Displaying data from DataReader in Label control (ASP.NET)
Hey, I have a query that returns one row so I want to display it in the Label, but I can't find the property DataSource on it. How can I do this ? ...
Hey, I have a query that returns one row so I want to display it in the Label, but I can't find the property DataSource on it. How can I do this ? ...
This query was working fine when the database was small, but now that there are millions of rows in the database, I am realizing I should have looked at optimizing this earlier. It is looking at over 600,000 rows and is Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort (which leads to an execution time of 5-10 seconds). It is using an index...
I have a database in which items are placed into categories. Some of these categories are nested, so as an example: Animals > Birds > Parrots Animals > Birds > Penguin Animals > Mammals > Cats Animals > Mammals > Dogs Animals > Reptiles > Snakes Plants > Trees Plants > Flowers etc I have these in a table along the lines of ...
I am making a website where users can vote on which category a page is. They can vote that the page is in category a, b, c, or d. I need to find the most commonly occurring category in the MySQL row out of all the votes. Each time a user submits their vote, it submits the "category" that they voted for, and the "page_id". I have thi...
The whole question is pretty much in the title. For each row of the table I'd like to select the maximum of a subset of columns. For example, from this table name m1 m2 m3 m4 A 1 2 3 4 B 6 3 4 5 C 1 5 2 1 the result would be name max A 4 B 6 C 5 The query must be compatible oracle 8i. Thanks. ...
hey guys i need to count new private messages and old one from a table so first thing come to mind is using mysql_num_rows and easy thing to do // check new pms $user_id = $userinfo['user_id']; $sql = "SELECT author_id FROM bb3privmsgs_to WHERE user_id='$user_id' AND (pm_new='1' OR pm_unread='1')"; $result = $db->sql_qu...
Hi, i have created this query that works OK: $q1 = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('Usuario u') ->leftJoin('u.AmigoUsuario a ON u.id = a.user2_id OR u.id = a.user1_id') ->where("a.user2_id = ? OR a.user1_id = ?", array($id,$id)) ->andWhere("u.id <> ?", $id) ->andWhere("a.estado LIKE ?", 1); echo $q1->getSqlQue...
It was suggested that I repost this questions as I didn't do a very good job discribing my issue the first time. (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2921286/access-question) THE SITUATION: I have inspections from many months of many years. Sometimes there is more than one inspection in a month, sometimes there is no inspection. However...
whenever i start using sql i tend to throw a couple of exploratory statements at the database in order to understand what is avaliable, and what form the data takes. eg. show tables describe table select * from table could anyone help me understand the way to complete a similar exploration of an rdf datastore using a SPARQL endpoin...
I need to know how to interrogate my Microsoft SQL Server to know if a given database has been set to read only or not. Is that possible? ...
Which of these queries are more efficient? select 1 as newAndClosed from sysibm.sysdummy1 where exists ( select 1 from items where new = 1 ) and not exists ( select 1 from status where open = 1 ) select 1 as newAndClosed ...
Hi, I'd like to know how to prevent showing of sub-category posts. My home page lists all posts from three "main categories" (parent category), but unfortunately it's also listing some posts from the sub-categories. Here's the code that I'm using to get the posts from specific category: <h2>Category Name</h2> <ul> <?php $category_...
I need to update some rows of the tables and then display these rows. Is there a way to do this with one single query and avoid this 2 query ? : UPDATE table SET foo=1 WHERE boo=2 SELECT * from table WHERE ( foo=1 ) AND ( boo=2 ) ...
We can declare a cursor like this DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id,data FROM test.t1; Can we use a join query instead of a simple query? ...
I am having trouble optimizing Hibernate queries to avoid performing joins or secondary selects. When a Hibernate query is performed (criteria or hql), such as the following: return getSession().createQuery(("from GiftCard as card where card.recipientNotificationRequested=1").list(); ... and the where clause examines properties that ...
can any one help me in generating query for the below scenario? i have twop tables TableA and TableB TableA has teh follwing columns EMPLOYEEID, SKILLSETCODE,CERTID, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLEINITIAL TableB has two columns EMPLOYEEID and key_user i want to SELECT EMPLOYEEID, SKILLSETCODE,CERTID, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLEINITIAL ...
I'm trying to make an OO Login system for a project I'm working on, and am having trouble with inserting variables into the query strings. In the code below, if I replace "$TBL_NAME" with the actual table name it works. Why isn't $TBL_NAME translating to the value of $TBL_NAME? class UserDB { private $TBL_NAME = "users"; public ...
Hi all, I tried to pass more than one value through Query String from page1.aspx to page2.aspx. This is my Query string in the Grid View <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick='javascript:window.open("Update.aspx?Regno= <%#Eval ("ID") %>'+ ","'&Fn=<%#Eval ("FIRSTNAME") %>' +", "'&Ln=<%#Eval ("LASTNAME") %>'")';> Edi...
Hi there. I need to take the results of a query: var query = from m in db.SoilSamplingSubJobs where m.order_id == id select m; and prepare as an ICollection so that I can have something like ICollection<SoilSamplingSubJob> subjobs at the moment I create a list, which isnt appropriate to my needs: query.ToList(); what do I do...
I've been playing around storing tweets inside mongodb, each object looks like this: { "_id" : ObjectId("4c02c58de500fe1be1000005"), "contributors" : null, "text" : "Hello world", "user" : { "following" : null, "followers_count" : 5, "utc_offset" : null, "location" : "", "profile_text_color" : "000000", "friends_...