
Getting a QueryString from a DropDownList

I am using Microsoft Expression Web 3 and I have to pages, the first with a DropDownList and a button and the last shows the result. The DropDownList contains a list of countries where the user is supposed to select a country and the click on the button, this should send the user to a new page to see what's needed to travel to that count...

Adding a query string to a hyperlink in a asp.net data grid (c#)

Hey, I have a hyperlink column. I need to add just one query string to the url. It needs to pass the string located in the first column of the same row. Let me know if you need more info. Thanks Edit: Also, if you don't mind it might be useful if I was able to pass the primary key of the object bound to that row, instead of the string ...

How do I add a variable to column2 when column1 is a specific value

How can I do a search for value A in column1 and add a value B in column2? In other words for every record that column1 has the value A I want to make the value in column2 = B (Currently column2 is empty) Would this work? UPDATE MyTable SET Column2 = REPLACE(Column2,NULL,'B') WHERE Column1 = "A" ...

How to retrieve query string value from URL value stored in a variable?

Hello, $url = 'http://www.domain.com/file.php?dir=r&hl=100,200&ord=3&key=a+b+c'; If it were a url I could get value of hl by, say, $_GET['hl']. but how do I retrieve the same from $url string. Thanks. ...

Does the order of query string parameters affect cached objects?

Consider a request for... http://www.foo.com/bar?x=1&y=2 ... and a subsequent request for... http://www.foo.com/bar?y=2&x=1 Will a web browser consider them the same for caching purposes? ...

jquery problem with loaded page and querystring

hi everybody, Is it possible to parse querystring data from a page loaded inside a div? I'd like to load a form page on a div and depending to querystring sent show or not some contents, any idea? Example: $("#scheda_sch").load("./schemi/sch_"+schemi[indice]+".html?azione="+azione); I need to read querystring azione=... inside the l...

How to get QueryString from a href?

Hi I am trying to stop XSS attack so I am using html agility pack to make my whitelist and Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library to deal with the rest. Now I am looking at encoding all html hrefs. I get a big string of html code that can contain hrefs. Accours to MS Library they have an URL encode but if you encode the whole URl...

What does a dangerous query string look like?

Hi I want to see if my encoding is working however the example I made just reverts back to non encoded after it goes back to the page. <a href="http://search.msn.com/results.aspx%3fq%3dIamBad"&gt;Click Here!</a> Turns back into <a href="http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=IamBad"&gt;Click Here!</a> Edit UrlEncode Untrusted in...

asp.net mvc querystring param

i call page like host/home/controller/id. now in view i want to get 'id', i do it like this ViewContext.RouteData.Values["id"] is any other short way? ...

What is the limit on QueryString / GET / URL parameters

What is the limit on QueryString / GET / URL parameters ...

Arabic QueryString problem (???? in the value)

I am sending an arabic value in a querystring, when retrieving it on the server, the value is erroneous and is replaced by quotation marks (????). for example: http://server/mypage.aspx?qs=مرحبا the value of Request.QueryString("qs") is ????? Note that Response.Write('مرحبا') executes correctly. Any idea about this querystring problem?...

open a pop up when querystring matches

Hi Is there anyway that I can pop up a window with just matching a query string from the url. Sample code is like follows string popup = context.Request.QueryString["raisepopup"]; if (popup == "raise") { //Here when the query string matches to raise the pop up shoul be displayed with some information which is already grab in this c...

htaccess querystring to multiple paths

I've got a site with the following .htaccess rule: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?id=$1 </IfModule> It works great but I need to expand it so that IF there is another path taken by the user, I can forward it (but the root p...

Query string parameters with no values.

I am trying to set up a page that has two behaviors. I'm seperating them by URL: One behavior is accessed via /some-controller/some-action, the other is via /some-controller/some-action?customize. It doesn't look like the Request.QueryString object contains anything, though, when I visit the second URL...I mean, the keys collection has...

How can we retreive query string information in a ClickOnce Application?

Hi folks, I made a .NET Windows Forms application that I want to deploy using ClickOnce. However, I will need the application to retrieve the query string parameters passed to it. I found this MSDN article and followed its directions (select the check box labeled Allow URL parameters to be passed to application), but it doesn't appear ...

mod_rewrite RewriteCond and query string

Hi, recently, I have been working on a small project for a client. I was thinking about using a wordpress style pretty URL format. I googled around a lot and came accross Apache’s mod_rewrite and RewriteRule, RewriteCond. But didn't find any example which can handle random of parameters. For example: /index.php?param=1 → /index/param/...

Suitable CMS framework for site projects - advice needed

I will be creating a website soon, and as such I have four projects on the go (or three if you consider the first entry as a full project in itself, not two separate sites): 1 & 2 - Internet radio station 3 - TV episode guide with airdates 4 - News site I will describe each of them, and how I intend to use them: Project 1 & 2 The ...

Why has Request.QueryString["key"] stopped working?

I have a simple web form called default.aspx in the folder structure webroot/folder/ When I navigate to http://myapp/folder/?key=value the page returns fine and when I call <%= Request.QueryString[0] %> I get "http://myapp/folder/?key=value" rendered on the page. However if I call <%= Request.QueryString["key"] %> I get nothing, a...

jquery get querystring of loaded page in a div

hi everybody, I have a page with a form page loaded in a div. I'd like to send some data to the loaded page by querystring and read the content in it, is it possible and if yes how? that my example: $("#scheda_sch").load("./schemi/sch_"+schemi[indice]+".html?azione="+azione); I need to read from page sch_...html read the value of q...

Best Practices for Passing Data Between Pages

The Problem In the stack that we re-use between projects, we are putting a little bit too much data in the session for passing data between pages. This was good in theory because it prevents tampering, replay attacks, and so on, but it creates as many problems as it solves. Session loss itself is an issue, although it's mostly handled ...