
How to monitor process' IO activity using C#?

Using FileSystemWatcher we can monitor the IO activity of a particular file system, but is there anyway to know that which one of the running processes is causing that IO? More specifically, suppose a running process viz. abc.exe is creating a file text.txt on drive D. We can monitor that a file named text.txt has been created in drive ...

High Integrity / Information Assurance in Software Development and Delivery Processes

Suppose you develop for a customer that requires the utmost assurances of the provenance and process-compliance of the software you deliver to them. What measures can a development organization take to provide high-integrity software? This was originally inspired by a couple questions about security practices for development systems ove...

android: view cpu usage of processes

Hello! Is there a process manager or task viewer for android that shows how much CPU percentage each process or even each thread in a process takes up? Thanks! ...

SQL Server 2000 control process priority

I'm wondering if it is possible to control the execution priority of SQL Server processes. Suppose you have a db with some large tables, with many users executing queries, and you have to create an index on one large table. The indexing process may run with low priority and cpu usage, while interactive users may have higher priority and...

Close the process/program automatically in 10 min using C#/VC++?

I have one Windows Service/Application running silently on the PC, when user starts any program , i need to count the time and close it down (program) in 15 Minutes. Even when the user close down the particular program ( say winword.exe) with in 15 min, and reopen it... the program should automatically close on 15 th minute... ...

C# Pause/Stop System.Diagnostics.Process

I have a Process that runs an exe: Process pr = new Process(); pr.StartInfo.FileName = @"wput.exe"; etc I want to be able to pause and stop this Process. Are there any events I can raise to achieve this. I have multiple Processes working in my app, each with it's own Thread. I look...

Java: Get a process given a pid

Say I have a current running process known, how can I turn this into a Process object in Java? The process is already running, so I don't want to spawn off another one, I just want to encapsulate it into a Process object that I can use within the java code. Something along the lines of: int pid = getPid(); Process proc = magicGetProcess...

Task management on x86

Can someone please point out some books or online resources which explain in detail and at an advanced level the task management features of x86? I'm specifically interested in understanding the relationship between x86 hardware and the OS (POSIX style) when an interrupt or context switch occurs. Intel manuals are very confusing and I ca...

Encoding of Process.StartInfo.Arguments

I have a .Net application that fires up a process, passing a long argument list through Process.StartInfo.Arguments. The new process can only handle 8-bit characters in the arguments passed to its main() function. Therefore, I've encoded the string in Process.StartInfo.Arguments so that each character is an 8-bit value. The problem is...

C# - Overriding an Event Handler - Adding a parameter

I'm using the System.Diagnostics.Process class to execute a command line program. I am using the OutputDataReceived method to redirect the output to my own method. pr.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(OnDataReceived); pr.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(OnDataReceived); However, I have multiple Threa...

What does process exit status 3 mean?

I've seen the usage of exit status 3 in several python scripts that restart processes. As far as I know the convention is only about 0 and "not 0" on Unix/Linux. Is there a convention defining other values like 3. ...

DTExec will not run without a window

I am running SSIS from a C# application. I would like to run the SSIS process using the dtexec utility but without showing the dtexec window when running. I have set the ProcessStartInfo.CreateNoWindow to true yet dtexec still displays the window. I assume this is due to dtexec and not C#, but I cannot find a argument for dtexec that ...

Running bat script from C#

I am trying to run a batch script from within a c sharp program the code I am using is shown below: Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = "G:\\Media\\Downloads\\print.bat"; proc.Start(); The script is simple (for testing purposes) and contains one line: echo hello > output.txt When I run the script from windows...

Talking with a Ruby daemonized process

Hi, I use Ruby 1.9 and the following method inside my program: Process.daemon Then, when I open a new terminal, I would like to call my daemonized program (named my_program) and send to it a message. Such as this: $ my_program --are_you_still_alive Thank you for any idea. ...

On redirection does the redirected page gets processed?

I put redirection code on the top of a page which has bootstrapping code below. Does redirection spawn a different process making the redirecting page process as a background process or it kills the current process entirely? Im using header() for redirection but surprisingly the remaining code below header() which required database con...

python running multiple instances

hi lets assume i have a simple programm in python. This programm is running every five minutes throught cron. but i dont know how to write it so the programm will allow to run multiple processes of its self simultaneously. i want to speed things up ... ...

C# - Process redirected output - Console different to CMD window

I have an application with a Process that use a cmd program. The Process's output is redirect like so: pr.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; pr.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; pr.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; pr.EnableRaisingEvents = true pr.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle....

Redirecting std output from Process object to file in .net

Is there a simple way how to launch a process in .NET and redirect its output(s) to a file? I know that in Win API I can pass a file handle to the CreateProcess function. In .NET I can do something like startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; and then use BeginOutputReadLine and StandardOutput to get the data and save it to a file. ...

Node.js as a background service

I want my node.js server to run in the background, ie: when I close my terminal I want my server to keep running. I've googled this and came up with this tut, however it doesn't work as intended. So instead of using that daemon script, I thought I just used the output redirection (the 2>&1 >> file part), but this too does not exit (I get...

Best way to kill application instance

What is the best way to kill an application instance? I am aware of these three methods: Application.Exit() Environment.Exit(0) Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill() Can anyone tell me which is better or when using each of the above would be appropriate? ...