
Is it ok to use map to apply function to arguments list and ignore the results?

Do you think that it is OK to use map for an applying function to arguments list and ignore the results? map(foo, bar) It may appears as bug to person who is reading code. ...

Test if lists share any items in python

I want to check if any of the items in one list are present in another list. I can do it simply with the code below, but I suspect there might be a library function to do this. If not, is there a more pythonic method of achieving the same result. In [78]: a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] In [79]: b = [8, 7, 6] In [80]: c = [8, 7, 6, 5] In [81...

Is it Pythonic to use bools as ints?

False is equivalent to 0 and True is equivalent 1 so it's possible to do something like this: def bool_to_str(value): """value should be a bool""" return ['No', 'Yes'][value] bool_to_str(True) Notice how value is bool but is used as an int. Is this this kind of use Pythonic or should it be avoided? ...

Is there a more Pythonic way of changing `None` to `[]` than...

Is there a more Pythonic way of doing this?: if self.name2info[name]['prereqs'] is None: self.name2info[name]['prereqs'] = [] if self.name2info[name]['optionals'] is None: self.name2info[name]['optionals'] = [] The reason I do this is because I need to iterate over those later. T...

What is the most pythonic way to have a generator expression executed?

More and more features of Python move to be "lazy executable", like generator expressions and other kind of iterators. Sometimes, however, I see myself wanting to roll a one liner "for" loop, just to perform some action. What would be the most pythonic thing to get the loop actually executed? For example: a = open("numbers.txt", "w") ...

What is the Pythonic Way of Differentiating Between a String and a List?

For my program I have a lot of places where an object can be either a string or a list containing strings and other similar lists. These are generally read from a JSON file. They both need to be treated differently. Right now, I am just using isinstance, but that does not feel like the most pythonic way of doing it, so does anyone have a...

Doc, rtf and txt reader in python

Like csv.reader() are there any other functions which can read .rtf, .txt, .doc files in Python? ...

Issue with PPT conversion using python-Django

I was just trying to convert a PPT using the following URL python code I could see the same thing happening with the command line option too python /home/rajeev/Desktop/Downloads/Industry2.ppt /home/rajeev/Desktop/test.pdf It appears that the image overlaps on some ...

Pythonic way to turn a list of strings into a dictionary with the odd-indexed strings as keys and even-indexed ones as values?

I have a list of strings parsed from somewhere, in the following format: [key1, value1, key2, value2, key3, value3, ...] I'd like to create a dictionary based on this list, like so: {key1:value1, key2:value2, key3:value3, ...} An ordinary for loop with index offsets would probably do the trick, but I wonder if there's a Pythonic wa...

Are object literals Pythonic?

JavaScript has object literals, e.g. var p = { name: "John Smith", age: 23 } and .NET has anonymous types, e.g. var p = new { Name = "John Smith", Age = 23}; // C# Something similar can be emulated in Python by (ab)using named arguments: class literal(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): for (k,v) in kwargs.iter...

"case sequence" in python implemented with dictionaries

i have implemented a function: def postback(i,user,tval): """functie ce posteaza raspunsul bazei de date;stringul din mesaj tb sa fie mai mic de 140 de caractere""" result = { 1:api.PostDirectMessage(user,'Trebuie sa-mi spui si marca pe care o cauti'), 2:postmarket(user,tval), 3:api.PostDirectMessage(use...

Iteration in python dictionary

I populate a python dictionary based on few conditions, My question is can we retrieve in the same order as it is populated. questions_dict={} data = str(header_arr[opt]) + str(row) questions_dict.update({data : xl_data}) valid_xl_format = 7 if (type.lower() == "ma" o...

Python string match

If a string contains *SUBJECT123 how to determine that the string has subject in it in python ...

Find string between two substrings

How do I find a string between two substrings ('123STRINGabc' -> 'STRING')? My current method is like this: >>> start = 'asdf=5;' >>> end = '123jasd' >>> s = 'asdf=5;iwantthis123jasd' >>> print((s.split(start))[1].split(end)[0]) iwantthis However, this seems very inefficient and un-pythonic. What is a better way to do something like ...

Learning Python; How can I make this more Pythonic?

I am a PHP developer exploring the outside world. I have decided to start learning Python. The below script is my first attempt at porting a PHP script to Python. Its job is to take tweets from a Redis store. The tweets are coming from Twitter's Streaming API and stored as JSON objects. Then the information needed is extracted and dumpe...

Python dictionary error

In the below code d_arr is an array of dictionaries def process_data(d_arr): flag2 = 0 for dictionaries in d_arr: for k in dictionaries: if ( k == "*TYPE" ): """ Here we determine the type """ if (dictionaries[k].lower() == "name"): dictionaries.update({"type" : 0}) fu...

Repeat string to certain length

What is an efficient way to repeat a string to a certain length? Eg: repeat('abc', 7) -> 'abcabca' Here is my current code: def repeat(string, length): cur, old = 1, string while len(string) < length: string += old[cur-1] cur = (cur+1)%len(old) return string Is there a better (more pythonic) way to do this...

Is there a Python idiom for evaluating a list of functions/expressions with short-circuiting?

I wrote a simple script to solve a "logic puzzle", the type of puzzle from school where you are given a number of rules and then must be able to find the solution for problems like "There are five musicians named A, B, C, D, and E playing in a concert, each plays one after the other... if A goes before B, and D is not last ... what is th...

Pattern matching using python

In the code below how match the pattern after "answer" and "nonanswer" in the dictionary opt_dict=( {'answer1':1, 'answer14':1, 'answer13':12, 'answer11':6, 'answer5':5, 'nonanswer12':1, 'nonanswer11':1, 'nonanswer4':1, 'nonanswer5':1,}) And if opt_dict: for ii in opt_dict: lo...

Pattern matching in dictionary using python

In the following dictionary,can the elements be sorted according the last prefix in the key opt_dict=( {'option1':1, 'nonoption2':1, 'nonoption3':12, 'option4':6, 'nonoption5':5, 'option6':1, 'option7':1, }) for key,val in opt_dict.items(): if "answer" in key: //match keys last prefix and print output ...