
How to notify client about updated UpdatePanel content on server side

I have a problem with UpdatePanel.Update() which works initially but then stops. I have tumbled with this problem for some time and some background is needed so please read ahead. I have an application in which I have a subpage that display computed information in graphs. Each graph is embedded in an UpdatePanel. The graph i...

ASP.NET MVC Yes/No Radio Buttons with Strongly Bound Model MVC

Hello Does anyone know how to bind a Yes/No radio button to a boolean property of a Strongly Typed Model in ASP.NET MVC. Model public class MyClass { public bool Blah { get; set; } } View <%@ Page Title="blah" Inherits="MyClass"%> <dd> <%= Html.RadioButton("blah", Model.blah) %> Yes <%= Html.RadioButton("...

radio button value in php

I'm trying to make a simple survey in php I have a set of radio buttons on a page called sja.php that sends its to sjamail.php page the problem is that when I go to get $answer = $_POST['ans']; I can't seen to do anything like echo "$answer"; but if I were to throw some logic at it like if ($answer == "ans1") { ec...

Change size of ImageIcon in a JRadioButton

I simply want to change the size (diameter) of the actual (default) ImageIcon of my JRadioButton. I've changed the size of the font displayed in the widget, so it really looks silly with such a large radiobutton. JRadioButton button = new JRadioButton("Button"); button.setFont(new Font("Lucida Grande",Font.PLAIN, 11)); gives me this g...

Access asp:CheckBox inner input from jQuery

I have a jQuery array acting on each control having corresponding class: function Foobar() { $('.foo').each(function() { // do something with $(this) } } I can access client-side controls like <input class="foo"> and server-side controls like <asp:TextBox CassClass="foo"> But setting CssClass for asp:RadioButton doesn't ma...

insert radiobox in menu in forms

Hey, How can I insert radiobutton in Menu as Menu item. I use WinForms and there I see only few option to insert other controls, but no radio :/ Also it's impossible to drag it from Controls and drop in menu in Design View :/ ...

How can I mark a radio button as checked using Perl?

I try to create a form that can save a person's form data so that he can later finish completing the form. I have no problem to save the data to an external file and I know that it would be easy to do what I try to do if the user was permitted to save his data only once a full page form was completed. However, I want to be able to save t...

Are there keyboard shortcuts for RadioButton and Checkbox?

I have a lot of data-entryists using my ASP.NET application and we have all been wondering if there are any keyboard keys or shortcuts that you can press to trigger: Check a RadioButton Uncheck a RadioButton Check a Checkbox Uncheck a Checkbox I know that you can write Javascript and do it yourself, but do any keyboard keys/shortcut...

How to Uncheck A radio button

Hi, I have two forms, one with a radio button that users must select to edit. [form name="A"] [input type="radio" name="BookItem" value="1" /] [input type="radio" name="BookItem" value="2" /] [input type="radio" name="BookItem" value="3" /] [form] After "BookItem" is selected from form (A) I call the $("#EditFormWrapper").load("callEdi...

How to bind radio button with Database in

How to bind radio button with database in, i am beginner please help ...

jquery - radio button not checked on page load, but checked on same function call later

Hi, I'm having a strange problem with jquery. When my page loads, I dynamically create some simple radio buttons in a special <div> I've created. However, the default radio button is not checked. It is checked however when the change() event is triggered later, but is never checked the first time. Can someone help? I am certain that the...

jQuery/Javascript problem with IE

I have two radio buttons each with a unique ID. When one is clicked, I would like to add $10 to a total. When the other is clicked, we go back to the original total price. My jquery looks like this: function check_ceu() { var price = <%= conference_price %>; if($('#ceu_yes').is(':checked')){ $('#total').val(parseF...

ASP.Net RadioButton loses ViewState

I'm having trouble with a simple radio set of two radio buttons (I don't want to use a RadioButtonList [RBL] because RBL doesn't allow child controls, and in my case, if you select one option, I want to enable a textbox next to the button; yes you could hack this with jQuery to move the textbox, but that's dirty!). I would check one, sub...

JQuery: show div on radiobutton select

Hi, I am trying to use JQuery to show a div when the user selects a particular radio button (Other) within a radiobutton group. The html is below <div id="countries"> <input id="Washington_D.C" TYPE="RADIO" NAME="location" VALUE="Washington">Washington D.C</input> <input id="Other" TYPE="RADIO" NAME="location" VALUE="">Other</input> ...

Java + Jgoodies binding: radio button binding

I'm stumped... I'm trying to use JGoodies binding to bind a radiobutton to an Enum property. I can't seem to get it to work. Below is a simple example, it's a table of beans each with an immutable number and a mutable "adjective" property. The radiobuttons are bound to the "adjective" property. Clicking on the radio buttons does change t...

Radion button unclickable / uncheckable due to jQuery script (slider)

I'm using a jQuery slider script to show and hide content. The script works perfectly but has one downside: radio buttons inside the sliding div are unclickable / cannot be checked. If you hit the radio button of "Keuzerondjes" or "Selectievakjes", you'll see a div slides out - and that the radio button you just hit isn't checked. Does...

Mainaining radio selection after item source change

Setup: I have a combo-box, it's itemsource bound to an ObservableCollection<T> of a custom class, one property is a List<myenum>. I have an itemscontrol which is databound to the combo-box's selected item List<myenum> property. The itemscontrol datatemplate creates a list of radiobuttons, each representing the individual enum values i...

In Android, how can i allow the user to choose a color between 4 ?

I'm making an Android App, and i need to put a control that let user choose between 4 different colors. I want to do this with something like radio buttons: the problem is that radiobuttons are round... is there a way to set them looks like square/rect buttons, and assign a color to their inside rect area ? If not, how can i achieve th...

radiobutton.value is nothing on bindingsource.endedit

ok, here's the issue, I set a radiobutton.value to true. when I go to save and perform bindingsource.endedit. radiobutton.value is then nothing. any ideas as to what could cause this? Thanks. ...

Clear dropdown selection on radio button click

I have a set of radio buttons. When primary is selected, the Primary Company field is hidden. I would also like to at this time clear the drop down selection. How can I do this? <p> <label>Company Type:</label> <label for="primary"><input onclick="javascript: $('#sec').hide('slow');" type="radio" runat="server" name="...