
Hyperlink Navigationuri with parameter wpf

Hi All, I want to set navigateURI to the dynamically created hyperlink. I am using the following code but it is not navigation to the page if i pass parameter. showing the following error. Code: Hyperlink hlProduct = new Hyperlink(new InlineUIContainer(img)); hlProduct.NavigateUri = new Uri("Player.xaml?id=109", UriKind.Relative...

Set querystring parameter in Hyperlink from selected.item.text in dropdownlist

I have a HyperLink control in a ListView, and I need to pass a couple of querystring parameters. <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# string.Format("Page.aspx?Param1={0}", Server.UrlEncode(Container.DataItem.ToString())) %>' Text='<%# Container.DataItem %>' /> The first parameter is based on the current Da...

How can i encrypt query string parameters in ASP.NET website?

In one of my ASP.Net websites, I have to provide a link to the user in which all query string parameters should be encrypted. What I am thinking is to use the command "aspnet_regiis" (as used to encrypt web.config data), pass output as a query string inside published url. When the user clicks that link, I first decrypt the string and t...

Share information beetween ASP.NET applications on the same IIS

I have a solution with more than one ASP.NET web-application. Every application has its own virtual directory on the same IIS. One application is calling aspx pages in the other applications. How can I share some information (e.g. user/password) between these applications. Is the only way using querystrings (in this case, I must encrypt...

AJAX and proxy: loading foreign website with another query?

so that's a weird thing i'm working on. some of you already helped me with this script: proxy.php <?php if( isset( $_GET['url'] ) ) { # Get the Referred URL $raw = file_get_contents( $_GET['url'] ); # RegExp to Strip All Script tags and/or links with Javascript in them. $safe = preg_replace( '/<script[^>]*>.*<\/script>|[\"\']jav...

Passing data from a form through a query string in Rails

I am creating an application with a search feature, and I would like have it set up similarly to Google or Twitter search, where there is a landing page with a search form at the root URL and then data from this form is passed through a query string, which forms the URL for the results page (for example: www.domain.com/search?query=my+se...

JavaScript: get original query string when url is rewritten

My page's url is rewritten like so, www.test-me.com/book-cat-white.HTML book is book.php cat is animal=cat white is color=white The original URL is www.test-me.com/book.php?animal=cat&color=white With PHP, I can get the values using $_GET, e.g. $_GET['animal']. How can I do the same in JavaScript? Is there a vari...

Serialize JSON to query string in JavaScript/jQuery

I'm trying to find information on how to serialize a JSON object to query string format, but all my searches are drowning in results on how to go the other way (string/form/whatever to JSON). I have { one: 'first', two: 'second' } and I want ?one=first&two=second Is there a good way to do this? I don't mind plugins or whatnots - i...

Does Twitter OAuth support queryString parameters containing spaces in the callBack url?

For background information, I'm using TweetSharp 1.0 to do my tweeting. Callback urls are being recieved regardless of whether they contain a querystring parameter (CallbackConfirmed is true) but they don't redirect upon authorization when they have contain a querystring parameter. They head off to twitter looking fine and dandy (examp...

why Request.QueryString replace + with empty char in some cases ?

I have a problem that if I pass a string that contain + in a query string and try to read it , it get the same string but by replacing + with empty char For example if i pass query like ../Page.aspx?data=sdf1+sdf then in page load I read data by data = Request.QueryString["data"] it will get as below data ="sdf1 sdf" I solve the problem...

passing an input field value through a querystring using jquery

I trying to store the value of the input field tbEmail into str so when the user clicks the submit button the value of tbEmail will be added to the querystring. If i change this so that it reads var str = "this"; then this works. Is this the incorrect way to get an iput field value in jquery? Any ideas? <script type="text/javascript"> ...

IIS URL rewriting to redirect querystring addresses to MVC style path to preserve old links

I am trying to preserve old links such as index.php?pageid=123 to the now current /accounts/home. No part of the original URL has to be included in the redirect. I have a big list of old page links and their new address. I thought it would be really simple to say index.php?pageid=123 = /accounts/home but I can't see how to do it. Most o...

Request.QueryString[] that contains '+'

I have a page that I wish to pass an ID in a querystring to another page eg Response.Redirect("~/Account/Login.aspx?CertificateID="+ CertificateTextBox.Text); but the value in the CertificateTextBox is in the format of Encoding.UTF8 so it can contains character like "ZnbiS69F2g22OeupHw+Xlg==" When the receiving page gets the QuerySt...

Ways to deal with jQuery menu includes on multiple pages

Hi, This isn't a specific code question, but more of a conceptual question. I'm trying to figure out which direction I should go in solving this problem. Here is the site testsite Right now when you hover over interior and click Mastersuite, it takes you to a page for the master suite, which includes the navbar through SSI, but when ...

enable the query string in codeigniter

i already make two changes in config file to enable the $_GET array as $config['uri_protocol'] = "PATH_INFO"; $config['enable_query_strings'] = true; but whenever i try tow run my code as http://example.com/controller/function/$demo=demo it redirected towards the default controller ...

Getting Query Parameter from a URL which inturn has some URL with Query parameters

Hello all I've the following URL http://somesite/somepage.aspx I pass a query parameter value which has another URL with query parameters like this. http://somesite/somepage.aspx?pageURL=http://someothersite/someotherpage.aspx?param1=value&amp;source=http://anotheronesite/anotherpage I need to get the pageURL value as the one in th...

How can I read a QueryString in CodeIgniter?

I know it's been asked before, but I need it for affiliate tracking... http://www.mysite.com/controller/method/params?affiliate=123&amp;sub_id=456 How can I get the params AND the $_GET parameters outlined in that URL? ...

Using javascript to check if a querystring has a value

New in JS, How do I check if one of my querystring has a value? Example: I have result.aspx?loc=3. How do I check this in javascript if my querystring loc has a value. I need to do this because I will use $('#target').css({'display':'none'}); to a certain div ...

Difference between Request.QueryString["id"] and Request["id"]

Can any one tell me is there any difference between: Request.QueryString["id"] and Request["id"] If yes which is better to use? ...

ViewData["s"].ToString() vs. Request.QueryString["s"].ToString(), what is returned if "s" was never set?

If in my controller: public ActionResult Index() { //no code implied return View; } Then in the view that is returned: <%if(ViewData["SomeString"].ToString() != "True") {%> show this <%}%> I will get an error at runtime because of an object reference having no object. However inside of a page where I do: <%if(Request.Qu...