
Why do unix background processes sometimes die when I exit my shell?

I wanted to know why i am seeing a different behaviour in the background process in Bash shell Case 1: Logged in to Unix server using Putty(SSH) By default it uses csh shell I changed to bash shell typed sleep 2000 & press enter It gave me the job number. Now i killed my session by clicking the x in the putty window Now open anothe...

plink Password Over and Over

Hi Guys, I am using plink as part of GIT setup and I have setup my remote keys correctly and can connect via Putty. However, when I attempt to run msysgit and TortiseGit to clone a git directly - enter the path via c:\Program Files (x86)\puTTY\plink.exe I get a window box asking for a password. Now I have set a pword on my rsa...

How can you download a file/zip from the DOS commandline using putty?

I'm trying to write a batch script (CMD @ Windows XP Pro) that will automatically download and unzip packages with the help of 7zip and putty/psftp If I have a URL to a package to download http://somesite.org/packages/package.zip how do I download it on command line using putty? Also if you have a better way to do this that would be he...

Speeding up ssh in batch files

This is my situation:     I have a linux server/media center with a windows client.     My goal is to remote control rhythmbox amongst other things.     I've done this using plink (windows based cli ssh toy).     The problem is that starting up an ssh session logging in and sending a command is understandably slow as hell. When I had a w...

VIM Colorschemes in Screen & PuTTy?

Hey guys I've been trying to get colourschemes to work properly in VIM when using it over ssh with PuTTy as a client but unfortunately I haven't had much success. I can only get 8bit colours working with PuTTY even though I've enabled 256 colors in putty and set t_Co=256 in VIM. They don't turn out as they should. I've been trying to re...

Php : running ssh from Windows to login to a Linux and run a script

Hi ! Here's my goal : I have a Windows XP PC with all the source code in it and a development database. Let's call it "pc.dev.XP". I have a destination computer that runs Linux. Let's call it "pc.demo.Linux". Here's what I've done on "pc.dev.XP" (just so you get the context) : installed all cygwin stuff created a valid rsa key and p...

How can I set up SSH tunneling to access a webserver behind a firewall?

How would I access a webserver behind a firewall? I'm developing an application for this webserver which is not yet open to the public. Someone walked me through this before, so I know it can be done. However, it has been about four months and I haven't been able to do it again. I'm using Putty to connect to the remote machine. From ...

FTP connection and upload under proxy using command prompt and Putty

Dear all, I have a small access database which makes CSV file that should be uploaded on a remote FTP server. I need to make automated process to upload a file using command prompt (which I access through VBA shell). Issue is that I can access internet only via proxy, and can't seem to find any resource online on how to set up putty (...

Copy text from Vim 7.2 running in xterm to windows clipboard

I'm using Vim 7.2 , compiled with +xterm_clipboard , in a xterm through putty . I've put set clipboard=unnamed in .vimrc , and from what i've read in other threads , this should put all yanks/deletes to the system clipboard. However , when I'm trying to paste whatever i've yanked to a MS app like notepad, its not working. When I select ...

putty automation for file transfer

Hi, i want to automate the backup process in my system. the existing procedure is, there will be a log file in SERVER1, every friday i need to move that log file to SERVER2 for backup. currently we were using PSFTP(secure FTP) to move the files from one server to another server. and we have to use SFTP even in the new process. what is ...

What's an easy way to have terminal use a different color based on ssh host name?

Using putty in windows, you can save sessions that connect to a certain host and use a certain text color...this was super useful for me since I work with a bunch of remote hosts and I'm wondering if there is (there must be) a way to get Terminal (in Snow Leopard) to emulate this behavior. I'm wondering how I would 1. Save a connection...

How to delete highlighted text in a ssh terminal?

I know that I can highlight text and its automatically copied, but is there a way to delete the text that you highlight? I am using nano. ...

Use PuTTY as a local terminal emulator?

Currently, I use PuTTY for SSHing into my linux server and Cygwin for local development when working on my Windows machine. Sadly, the terminal emulator that comes with Cygwin doesn't approach the quality of the excellent terminal emulator that comes with PuTTY. And it occurs to me that there really shouldn't be any conceptual difference...

mysql console (windows->linux), wrong character set?

When I make a query from the mysql console and it has accents or any character that needs to be utf-8 encoded, it gets mugged INSERT INTO users (userName) VALUES ("José Alarcón"); SELECT userName FROM users; José Alarcón SET NAMES utF8 changes nothing --default-character-set=utf8 as parameter changes nothing Keep in mind than this i...

How do two machines authenticate over an SSH connection?

Hi guys: I always use ssh in putty to connect a remote server. As I know, ssh is based on public/private key mechanism, is it? Does that mean the client will receive a public key first time when it connects to the server and then use the public key to continue with following communication? Thanks. ...

commandline overwrites itself when the commands get to long

I'm using Putty to log into a debian server. I have this odd problem that when a command I'm typing gets too long, it doesn't wraparound and start a new line, instead it starts at the beginning of the same line and starts to overwrite the prompt and then the beginning of the command. The command will run just fine, but it is really anno...

Putty Session Logging - Not encoding characters properly

I'm setting up a Ubuntu server using Windows + Putty and want to log all my console activity. In putty I have the following configuration: [View Full Size] The problem is, this is the log file it generates: [View Full Size] Notice all the unreadable characters and symbols? I assume it has something to do with the encoding, but I tr...

What is the key combination to send NUL byte from a terminal?

This may sound ridiculous but I need to send something like <policy-file-request/> followed by a nul byte from a terminal to a XML socket server. I am using PUTTY but I tried all sorts of combinations like \0 or /0 or \u0000 but to no avail. I'm wondering if there is a specific key combination for this or am I messing up somewhere? ...

How to convert SSH keypairs generated using PuttyGen(Windows) into key-pairs used by ssh-agent and KeyChain(Linux)

I've generated key pairs using PuttyGen and been logging in using Pageant , so that I have to enter my passphrase only once, when my system boots. How do I emulate this in Linux ? I've heard of keychain but I hear that it uses a different key pair format - I don't want to change my windows keys , and it would be nice if could seamlesl...

Why does PuTTYcyg display â instead of hyphen in man pages?

I've been using PuTTYcyg as a Cygwin terminal, but it doesn't render dashes in manual pages correctly. For example, the top of man gcc looks like GCC(1) GNU GCC(1) NAME gcc â GNU project C and C++ compiler SYNOPSIS gcc [âc|âS|âE] [âstd=standard] [âg]...