Hi all,
I am new to use svn and the company in which I work uses three levels (I don't know whether this is a correct word to use here) of svn. I mean the developers are provided a working directory on a testing server. When we commit, it goes to the dev server. When a manager commits it from there it goes to production server. I am a d...
I am trying to make ssh connection via putty through Java to a remote server. I was able to do it
from double clicking the putty.exe and doing ssh.
How do I be able to do it from command prompt. I get invalid port number message. But it works via putty.exe(GUI)
I am using :
c:> putty.exe -ssh -l username -pw password -m someCommandto...
I am in the process of trying to build putty tray, a variant of putty, from source on a Windows 7 system. I need to build it, not just download it, because I need to implement some additional functionality. I'm using nmake and (shouldn't be relevant) the Microsoft C++ compiler. To be precise, I'm working in a cmd window, I'm in the WINDO...
I am using Plink to execute remote command:
When using this from cmd prompt in single line it doesnot work:
C:\>c:\plink.exe -l userId -pw psw -m C:\goto\test.bat remote_host
It says unable to open command file "C:\goto\test.bat"
But The following works:
C:\>c:\plink.exe -l userId -pw psw remote_host
Please ...
generated the required .ppk file and loaded it in Connection=>SSH=>Auth=>Private key file for authentication.
The connection ERROR message:
Network Error: Connection refused.
Am i doing something wrong ?
I recently got to maintain an OSX server box . I usually use Putty (on Windows XP) to connect to Linux boxes , and it works well . PageUp/PageDown/Home/End all work in vi and pico.
But when I connect to this OSX box , all these four keys not work in vim (7.2.108) but work well in pico ...
How to make them work in vim ?
Here are some s...
I'm completely new at git, and having had prior knowledge with putty decided to set it up to use that.
At first it came up with an error I traced back (using google) to me not connecting via plink to the server to cache it.
I was able to connect via plink to the git repository I need to clone, but doing the "git clone x y" comes up wit...
When I try to execute tkdiff inside my putty session. I get this message "Application initialization failed: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable" and it hangs. Please suggest how to configure tkdiff.
I am writing my first ever bash script, so excuse the noobie-ness.
It's called hello.bash, and this is what it contains:
echo Hello World
I did
chmod 700 hello.bash
to give myself permissions to execute.
Now, when I type
exec hello.bash
My putty terminal instantly shuts down. What am I doing wrong?
Hi, I have recently downloaded source code for putty for windows client. It is using AF_UNIX
address family. AFAIK AF_UNIX socket family is not present in windows. Then how it is working
here ? I am working on porting a *nix project to windows which has AF_UNIX socket family.
How do I tell if Putty already knows about and has cached credentials for specific ssh servers?
I am using plink to execute a command to remote server through openSSH,
The command gets successfully executed on the remote server but on the localhost Task manager still shows plink and cmd.exe.
How do I terminate these plink and cmd.exe as soon as the command is executed in the server. I am using java in windows.
I am using:
tweak mysql via ssh (Putty) please help me
I have a CentOS Server which have multiple ip addresses. If i`m using various ip address to login in to my server via SSH to browse other website, the ip address sent to other website is the main ip address of the Server.
For example:
My CentOS Server have this IP addresses: (the main)
perl script.pl --f1="t1" --f2="t2" --f3="t4" --f4 < /home/joe/a.txt
use Getopt::Long;
my ($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) ;
GetOptions (
'f1=s' => \$f1,
'f2=s' => \$f2,
'f3=s' => \$f3,
'f4' => \$f4, );
if ( $f1) {
system('stty -echo');
print "Password:";
$pwd = <STDIN>;