
Javascript replace query string + with a space

I'm grabbing the query string parameters and trying to do this: var hello = unescape(helloQueryString); and it returns: this+is+the+string instead of: this is the string Works great if %20's were in there, but it's +'s. Any way to decode these properly so they + signs move to be spaces? Thanks. ...

sending parameter to another action as querystring not form parameter

hi, i have a form that have a field which hold query for search and a button to send query value to another action method to perform search. now i want to send this parameter as querystring; not form parameter. but when i click on submit button it's value isn't shown on address bar and sended as form parameter. <% using (Html.BeginForm(...

Special character into querystring .NET

I need to send the follow querystring: http://prod.intranet.siemens.com.br/drvs/index.aspx?page=2&amp;pag=4&amp;varpatch=%20C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\OPE253\My%20Documents\Ca$@#! Then i try to assing this to a string,but .NET break string at http://prod.intranet.siemens.com.br/drvs/index.aspx?page=2&amp;pag=4&amp;varpatch=%20...

What's the difference between /123 and /?123?

I've noticed that some sites (including http://jobs.stackoverflow.com) have query strings that look like this: http://somewebapp.example/?123 as compared to: http://somewebapp.example/123 or http://somewebapp.example/id/123 What are the reasons that developers choose to implement their web apps' URLs using the first example instead...

Solve:Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.

I am passing query string and the url is as follows-> http://localhost:1086/Web/EditMobile.aspx?sno=2. But when i try to enter the url as follows,localhost:1086/Web/EditMobile.aspx?sno=2*3424324423432424* , i get the following error->Value was either too large or too small for an Int32. How do i handle this error. I must get an error re...

php redirect and querystring

i have script <?php $to = $_GET["to"]; header("Location: $to"); ?> if i call script such out.php?to=http://site.ru/page.php?param1=1&amp;param2=2 in param $to be only http://site.ru/page.php?param1=1&amp; how to fix? i want that $to = http://site.ru/page.php?param1=1&amp;param2=2 ...

Prevent Jcarousel from resetting to beginning position on page postback?

I have a nice looking jarousel running from an asp:listview element, with asp:imagebuttons for the images. When clicked, the images in the carousel send the image id to querystring, and the new page is loaded with a larger version of the image and some asp:labels are filled in to describe the image. It looks and works great, except once ...

Passing Multiple values Through Query String?

Hi all, I tried to pass more than one value through Query String from page1.aspx to page2.aspx. This is my Query string in the Grid View <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick='javascript:window.open("Update.aspx?Regno= <%#Eval ("ID") %>'+ ","'&Fn=<%#Eval ("FIRSTNAME") %>' +", "'&Ln=<%#Eval ("LASTNAME") %>'")';> Edi...

$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] vs Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")

Why $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] (PHP) and Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") (ASP) return different result if query string has non english characters? php return correct value but asp will not: php: сабака asp: ׁ׀°׀±׀°׀÷׀° ...

Why are awkward numbers and letters in my query string??

Hi everyone!! I have a MVC website and when I execute it, the query string (url) that appears is: http://localhost:6970/(S(51aegi45qneolxa0oxwuzh55))/default.aspx what the hell is that strange combination of numbers and letters??? please help!!!!! previously i had been working with the session expires to redirect to one of my views, co...

Optional query string parameters in URITemplate in WCF?

I'm developing some RESTful services in WCF 4.0. I've got a method as below: [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate = "Test?format=XML&records={records}", ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Xml)] public string TestXml(string records) { return "Hello XML"; } So if i navigate my browser to http://localhost:8000/Ser...

How can I redirect with mod_rewrite an url with querystring url

I'm making a bookmarklet and I want to do the next, figure, I have the url http :// mydomain.com/http :// otherdomain.com the url internal redirect to: http :// mydomain.com/?url=http :// otherdomain.com but the url will still http :// mydomain.com/http :// otherdomain.com I was trying a lot but I cant do ir I get an 500 error all ...

Where is the most appropriate location to check "Querystring is needed, else redirect"?

Hi, I have an ASP.NET application. On some pages it requires a specific querystring to be called with the page, so data can be processed. Where is the most appropriate place to check whether the required querystring is included in the URL, otherwise redirect to somewhere else? I have only used one masterpage. Thoughts and suggestions...

How can you secure/encrypt your querystring in asp.net?

Hi, I was wondering how you could encrypt/decrypt your querystring in a simple asp.net page? some values need to be passed between different pages but the querystring cannot be changed or read. Some say httphandles could be the solution for this. Any thoughts? MORE BACKGROUND INFO: hi thx for all the comments. this is the problem, s...

search a string in a file as ignoring the lines beginning with #

I want to find a string such as "qwertty=" in a file with "awk" or "grep" but I don't want to see the lines with #. Please see the example grep -ni "qwertty" /aaa/bbb 798:# * qwertty - enable/disable 1222:#qwertty=1 1223:qwertty=2 1224:#qwertty=3 I want to find the line 1223. What should be the search query for this purpose? ...

How to combine query strings in PHP

Given a url, and a query string, how can I get the url resulting from the combination of the query string with the url? I'm looking for functionality similar to .htaccess's qsa. I realize this would be fairly trivial to implement completely by hand, however are there built-in functions that deal with query strings which could either sim...

Passing variables from a function to a query string on link click

Hi Guys. I need to pass some variables in a query string after it's run through a function once I click on a link. So this is what I thought should happen: <a href="/Print.aspx& + 'vars'" onclick="collectPrintOptions();" target="_blank"><strong>PRINT MY COVERAGE OPTIONS</strong></a> And my javascript function: function collectPrin...

Can an included file read the parents $_GET parameters?

In my php page, I recieve a bunch of get parameters. can a file I include read these too? ...

How can I forward a query string using htaccess?

I am using this, at present, to rewrite URLS: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([^/?\.]+)$ /page.php?name=$1 [NC] So mysite.com/home gets rewritten to mysite.com/page.php?name=home How can I make it also rewrite mysite.com/home?param=value to mysite.com/page.php?name=home&param=value? Ideally, I'd like this to work for any name/value qu...

How do you pass a date value to BIRT report via querystring

Hi, I have made a static html page (called start.jsp) containing a form where the user select 2 date ranges and this form has date pickers for those text boxes. When the user submits the form, it should take them to the BIRT report that I have designed. It SHOULD pass the 2 parameters that my report needs (start date and end date). Her...