
pscp exclude a directory

pscp -r ../mydir/ [email protected]:/var/www/html/xxx/ copies everything under mydir, is there a way to exclude one subdirectory under mydir? ...

How do I convert from an OpenSSH key to Putty format in C#?

I have a key generated by SharpSSH in OpenSSH format. How do I convert it to Putty format in C#? ...

Authorization ssh with plink from windows command line

I'm trying to connect and fetching source from a ssh server with using putty, plink and git from command line. When connecting with putty or gitextension/tortoisegit/etc. there is no trouble. I can login or fetch/upload files. Set variables and Executed plink GIT_SSH={somePath}\plink.exe plink -i key.ppk -ssh ssh://user@server:port ...

Have a Linux shell script stuff a string into a Windows user's copy/paste buffer

We have a script right now which our Windows users run on a Linux host by way of putty. From time to time the script produces a string that the user must copy and paste into a Windows application. Without running a full-blown X display server on the Windows box, I'd like to modify the script so that the string is populated in the Windo...

Connecting to SVN server behind corporate firewall from home

How can I configure TortoiseSVN to connect to a SVN server behind a corporate firewall from home? This is the question I'm having a hard time finding an answer to. Here's what I DON'T have: Official VPN access to the corporate intranet. Control over the SVN server. Any control over the intranet. Cooperation from the IT department. H...

Git over SSH Server in Windows, cannot find shared libraries.

I was to setup an SSH Server to Host my Git Repository to my local area network. I followed this tutorial by TimDavis hoping that I would be able to make a secured Git Repository. I tested my connection using Putty and it was successful. My only problem was I cannot run "git" command in the console. Then I tried cloning my repository, a...

How to let putty change its cursor shape accordingly?

When I use putty to log on to a bash shell, I want it like real term emulator in Linux. That means: If I set shell to vi editing mode, the cursor would be a vertical line in inserting mode, and a block in a command mode. How can I do this? Thanks all you folks! ...

Keeping access to a Fedora Amazon EC2 instance

Hej, I runned a Fedora instance in Amazon EC2. I can access and work on it perfectly by Putty. I also set Seconds between keepalives to 1 for not losing the connection due to inactivy (I mean in Putty). Nevertheless, if a network/electric failure happens in my local computer, it shuts down the Putty connection, so the session logs off...

Dreamweaver and GZIP files

Hi, I've recently tried to optimize my site for speed and brandwith. Amongst many other techniques, I've used GZIP on my .css and .js files. Using PuTTY I compressed the files on my site and then used: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-encoding} gzip RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !Konqueror Rewri...

Detecting ClearType-optimized fonts

Question: Is there a way to check if a given font is one of Microsoft's ClearType-optimized fonts? I guess I could simply hard-code the list of font names, since it's a relatively short list, but that seems a bit ugly. Would the font names be the same regardless of Windows' locale and language settings? Background: PuTTY looks reall...

move file from one location to another in putty

i have created folder on my server (ie finesse)- 'home' in which i have several perl(.pl) files as tt.pl, re.pl etc. now i have created new folder in 'home' folder called 'perl' and want to move tt.pl and re.pl in perl folder is there any command to do so (like cut-paste in windows)? note: i am using putty 0.60 on windows xp ...

how to automate the logins on puttycm?

Hi, I got puttyCm, I need to log in to my devices for once and let the putty store it..later i can come and enter automatically with out entering the passwords again? can u show me the way pls? in addition, if one device can be reached thru other devices..how to implement it? ...

How to increase the number of characters in a putty session

Hi, I am using Putty to execute some command. The command length that I have is having 323 characters. But its allowing me to type only 256 characters. Please help me. How to increase that limit. Thanks ...

Python stdout, \r progress bar and sshd with Putty not updating regularly

I have a dead simple progress "bar" using something like the following: import sys from time import sleep current = 0 limit = 50 while current <= limit: sys.stdout.write('\rSynced %s/%s orders' % (current, limit)) current_order += 1 sleep(1) Works fine, except over ssh with Putty. Putty only updates every 3 minutes or if ...

Is using SSH (PuTTy) secure if I do not have an SSL certificate on server?

We have a small office server running Linux Centos for internal use. I can connect to it externally though using Putty with SSH. Since the server does not have any kind of SSL certificate, is using putty ssh still secure? Thanks ...

Mercurial "hg clone" on Windows via ssh with plink issue

I have a Windows Server 2008 machine (iis7) that has CopSSH set up on it. To connect to it, I have a Windows 7 machine with Mercurial 1.5.1 (and TortoiseHg) installed. I can connect to the server using PuTTY with a non-standard ssh port and a .ppk file just fine. So I know the server can be SSH'd into. Next, I wanted to use the CLI to ...

Got a minus one from a read call.

I connect to a database with read only access using SQL developer. It's a TNS connection. I use a tnsnames.ora, forwarding port script and SQL Developer. In the past, occasionally, when connecting, I get a error message Got a minus one from a read call. Vendor Code 0 If I do a reboot, it goes away. Another friend suggested changed the ...

Why am i getting these errors from GitHub?

I followed these instruction and could not connect to github for the life of me. >plink -ssh github.com FATAL ERROR: Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available plink -ssh [email protected] You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not with tortoisegit git.exe push "origin" master ERROR: Permission to name...

Starting CLI application programmatically does not work depending on arguments

I try to start plink.exe (PuTTY Link, the command line utility/version of PuTTY) from a C# application to establish an SSH reverse tunnel, but it does no longer work as soon as I pass the correct parameters. What does that mean? The following works as expected: it opens a command line window, displays that I forgot to pass the password ...

OpenSSH connection trouble

Hi, I'm trying to use Putty 0.60 to log in to an OpenSSH 5.3 server. Connections with openssh from another Linux server are possible, but Putty fails. Putty's event log tells me "software caused connection abort" right after the DH key exchange, the server log doesn't report anything (set to INFO). I analyzed the traffic with Wireshark ...