
How do I add on multiple $_POST['row'] and variables?

I am struggling to find out the syntactically correct way in which to add on more variables and rows to these statements: /* WANT TO ADD ON FIVE MORE $_POST[''] */ if(isset($_POST['check_prof']) && $_POST['check_prof'] == 'checked') { $check_prof = "checked"; }else{ $check_prof = "unchecked"; } /* SAME HERE, WANT TO ADD THE OTHER FI...

MDX Except function in where clause

Hi, i'm having problem restricting a query in mdx, using except function at where clause. i need to retrieved a set of data but which not in an specific set. Then i created the next query: select {[Measures].[Amount], [Measures].[Transaction Cost], [Measures].[Transaction Number]} ON COLUMNS,{[ManualProcessing].[All ManualProcessings].[...

Problem with sql query

Hi, I've got query: INSERT INTO [Tasks] ([LoginName] ,[Type] ,[Filter] ,[Dictionary] ,[Description]) Select N'Anonymous',4,'SomeTable.targetcode in (select Code from cities where countrycode in ('TN')) and SomeTable.SomeValue in ('13','15')',3,N'Cities from tunis' Union All ... [...

What is the Dojo equivalent of jQuery's scope attribute?

Hi. I'm a Dojo n00b. In jQuery, a DOM node or jQuery object can be passed as an attribute in a query, which sets the scope: var myScope = $('#someDiv'); $('a',myScope).addClass('red'); $('li',myScope).css('display','inline'); Now, in Dojo I can chain several .query()s after each other, but what should I do if I have a certain DOM nod...

'AND' and 'OR' in SQL queries

Hi, I was hoping someone could give me a hand on how I write this correctly. $details_quey = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE ONLINE = 'true' OR FORCE_AWAY = 'true' OR AWAY = 'true' AND FORCE_OFFLINE = 'false' AND TOKEN = '$con_token' ", $CON ) Any help much appreciated. ...

Mysql query are case sensitive?

When i set lower_case_table_names = 1 in mysql i know that it converts every table name to lowecase so "myCoolLowerCaseName" becomes "mycoollowercasename". But the question is: queries with camelcase name works ? with a table called mycoollowercasename the query:SELECT * FROM myCoolLowerCaseName works? Thanks ...

Is it possible to "merge" the values of multiple records into a single field without using a stored procedure?

A co-worker posed this question to me, and I told them, "No, you'll need to write a sproc for that". But I thought I'd give them a chance and put this out to the community. Essentially, they have a table with keys mapping to multiple values. For a report, they want to aggregate on the key and "mash" all of the values into a single fie...

Why would a SQL query JOIN on the same table twice with the same condition?

I'm working on changes to a SQL Server v8 database developed by someone else, and have found something that seems (based on my limited SQL knowledge) strange and pointless. One of the views has a query that does a LEFT OUTER JOIN twice on the same table with the same condition. Is there any reason for doing this? The query is below. See...

SQl queries searching by date range

Hi, I have a table in an Access 2007 database. All fields are of type text. Can the following be done using the where clause? If so how? SELECT * from Table1 WHERE (ColumnDate is between 26th and 19th of march 2010) SELECT * from Table1 WHERE (ColumnAge is between 25 and 40) The usual < <= operators don't seem to work. Thanks, ...

Searching Week-wise/Month-wise record counts(number) and the StartDate+EndDate(datetime) of the Week/Month with Search between two Dates

I have a question in connection to this question earlier posted by me:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2452984/daily-weekly-monthly-record-count-search-via-storedprocedure I want to have the Count of Calls on Weekly-basis and Monthly-basis, Daily-basis issue is resolved. ISSUE NUMBER @1:Weekly-basis Count of Calls and Start-Date a...

Adding a calculated field to a Query at run time.

I'm getting data using a query in Delphi, and would like to add a calculated field to the query before it runs. The calculated field is using values in code as well as the query so I can't just calculate it in SQL. I know I can attach an OnCalcFields Event to actually make the calculation, but the problem is after adding the calculated...

Content Query Web Part - How do you OrderBy when you QueryOverride?

How do you order items when you override the QueryOverride property of the Content Query Web Part? I have been given responsibility for a Web Part which extends the Content Query Web Part. The QueryOverride property of this Web Part is programmatically changed. Currently, the Web Part does not function as designed, as it does not order ...

SQL query construction - separate data in a column into two columns

I have a column that contains links. The problem is that the titles of the links are in the same column, so it looks like this: linktitle|-|linkurl I want link title and linkurl in separate columns. I've created a new column for the urls, so I'm looking for a way to extract them and update the linkurl column with them. Is there any cleve...

Can I use NAnt to query my database and use the results as parameter values?

I spent 15 minutes searching the Task lists of NAnt and NAntContrib, and searching Google, but came up empty-handed. I want to send an email to every user of my system when I promote my code. I have a list of email addresses in my database, and I have a functioning email task. So, how can I connect the two? Thanks! D ...

rewritten mysql query returning unexpected results, trying to figure out why

I created a messy query in a hurry a while ago to get a list of product codes. I am now trying to clean up my tables and my code. I recently tried to rewrite the query in order for it to be easier to use and understand. The original query works great, but it requires multiple search strings in order to do one search because it uses UNION...

How to display mysql rows that contain certain data?

I have a table in mysql with a row called 'newrelease'. If the item is a new release my form posts it as 'yes' if no 'no'. How would i display all items that contain the data 'yes'? $query = "SELECT * FROM movielist ORDER BY newrelease DESC LIMIT 4"; ...

How do I show mysql query results for fields that contain certain data?

I have a mysql query: $query = "SELECT * FROM movielist WHERE genre = 'comedy' ORDER BY dateadded DESC"; I need to change it so that it selects from movielist where genre contains 'comedy'. (Note: that my genre field will often contain more than one genre example "comedy, action, drama". ...

SQL Server Query solution cum Suggestion Required

Hello All... I have a following scenario in my SQL Server 2005 database. zipcodes table has following fields and value (just a sample): zipcode latitude longitude ------- -------- --------- 65201 123.456 456.789 65203 126.546 444.444 and place table has following fields and value : id name zip ...

Can this MySQL subquery be optimised?

I have two tables, news and news_views. Every time an article is viewed, the news id, IP address and date is recorded in news_views. I'm using a query with a subquery to fetch the most viewed titles from news, by getting the total count of views in the last 24 hours for each one. It works fine except that it takes between 5-10 seconds ...

WordPress query posts into two Divs

I want to display my wordpress posts in a category in two divs. So for example: <ul id="left"> <li class="post">POST 1</li> <li class="post">POST 3</li> <li class="post">POST 5</li> <li class="post">POST 7</li> </ul> <ul id="right"> <li class="post">POST 2</li> <li class="post">POST 4</li> <li class="post">POST 6</li> <li clas...