
Tricky little jquery selector one : loop over all inputs, and exclude only non-checked radio buttons

Here's the deal : in order to build a correct series of parameters, i'm trying to loop over all inputs included in an ajax built form; Code down here isn't finished, yet I guess you will understand it : $("#formulaireUploadFichier").live('submit',function(e){ var fm = $(this); var fld = []; $('input',fm).not('[type=submit]')...

Inserting radio buttons in a DefaultTableModel

I have a 2D array of objects which needs to be displayed in a table through a table model class which extends a DefaultTableModel. In addition to the columns needed to accommodate the data included in this array, I would like to add an extra column with radiobuttons, in order to enable the user to make a selection. As table model accepts...

Image+TextView+radiobutton in spinner

First, I want to imitate the effect like "android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item" which is TextView+radiobutton but either the getView() or getDropDownView only cares about one row at a time, while the whole radiobuttons in spinner is like one RadioGroup, and when dropdown view is opened, the radiobutton with which item is selec...

How to mark multiple UITableViewCells and perform an action on marked cells?

Hello, I would like to do pretty much what the Mail Application does: that when I select Edit, instead of the usual Delete Button, Radio Buttons appear on the side that may be checked by the user, then the user may click on a Button to take an action on the marked cells(any kind of action not just delete). Is there any apple sample code...

POSTing a PHP variable as a value in a form

I have an html form consisting of just radio buttons. The 2nd line of the following is in a loop, therefore assume there are multiple radio buttons. The value of each radio button printed out is a PHP variable. <form action='delFile.php' method='post'> <input type='radio' value=" . $row['fileName'] . " name='del' /> <input type='submit'...

Winform radiobutton data binding

I am following the "Presentation Model" design pattern suggested by Martin Fowler for my GUI architecture in a Windows Forms project. "The essence of a Presentation Model is of a fully self-contained class that represents all the data and behavior of the UI window, but without any of the controls used to render that UI on the screen. A...

Clear contents on click

All, In the following code <INPUT TYPE="radio" name="1" id="1" VALUE="1" <?php echo $checked1 ?>><font size="2">1</font> <INPUT TYPE="radio" name="2" id="2" VALUE="2" <?php echo $checked2 ?>><font size="2">2</font> <TEXTAREA name="names" id="names" rows="15" cols="65"><?php echo $names ?></TEXTAREA> If the radio button 1 selected for...

Simple Asp.Net MVC2 Binding question: How to get an EditorFor to render a Radio Button Group?

Just thinking out loud about the subject, If I have the following: <%= Html.EditorFor(m => m.Gender, "Gender") And I want it to render two radio buttons: O Male O Female Assuming the class just has a string to hold the value, what would the Gender.ascx look like if we were to pass the Gender values using something like ViewDat...

Using jQuery to check if some radio buttons are checked and apply CSS block style.

Hi, I'm trying to check if one of the following radio buttons is selected and am beginning to think that there must be a better way of achieving the same result using a different jQuery approach. E.g: if($("input[id='incRating_yes']:checked").val()) $('.question4').css('display','block'); if($("input[id='incRating_fro']:checked").val(...

Jquery in Checkbox

I have multiple html checkboxes that all have different names. What I have to do is when it is checked it should disable some radio button that has a different name. I know it can be simply done using jquery. Any help...with a simple example..thanks ...

MFC multiple radio buttons groups on dialog

I have 2 groups of radio boxes on a dialog. How can I specify which button is in which group? Because right now when I select one, all the others get unselected, even the ones from the other group. ...

getting a radio button dynamically with jquery

Hi, I have tried this for too long... too big for me. I need a little help here. I have a page with products. each product got 3 sizes (normal, big, special) The user is selecting radio button to choose the size and then hits the "add to cart". I am trying to get the value he chose, but without any success. Right now I found that jQuer...

Radio button validation (dynamic name)

I have a list of radio buttons. Each radio button has a dynamic name. Is there a way to check if they are all selected? Because most radio validation scripts uses a static name. ... mvc: best way to use html.radiobutton

In a mvc form, im using a radiobutton set, to set a property. <%=Html.RadioButton("Tipo", "Pizza", CType(Model.Tipo = "Pizza", Boolean), New With {.id = "Pizza"})%> <label for="Pizza">Tipo Pizza</label> <%=Html.RadioButton("Tipo", "Barra", CType(Model.Tipo = "Barra", Boolean), New With {.id = "Barra"})%> <lab...

MS Access 2003 - Radio button : click one, unselects another

So what VBA can i use to make sure that is radYes is clicked, radNo is unselected? Just a measure to make sure that if one is clicked then other cannot be Thanks! ...

Handling a radio button array in php

Hi all, I have a bit of PHP code that is really taking a toll on me. To simplify, I have a table where three of the columns are forign keys (event_type, accommodation_type and public_user). I am dynamically creating a set of radio buttons and I have set the ID attribute on each imput value correctly. $result2 = m...

Hiding/Showing Table Cells with JQuery depending on ASP.NET RadioButtonList

Hello All, Here is jquery code which hides my table cells with the ID of .style2: $('#myRadioButtonList').change(function() { if ($(this).attr('checked') == true && $(this).val() == "HB") { $('.style2').hide("slow"); }; }); and here is my radiobuttonlist <asp:RadioButtonList ID="myRadioButtonList" runat="se...

RadioButton click on another form

We have a legacy program with a GUI that we want to use under control of a C# program to compute some values. We can successfully enter values in the numerical input controls, press the compute button, and read the produced answers from text display boxes. But we can't seem to control a pair of radio buttons . Calling CheckRadioButton...

Cannot Insert into MySQL DB Value of Radio Button as String

Language: OO PHP 5+ DB: MySQL I am trying to insert data from a form using radio buttons by getting their value and then inserting into a MySQL database. I can insert anything on the form that uses a textfield to collect data, but when I try to insert the value of a radio button the insert just leaves the corresponding db field blank. I...

Unselecting RadioButtons in Java Swing

When displaying a group of JRadioButtons, initially none of them is selected (unless you programmatically enforce that). I would like to be able to put buttons back into that state even after the user already selected one, i.e., none of the buttons should be selected. However, using the usual suspects doesn't deliver the required effect...