
Change a Rails App to production

How can I change my RoR app to run in production mode? Is there a config file (environment.rb for example) to do that? Thank you. ...

How to tell if rails is in production?

I used script/server -e production to start rails in production mode. It did and I got no errors. However how do I tell if it is in production mode? I tried a non-existent route, and I got a similar error page I did in development. I thought if under production model, I get the 404 error page that is in my /public folder. Does it mean...

parsing git output

I'd like to integrate git into production pipeline to stage 3dsmax files. While it is alright to work with git through TortoiseGit, I'd like to communicate with it from the Maxscript to add custom menu commands to 3dsmax. Should I parse git status output text to determine folder status or should I use some wrapping tool to correctly com...

SQL Server 2005 + JavaEE application on one computer in production

We have project with a server witch have about 3000 requests at day from client. 30-40 on-line users. And smth about 30-40Gb data increase per year. And system should be on-line 24x7. Where can we locate the SQL server better? On one computer with JavaEE container or on standalone computer? What pros and cons on this ways? ...

Is NHibernate SchemaUpdate safe in production code?

For simplicity's sake. I'm using Fluent NHibernate's Automapping combined with NHibernate's SchemaUpdate during runtime. On each run Automapper creates mappings for all entity classes and SchemaUpdate applies the schema to the existing database. I was pleasantly surprised that it works correctly against an empty database as well. It's wo...

How to mimic SMPP connection

Hi, I have a situation. My application is sending multiple SMSes to end client this number varies from 50000 to 100000 SMSes at any point of time. To achieve this functionality i am using Kannel as sms sender interface. So My solution is complete. But only in development environment! Before going to be in production I supposed to do a t...

Framework for handling javascript errors well for testing / production envs

Hi everyone, I am just getting started on javascript, and I have experience in developing systems in other platforms and languages. The problems people have with javascript are well known, so i would not repeat them here. But my question is, why isn't there a framework yet for handling error cases? I can imagine a simple library that c...

recommended production environment for php5 application on windows?

We are about to deploy a php5 / symfony / mysql application on a windows stack (windows 2003 server) Our IT department doesn't have much experience administering any other stuff but microsoft technology, so I'd like to know what configuration would you propose for a production environment... apache and php on windows? php on iis? etc...

Should i host my ajax enabled wcf service?

My web application uses an ajax enabled wcf service and everything is fine as of now... But what about when i move my application to production server.... Should i host my ajax enabled wcf service?... Any suggestion from anyone who had experience in hosting an ajax enabled wcf service... ...

How to monitor and maintain my grails application in live/production environment?

It is the first time I have ever launched live a website (with Grails web framework under Amazon EC2 platform and Cloud Foundry) and I realized quickly that I am not ready for monitoring and maintening correctly my application in production mode (fortunately the website is accessible to a very limited number of users) . The issues I hav...

iPhone Core Data "Production" Error Handling

Hi there, I've seen in the example code supplied by Apple references to how you should handle Core Data errors. I.e: NSError *error = nil; if (![context save:&error]) { /* Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately. abort() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use ...

Rails app won't send emails in production mode

Hey, I'm using Rails 2.3.5 and using rufus scheduler to send periodic emails. This works fine in development mode, but surprise surprise production mode has borked something. I've set the same actionmailer settings in both development and production files. Is there something I am missing? ...

(Rails, Warbler) Deploying and initializing Rails applications in Glassfish…?

Hi All, I posted this very same item on SERVERFAULT, but got no reply. So here goes: I'm currently in the process of finishing up a Rails application. I am using Warbler to package it up as a ".war" file and am using GlassFish to deploy it. I do this because the application is to be distributed to companies for in-house use. Arguably ...

Forward a copy of http requests to another (test) environment

I want all the production data for my web-app to also flow through my testing environment. Essentially, I want to forward every http request for the production site to the test site (and also have the production website serve it!). What is a good way to do this? My site is built with Django, and served by mod_wsgi. Is this best implem...

Version Control for a Production Website Environment

Does anyone have any experience using version control with a production website? Would it be a terrible idea to run a website from a repository? I just found a related article but I would like to hear your thoughts/comments. ...

Problem running RoR app in production environment

Have an app that has "listings" - think classified ads - and each listing has a list of tags. The following code fails when I run the app in production mode, but works fine under development mode uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::Acts::Taggable::InstanceMethods::TagList Extracted source (around line #45): 42: 43: <...

Rails: Different behavior on dev and production

I'm doing maintenance work on a Rails site that's deployed using Phusion Passenger. The workflow is a little different than the standard three-tiered Railsian test-dev-production arrangement; instead, there are two separate installations of the same codebase running against parallel Oracle databases; the dev site lives at,...

Auto detect internal/external development environment

We use the following function to auto detect if we are on a machine internally or on a live server and then choose the appropriate configs for various components: function devIsLocal(){ $res=false; $http_host=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if($http_host=='localhost')$res=true; if($http_host=='')$res=true; if(subs...

Maintaining content type pk integrity in a Django deployment

When you run syncdb in Django, the primary keys of the content types will be recomputed. If I create new models, the next time I run syncdb, the primary keys of the content types will be different. If I have an application running in production, how can I update the database with the new models and keep the integrity of content type pk...

Reports to be on Production Server.

I was wondering whether what should be a better approach. I am having an application, which is working on WAMP (WINDOWS, APACHE, MYSQL, PHP) stack. Now there are increasing amounts of reports being generated and discussed. What approach should I be going for. There are two I can think of. Put the all reporting on the same production ...