
How to obfuscate web app before publishing?

I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution with number of DLLs and web application uses them as a main project. It's a commercial banking and accounting software (thin client) and I don't want a client getting access to the source in circumvention of mine. I want to obfuscate all resulting assemblies before publishing them onto a web server v...

Remove broken resource relationships between pages and page layouts

We have a page layout that we want to delete from a site collection but according to moss it is still referenced by some publishing pages. The pages that are apparently using the page layout are no longer in the pages library that it says they are. In the manage content and structure view if I look at the resources that are using this ...

how to turn visual studio windows forms project into an application?

Hey everyone, I programmed an hour-sheet application and now I would like to publish it so people can install and run it. I've tried the publish function of visual studio 2008 but this gives me a clickOnce application/installer that's really confusing, but it works when I run it, but when I export the installer to another pc it install...

Config transformations and “TransformXml task failed” error message

I’ve just enabled config transformations on a .NET 3.5 project in VS2010 RC after watching Scott Hanselman’s video on web deployment. Unfortunately every time I go to publish I now get the following error: The "TransformXml" task failed unexpectedly. System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The URI is empty. at System.Uri.C...

What is an "incompletely constructed object"?

Goetz's Java Concurrency in Practice, page 41, mentions how this reference can escape during construction. A "don't do this" example: public class ThisEscape { public ThisEscape(EventSource source) { source.registerListener( new EventListener() { public void onEvent(Event e) { ...

Visual Studio 2008 "Publish" option generates some empty folders

When I right click an ASP.NET MVC solution and select the "Publish" option, the final output it generates contains several empty top-level folders. For instance, the "Service References" folder that gets automatically added when you add a service reference to a web app is generated without any files in it. Why are these folders generated...

Publish a library to maven repositories

I have a stable opensource library and was wondering how (and if) I can publish my lib to maven official repositories so people can include it in their pom.xml files and get the dependency downloaded automatically. Thanks a lot! ...

Deploying ASP.NET MVC web project by remotely building committed VisualSVN code

Publishing my entire application to a server in the U.S. every time I change a single line of code is taking FOREVER. I'm running VisualSVN server on my production server. How can I auto-build my project (to a development site folder) on the server whenever a commit is made? And is this a good practice? Update: I'm now looking into t...

Publishing From Visual Studio Express

I am an amateur programmer. When I publish an app from Visual Studio Express, I have no option to make the package install for "All users of this computer". Is this possible to do from Visual Studio Express? If so then where is the option? If not, do I need to use the full version of VS or do I need some other package authoring softw...

What is my problem with ASP.NET pubslishing?

I am done testing my site and I want to upload it to a site like this the admin told me the server runs on .NET 3.5. So i used Linq ... now i tried to upload the site by two ways: when i just copy everything (with modification of web.config database settings) i get an error: CS0246: T...

Visual Studio keeps asking the FTP password when publishing with ClickOnce

Hi, I publish my application on a FTP server. I gave the FTP account information (URL, user and password) to Visual Studio but it keep asking me the FTP password each time I click the Publish now button. Why VS doesn't automatically fullfill my password? ...

android: error parsing apk from tomcat server

This is related to my previous post: Here is what I did: followed every step to create keystore, sign, zipalign, versioning, labeling and naming my app. Resulted in an .apk file. Upload my file to tomcat/webapps/ROOT/myapp.apk changed tomcat/conf/web.xml by a...

wordpress use in own template

Hi, I've created an HTML page as part of my website which I would like to use as a template for news articles. The page has all the things it needs, it just needs to display the correct news article in it. I installed WordPress on my webserver and now wonder how I can have wordpress publish articles using my HTML page? Is this even possi...

Django App for Image heavy Magazine Publishing?

I'm about to begin work on a Django project for an image heavy non-profit "community arts" magazine. The magazine is published monthly with about 6-8 articles that include with 4-10 images. I've been looking around for other projects that people have started specifically for publishing in Django... Are there any publishing specific Dj...

FB.Connect.streamPublish error?

Does anybody here know if Facebook is deprecating the existing JS api. The pubblishing pop-up just started showing up blank as of yesterday. It was working fine three days ago. I haven't changed my code. Thanks! Trying to learn information from Facebook itself is an exercise in futility. ...

Publishing toolchain

Hello all, I have a book project which I'd like to start sooner than later. This would follow an agile-like publishing workflow, i.e: publish early and often. It is meant to be self-publsihed by me and I'm not really looking to paper-publish it, even though we never know. If I weren't a geek, I'd probably have already started writting ...

How to Deploy Visual Web Developer Express to GoDaddy

I have finished the programming on my first web site using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I have copied all of the files to the GoDaddy server, but the site still displays "Coming Soon". I spoke with their tech support who tell me that there is no "index" file. I used the "Copy Web Site" function in VWD to move all the f... mvc deployment

I've been dealing with a legacy 2.0 web site that was originally setup to deploy everything (source uncompiled) to the target server. I've been looking at doing some major upgrades and want to move to mvc. I'm coming from mostly a Java background where we typically deploy everything inside of a Web ARchive (war file) an...

Visual Studio creates (empty) folder in /bin for build action "Content" while publishing

I have a Web Application Project in Visual Studio 2005 that I publish using "Project" -> "Publish". The App uses some (text) files that live in a top-level folder; let us call it textfiles for example. What I would like to achieve is that Visual Studio creates a top-level folder called textfiles on the target when publishing. The folde...

Where I can find an engine like OFPS Open Feedback Publishing

I'd like to write a little book on personal topics together with two friends of mine, remotely located. Do you know of any FOSS content publishing system like the one from O'Reilly (OPFS)? I saw the one that powers the django book but It seems that the code It's not released yet. I accept any kind of backend technology for this project...