but can ask for a - paid - custom made addition) will then need some code to read and use these results. I a...

How can a large number of developers write software together without either a cumbersome process or poor quality software?

I work at a company with hundreds of people writing software for essentially the same product. The quality of the software has to be high because so many people depend on it (not least the developers themselves). Because of this every major issue has resulted in a new check - either automated or manual. As a result the process of deli...

how can I put a process in background using django ?

I tried os.system, os.spwanl, etc.. but it doesn't work well I need to execute some background process from django application. ...

Communication between parent and child

Hi every one ! I have a little problem. I have to code a simple C application that creat a process and his child (fork()) and I have to do an operation. Parent initialize the values and child calculate. I write this : #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> typedef struct { ...

What to read as a good quick review and intro into development process methodologies?

Being mostly self-taught freestyle developer and having no experience of working in teams of professionals in serious software companies, having only a very general idea of how the software development is should really be done, I think I've came to a point, when I begin struggling from lack of order in my work. I think I should get acqua...

Java: Copying an exe-file and launching afterwards fails

Hi, I want to copy an existing .exe-file from one directory to another and launch it afterwards with Java. Like this: FileIO.copy( new File( sourceFile ), new File( targetFile ) ); System.out.println( "Existing: " + new File( targetFile ).exists() ); System.out.println( "Launching " + targetFile ); String cmd[] = { targetFile }; Proces...

Application to watch what an executable does?

Hello I need to find out exactly what files/directories a Lua program uses so I can try to only pack what it needs into a ZIP file, and come up with a simple way to deploy this script. I used SysInternals' Process Monitor, but I'm surprised by the small amount of information it returned while it watched the program (For Lua users out t...

In Java, send commands to another command-line program

I am using Java on Windows XP and want to be able to send commands to another program such as telnet. I do not want to simply execute another program. I want to execute it, and then send it a sequence of commands once it's running. Here's my code of what I want to do, but it does not work: (If you uncomment and change the command to "cmd...

How do I determine if a process is associated with a System.Diagnostics.Process object?

Given a particular System.Diagnostics.Process that has been assigned values to its properties .FileName and .Arguments, what is the best way to determine if it: has ever been issued a .Start() command or is currently associated with a process at all? If .Start() was never issued, then calling .CloseMainWindow() causes an InvalidOpera...

Is it possible to Kick off a java process under Windows Service with C#?

I would like to wrap a java program into a windows service with C# using System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase. So I came up with the following code: /// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> static void Main() { System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.Run(new JavaLauncher()); } protected override void OnStart...