
How to call the previous querystring parameter in .aspx

Let's say I have a ActionResult method that has a pageNumber parameter and a category parameter. The user should be able to set the category he's browsing which would be a ActionLink to the first page of that category. However if I have an another ActionLink where I go to the next page the category parameter would go back to default. H...

I want to create an expression for querystrings, this stuff is hard!

I want to extract some keywords out of a query string for a search application in asp.net. I decoded the url string first, so it's plain text I have this to start with, but I want to add a keyword group ([\?\&])q=[^\&]+[\&]? I get this ?q=harbour landing dental& I'd like to trim off the stuff for pure words, but not sure if that's...

Help with redirect and query strings

I'm a total novice at mod rewrite so I'll try and present my question as clearly as possible: I'm trying to create a url redirect of the following (static) affiliate url that can append it self to any product links after using a query string: affiliate url: hxxp://clk.affilite.com/fs-bin/click?id=aFb*BBBBBpQ&subid=&offerid=9999.2&type=...

How to capture a 'sub-section' of a URL in a rewrite rule?

I know the title is a little bit strange, but here is what the URLs look like: /user/xxx/page /user/xxx/page?error=yyy The rule for the first URL looks something like this: RewriteRule ^user/(\d+)/page$ something.pl?id=$1 [L] And to make it work with the second URL, it becomes: RewriteRule ^user/(\d+)/page(error=\d+)?$ somet...

Need help regarding query string in asp.net

I have a page create-quote.aspx. I want to open this page in different modes, depending on whether a querystring parameter is present or not. My question is at which event should I check, If I have a querystring parameter or not. I think, it should be preinit, what do you say. ...

Persisting querystring parameter throughout site in ASP.Net MVC 2

http:www.site1.com/?sid=555 I want to be able to have the sid parameter and value persist whether a form is posted or a link is clicked. If the user navigates to a view that implements paging, then the other parameters in the querystring should be added after the sid. http:www.site1.com/?sid=555&page=3 How can I accomplish this in As...

Enable Query Strings in Code Igniter

Hey, I am trying to implement Twitter's OAuth into my Code Igniter web application at which the callback URL is /auth/ so once you have authenticated with Twitter you are taken to /auth/?oauth_token=SOME-TOKEN. I want to keep the nice clean URL's the framework provides using the /controller/method/ style of URL but I want to enable quer...

mod_rewrite with question marks and ampersands (with PHP)

I have a PHP-based web app that I'm trying to apply Apache's mod_rewrite to. Original URLs are of the form: http://example.com/index.php?page=home&x=5 And I'd like to transform these into: http://example.com/home?x=5 Note that while rewriting the page name, I'm also effectively "moving" the question mark. When I try to do thi...

Using Javascript to get URL Vars, not working when multiple values present in QueryString

Hi, I am using a Javascript function to get the values of a URL to pass to jQuery using the function below: function getUrlVars() { var vars = [], hash; var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hash...

Drop Down Box (select) set URL on postback?

I have a page with a ASP.NET DropDownBox control (HTML select) that's populated with some dynamic record values. When the user selects a record the entire contents of the page is updated to reflect the selection. If a user clicks a link and leaves the page and tries to go back, it pulls up the default unselected list, and they have to re...

get data from a querystring

i have this querystring that shall open up my page. http://www.a1-one.com/[email protected]&amp;stuid=123456 Now when this page loads, on page_load, I want to pick up email and stuid in two different variables. So I can use them to insert into my database (sql server) how can this be done in vb.net ...

Ampersand in Querystring is breaking page render on Blackberry

Strangely enough, anytime I have an & in an HREF to indicate querystring parameters I receive the following error on the Blackberry Curve: Error encountered during XML parse: expecting ';'. Is there any way to get it to accept & in querystrings? Other mobile browsers don't like the ; to separate querystring parameters. NOTE: I am us...

ASP.NET MVC: Returning a view with querystring intact

I'm creating a messaging web app in ASP.NET and are having some problems when displaying an error message to the user if they go to send a message and there is something wrong. A user can look through profiles of people and then click, 'send a message'. The following action is called (url is /message/create?to=username) and shows them ...

Literal ampersands in System.Uri query string

I'm working on a client app that uses a restful service to look up companies by name. It's important that I'm able to include literal ampersands in my queries since this character is quite common in company names. However whenever I pass %26 (the URI escaped ampersand character) to System.Uri, it converts it back to a regular ampersand ...

Querystring formatting in asp.net MVC 2

Seems like a straitforward question but I can't quite figure it out myself... I have an actionlink like so Html.ActionLink( "Test", "test", new { q = "search+twitter" } ) This produces a url string as follows http://myserver/test?q=search%2Btwitter But i would like to preserve the plus sign (which i assume is being UrlPathEncoded) ...

In OpenRasta is it possible to Pattern match multiple key/value pairs?

Is it possible in OpenRasta to have a Uri pattern that allows for an array of values of the same key to be submitted and mapped to a handler method accepting an array of the query parameters. Example: Return all the contacts named Dave Smith from a collection. HTTP GET /contacts?filterBy=first&filterValue=Dave&filterBy=last&filterValue...

RewriteCond and Full QUERY_STRING

I'm having hard time getting my head wrapped around this one - and it should be trivial. I would like to redirect one URL with a specific query string to another URL. I want to send any requests that contain the query string in the URL http://example.com/index.php?option=com_user&amp;view=register To: http://example.com/index.php?o...

ASP.NET MVC 2.0: How to read querystring value

I am trying to build a small ASP.NET MVC 2 application.I have a controller class with the below method in it public ActionResult Index() { TestMvc.Models.PersonalInformation objPerson = new TestMvc.Models.PersonalInformation(); objPerson.FirstName = "Shyju"; objPerson.LastName = "K"; objPerson.Email...

How to use jquery query string object plugin - set, empty, remove methods not working

I am using this plugin: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/query-object The 'get' and 'toString' methods work fine, but the 'set', 'empty', and 'remove' methods do not work. In the author's demonstration, he only uses 'get' and 'toString', but in his example on the top of the page, he uses the rest of the "nice-to-have" methods. Anyone ...

getting QueryString by Javascript

Hi, How to extract QueryString from the URL in javascript? Thank You! ...