
where can I find the silverlight 4.0 for the production server ?

where can I find the silverlight 4.0 for the production server ? For this need to install vs 2010 ? or only need to install 4.0 from where can I find the 4.0 for the production server ? is there any license for the same or its free ? ...

How to use git feature branches with live updates and merge back to master?

I have a production website where master is checked out and a development webiste where I develop in feature branches. When a feature is merged into master I do this on the development site: (currently on the new-feature branch) $ git commit -m"new feature finished" $ git push $ git checkout master $ git merge new-feature $ git push ...

How to create a test environnement on the production FTP

Hello, I'm currently working on a symfony webapp, which is already on production. To develop and add/delete/modify functionnality of the model, I work on my laptop, using symfony 'dev' environnemment. I test if everything work fine, then I pray a little and deploy it on the prod server (with all the risk of data error, like when I add ...

Webfaction apache + mod_wsgi + django configuration issue

A problem that I stumbled upon recently, and, even though I solved it, I would like to hear your opinion of what correct/simple/adopted solution would be. I'm developing website using Django + python. When I run it on local machine with "python runserver", local address is by default. However, on produc...

Production and Test Server using Git

I am running a PHP - MySQL website, and have set up a remote repository on my own server using Git. I now want a way to be able to have a production and a test server, and some how be able to push my changes from dev to production easily. and seamlessly. ...

What is the performance hit for using WCF Performance Counters (performanceCounters = "ALL")?

Does anyone have experience with using the WCF Performance Counters in a production system and running into any performance issues? I suspect if you are monitoring all Service, Endpoints, and Operations and log all counters to a file, sampling every second, then this is the worst case scenario. From what I gather, the hit comes when yo...

Server unable to find public folder in rails 3 production environment

I'm using the latest rails 3 beta. The app works fine in development mode, but when I start the server in production mode via rails server -e production, it seems that the public folder can't be found. I get error messages like: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/javascripts/jquery.js"): And similar messages for everyt...

Can we view objects in the JVM memory?

Hey, At work we found that on some instances (particulary the slow ones) we have a different behaviour, acquired at the reboot. We guess a cache is not initialized correctly, or maybe a concurrency problem... Anyway it's not reproductible in any other env than production. We actually don't have loggers to activate... it's an old compo...

Ruby on Rails App not starting in production mode

Everything works fine in development mode, but when I try to start my app in production mode (RAILS_ENV=production script/server) I get the following error: /opt/ruby1.8/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/searchlogic-2.4.19/lib/searchlogic/named_scopes/conditions.rb:81:in `method_missing': protected method `scope' called for #<Class:0x7f41de524410...

Javascript obfuscation and extreme situation in production solving

Hello, I have a few questions regarding JavaScript obfuscation on client side. First question: What is the best tool or best three tools which ones you could suggest for this operation? Second question: How developers should debug such code (in example with firebug) when extreme situation appears in the production if the code is obfu...

Rails - why would a model inside RAILS_ROOT/lib not be available in production mode?

Hi - I have a class located inside RAILS_ROOT/lib folder, which I use in one of my helpers, and it works great in development. When I switch to production, the application throws a NameError (uninitialized constant SomeHelper::SomeClass), and I have to load it manually in the helper: load "#{Rails.root}/lib/some_class.rb" module So...

config.cache_classes = true in production mode has problems in IE

Hi Dears, In my rails app. I am using link_to_function to bring an ajax tabs in one page.Everything works fine in Moazilla and other browsers. But in IE the tabs are not loading only when the server is started in production mode(doesn't matter whether it's webrick or mongrel). In development mode everything is fine. So I figured out tha...

Git Push into Production (FTP)

Hi, I would like to know if there is an easy way to push a GIT repository into production (on a FTP server) ? Thanks ...

How to handle javascript & css files across a site?

Hi everybody, I have had some thoughts recently on how to handle shared javascript and css files across a web application. In a current web application that I am working on, I got quite a large number of different javascripts and css files that are placed in an folder on the server. Some of the files are reused, while others are not. ...

What is the procedure for debugging a production-only error?

Let me say upfront that I'm so ignorant on this topic that I don't even know whether this question has objective answers or not. If it ends up being "not," I'll delete or vote to close the post. Here's the scenario: I just wrote a little web service. It works on my machine. It works on my team lead's machine. It works, as far as I c...

.NET Equivalent of Replay Director

I would like to know if there's a 3rd-party tool for .NET that's equivalent to Replay Director. ...

Setting up Subdomain-Fu in Production Environment?

I'm using the popular subdomain-fu for subdomain functionality in my Rails app. I've watched the Railscast and read everything I could find through google. In the dev environment, you need to manually add the available subdomains to the /etc/hosts file. I get that. But how does this work in production? This seems to be considered ...

Portable erlang

Is there a recommended way to "bootstrap" an Erlang distribution? I would like to run erlang on the bunch of machines where I do not have root elevation nor development tool-set (no compilers etc ...) . My thinking was to pre-package (on the machine with the same architecture) as much as I can before. What are the minimal requirements fo...

iPhone Production/Release Exception Handling

In advance, please excuse my lack of understanding for iPhone/Objective-C Best Practices; I come from a .NET/C# background. Although, I've read many posts regarding exception handling for the iPhone, I'm still not exactly clear on what most people do for production code. Also, I haven't been able to find any open source apps with error ...

Multi-server Ruby on Rails Production Logging

I currently have an RoR app in production across four application servers with independent logs per instance. What's the best way to aggregate the logging to a common location without resorting to syslog? ...