
Packet Queue in Python?

Hi, is there any way to queue packets to a socket in Python? I've been looking for something like the libipq library, but can't find anything equivalent. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: Create tcp socket connection between server and client (both under my control). Try transmitting data (waiting for connection to fault -- e.g. ...

c# stack queue combination

hi! is there in C# some already defined generic container which can be used as Stack and as Queue at the same time? I just want to be able to append elements either to the end, or to the front of the queue thanks ...

Actor based development - implementation questions

Hello, it's my first message here and I'm glad to join this community. It looks like that everything is now going towards multi-thread development. Big fishes say that it won't take longer to reach hundreds of cores. I've recently read about actor based development and how wonderful message passing is to handle concurrent programming. ...

clear Message Queue in C#

Hi! C#: i use the Message Queue to send messages from one application to the other one (this has to work only on one particular machine) I create the queu like this on the receiver side: string queueName = ".\\private$\\WZMSGQ"; if (MessageQueue.Exists(queueName)) msgQueue = new MessageQueue(queueName); ...

jQuery submit form after effect is complete?

Hi folks, I'm trying to use jQuery's queue() to show() a div prior to submitting a form. However my current code just immediately submits the form before the show() effect even starts. BTW #savebutton is not a submit element, just an image with this click event. $("#savebutton").click(function () { $("#saving").queue(function() ...

Delphi: Threaded list of thread jobs - queueing

Hi, I have some operations which are based on TThreads. Now I need to create the thread containing the list of jobs to be done, then firing each one as soon as the previous finishes... How should I write it? I can't allow the threads to be ran simultaneously as there might be over 10 000 operations to be done. It is quite hard to find ...

jQuery queue messages

Hello, I've got a short function that should show messages on a website. function showHint() { $('#notify').html('message text').show('slide', {direction: 'right'}, 500); } And there is another function that hides the messages. function hideHint() { $('#notify').hide('slide', {direction: 'right'}, 500); } The Problem i...

C# - Queue and multithreading

I am very new to multi-threaded programming. Following is what I am trying to achieve: Create a windows service that continuously reads the database (or somekind of message queue, please suggest what would be best) for a entry in a table. Look for a new entry in the table If there is a new entry, check if there is enough thread in...

Are Socket's events queued in Flash?

I'm trying to implement a binary protocol between a flash application and a Custom Java Server using TCP/IP sockets, the protocol's messages are of variable length, so my idea is to add a field indicating the number of bytes I have to read before parsing a complete message, something like this: bytesToRead = socket.readInteger(); var bf...

Message Queues Vs DB Table Queue via CRON

We have a large project coming up soon with quite a lot of media processing (Images, Video) as well email output etc, the sort of stuff normally we'd put into a table called "email_queue" and we use a cron to run a script process the queue in the table. I have been reading a lot on Message Queue systems like beanstalkd, and have even se...

C# - Moving files - to queue or multi-thread

I have an app that moves a project and its files from preview to production using a Flex front-end and a .NET web service. Currently, the process takes about 5-10 mins/per project. Aside from latency concerns, it really shouldn't take that long. I'm wondering whether or not this is a good use-case for multi-threading. Also, considering t...

Breadth First Binary Tree Traversal in Scheme

Hello, I am trying to implement a breadth first (level) tree traversal. I'm very close, but I can't figure out how I'm getting duplicates. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance. JR (define (atom? x) (not (pair? x))) ;;Functions to manipulate a binary tree (define (leaf? node) (atom? node)) (define (left node) (cadr node)...

Peek() and remove() methods for Queue implementation in Blackberry

Hi, I want to implement peek and remove methods , similar to Java's Queue.peek() and Queue.remove() , in Blackberry application. I have a custom queue implementation ,but how do I get peek elements and remove elements from queue? Please help, Thanks in advance. ...

Best approach for thread synchronized queue

I have a queue in which I can enqueue different threads, so I can assure two things: Request are processed one by one. Request are processed in the arriving order Second point is important. Otherwise a simple critical section would be enough. I have different groups of requests and only inside a single group these points must be ful...

Is there a Queue (PriorityQueue) implementation which is also a Set?

I'm looking for a PriorityQueue implementation which is also a Set. The compareTo implementation if its elements must not have the requirement to be consistent with the implementation of equals. Is there somewhere such a implementation for java? Update: I implemented it now using a SortedSet as the internal collection. So I only had t...

Using Jquery for mouseover effect and queue

I've been looking around for the last couple hours on how to do this - can't find it anywhere. I have several buttons (divs). It consists of a div within a div. The parent div has the normal button background image, the child has a lighter glowy background image. On Mouseover, I want the child div to go to an opacity of 1.0, then fade o...

In memcached, you can put a List as a value. Can you put a list in beanstalkd?

Actually, I would like to use this for logging. I want to put a dictionary into beanstalkd. Everytime someone goes into my website, I want to put a dictionary into beanstalkd, and then every night, I want a script that will get all the jobs and stick them in the database. THis will make it fast and easy. ...

Choosing between .NET Service Bus Queues vs Azure Queue Service

Hi Everyone. Just a quick question regarding an Azure application. If I have a number of Web and Worker roles that need to communicate, documentation says to use the Azure Queue Service. However, I've just read that the new .NET Service Bus now also offers queues. These look to be more powerful as they appear to offer a much more detai...

BizTalk: Queue requests to a send port

I have a send port going to a web service. At most, I want only 10 requests to be send to the web service at a time. Is this possible to do in biztalk? Hopefully through configuration? ...

Slow performance selecting next message from custom queue

Hi all, I have a simple table based queue system. In its simplest form, it consist of an id, a queue name, and a status. When reading the next message from a given queue, we need to ensure FIFO (first in first out), i.e. the lowest id from the given queue with the given status. This all works fine with some thousand rows, but when we re...