
How can I copy & paste, or duplicate, an existing project?

I've got an existing Hudson project that is configured and working. I need to duplicate the project so that I can have the original and then change the new one so that it points to a different source control. I don't want to manually recreate the build. How can i "copy & paste" or otherwise duplicate the exiting build configuration, ...

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express - project creation failed

When I try to create a new project, it says: Creating project 'example'... project creation failed. I tried to reinstall, it didn't work, I googled about the error, and all the answers for VCExpress 2008. There are some people who asked about the error for 2010, but nobody answered them. I'm using Vista. ...

Implementing AGILE methodology in ERP?

We have a huge debate in our organisation to use AGILE in ERP projects. Can anyone give an example of a successful implementation as such? ...

Best Visual Studio solution/project structure for client/server project with a shared model

Hi, I am curious what the preferred way to structure an application with an executable client program, an executable server program and a shared model in solutions and projects (using visual studio and C#). Being used to Java development I initially regarded projects as packages and defined a project for each package I designed. This r...

How can I get people to try my framework?

I recently created an annotation-based validation framework in Javascript. In my humble opinion, it is useful and I think it has potential. However, I am not sure how to go about "advertising" it. At the very least I would like people to try it out and give me their comments/opinions/suggestions. In general, how do I go about getting my...

When do I check out TRUNK vs the FULL PROJECT in an SVN repo?

Hi All, Got a (hopefully small) question regarding SVN and checking out repos. Basically I see conflicting tutorials and suggestions regarding what to check out and when. Some will say: svn co my_project …while others say: svn co my_project When would I want to grab...

Why create a folder in your project to hold dlls you're referencing anyway?

I'm working through installing the N2 content management framework in an ASP.NET website project. The instructions at recommend I create a lib folder to hold the required dlls. The very next step asks me to reference those same dlls...

Change default path to look for .js and .css files in Rails

Hi, the default directory scturture for my Rails 2.3.5 project is public/stylesheets public/javascripts I don't like this structure, because my project is logically divided on set of smaller parts (components, each of them can be modified independently from anothers. Also, to fully style the component, i use CSS + jQuery, so, cs...

Debugging multiple exe program

I have a project where I am required to fix this program that has the tendency to crash very non-deterministically. This piece of software performs lots of calculations and database calls and can have a very high load, meaning lots of clients. It is a very critical component and without it nothing works. It needs to perform and be abl...

Removing all unused references from a project in Visual Studio 2008 / 2010

Hey I just wondered if it possible within Visual Studio 2008 / 2010 to automatically remove all references from a project that were never been used. ...

How to refactor Visual Studio's project layout and match up with VSS projects?

I am in the process of upgrading from VS2008 to VS2010 and want to do some cleaning up. My main solution has 20 or so projects under it in a flat file space. However there is a grouping to the projects (some libraries, some client programs, some test programs etc) and I wanted to reorganise the physical disk layout of the projects in t...

Manually refresh project files on local server? (Netbeans)

I have a Netbeans PHP project set to run on a local server. I added some files in the filesystem; Netbeans detects and shows the changes in it's project view, but does not propagate the changes to the local server (based in a different folder). Hence project files on the local server are missing or out of date. Can Netbeans manually ref...

Not able to manage Site Permission for new Project Server Site Programatically

HI I am doing following steps to create new SharePoint site and then associating site As Project server site I am creating new site sing SPWebCollection.Add method with inheriting permission from its parents Then i am creating Project in Project center programmatically using (Project.AddProjectRow) Then updating newly created site ...

Android Install Eclipse project onto DeviceAnywhere

How can I install an Eclipse Android project onto deviceanywhere to test on different devices? Thanks Chris ...

Citing myself on my CS Final Year Project? Is it as weird as it sounds [to me]?

I've developed a graphical IDE for my Final Year Project, basically it lets the user draw the user experience diagram of a webapp, then he/she is supposed to assign HTML templates to the pages and add C++ code to the connectors, that will be executed once the webapp is running and someone clicks on a link. The IDE generates all the C++ c...

stackoverflow clone using python

I started learning python about a month ago and just finished going through most of diveintopython. I'm planning to build a very simple stackoverflow clone to further enhance my python skills; however, I'm not sure how to go about doing this. I don't really have a broad knowledge of web frameworks/technologies available and I'm wondering...

Ideas to extend this little project? - A pidgin web ui

I have built a little Web UI for Pidgin(respectively all libpurple based messengers) together with DBus and Sinatra. It was for fun and learning purposes and now I'm looking for ideas to extend it. Can you think of any useful applications or extensions for it? Since I work on this project to learn something new, ideas for other techno...

Suggestions invited for College Project based on DSL implementing Ruby...

I have chosen Domain Specific Language as my College Project, implementing it using Ruby. I seek suggestions regarding the Project's Objective/Problem, from the people who have worked with DSL Projects and would ask them to post the problem on which they developed their project exclulding the solution. I am trying to seek a real time pro...

Conventions that can be used for distance work in a team project

What sort of conventions would you advise when doing some distance work (say through CVS or SVN) on a team project? More specifically, what can be done to avoid someone doing widescale changes, which might be necessary, and running the risk of confusing/delaying other team members? If testing is necessary, how should it be carried out so...

Porting Old XCode Projects to New Versions of XCode: Provisioning Profile Troubles

I have a project that I created in XCode around nine months ago. The last few times my provisioning profile has expired it has been a nightmare trying to get the new one running. This time around the new provisioning profile isn't listed in the build tab for me to select. I tried manually making the entry in the project.pbxproj file ac...