
Using Ruby popen and PostgreSQL createuser

Hello all, I am attempting to write a very simple rake task (and merge it into a rather large rake task) that will call the following command and pass in a randomly generated password. For the moment, let's even fake the random generation and just give it a set password of 'test': createuser -SDPRE test The code I have for my task is...

missing rake tasks ??

hi I have ran gem install rails and am running 2.3.4 but i am missing some rake tasks like 'db' and 'gems' if i run rake -T i get the following tasks. How can i get all the others ? rake apache2 # Build Apache 2 module rake clean # Remove compiled files rake clobber # Remove all generated files rake default # Bu...

Why does Rake crash my Mac OSX ?

Hi ! I'm running Mac OSX 10.6.2 and I've got a strange problem with rake and my ruby applications. Has soon as I launch a rake command my mac crashes and ask me to reboot (dark screen). This occure when I try to run a Rakefile or even simply if I type: rake --version I tried reinstalling rake by running the install.rb file of the lat...

Why does mysqldump need to be fully pathed when called from a controller or model?

When I call mysqldump from a controller or model I need to fully path the binary, when I call it from Rake I don't need to. If I do not fully path I get a zero byte file... I can confirm both processes are run using the same user. # Works in a controller, model and Rake task system "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u root #{w.database_...

Running Rake from a .NET windows service

Hi, I am a developer on the horn OSS project that sets out to ease the pain of building other OSS projects. We are attempting to make horn a ruby gems like experience. One of the many challenges of horn is having to deal with all the various build engines like Nant, powershell, msbuild and rake which is the point of this post. Horn h...

Error on rake : The platform 'i386-mingw32' is unsupported.

I have Ruby 1.9 and rails 2.3.5 installed. After creating a rails app when I run rake db:create, I get i386-mingw32 error. I have both msysgit and cygwin on my windows machine. rake db:create (in C:/mydirectory) ==== UNSUPPORTED PLATFORM ====================================================== The platform 'i386-mingw32' is unsupported....

how to detect whether my rails is running in migration or not in environment.rb

any easy way to detect it? I want to skip some codes in envirmonment.rb when doing migration rake. ...

sudo rake with parameters

Is: sudo rake install -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql/ a valid terminal command? I try to run this but it doesn't seem to pass in the variable correctly.. However something like this works fine: sudo gem install do_mysql -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql/ ...

How to pass server urls to Watir Ruby unit tests run by Rake under Thoughtworks Cruise

I'm currently building a suite of Watir tests for my .net web application. I have wired the watir tests into the Thoughtworks Cruise continuous build using Rake. What is the best way to pass a number of server urls to the watir tests so I can run the tests against a number of different environments? e.g. build, test, uat etc. Ch...

ruby on rails undefined method(s) for active record ..

(in /Users/sayedgamal/apps/test) /Users/sayedgamal/apps/test/config/boot.rb:20:Warning: Gem::SourceIndex#search support for String patterns is deprecated == CreatePeople: migrating ==================================================== -- create_table(:people) rake aborted! undefined method `string' for #<ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::...

Adding code to a model with a custom rake task

I have written a simple blog plugin (it's actually a rails engine). It is designed to be installed into an app that already has a user model set up. In order to save me from having to open up my User model and manually inserting "has_many :posts", I'd like to write a rake task that automatically does this for me. If I were to package ...

including rake tasks in gems

1) Is there a 'best' place for rake tasks inside of gems? I've seen them in /tasks, /lib/tasks, and I've seen them written as *.rb and *.rake -- not sure which (if any) is 'correct' 2) How do I make them available to the app once the gem is configured in the environment? ...

Installing Rake: invalid gem format

I installed Ruby on WinXP. Used rubyinstaller-1.8.6-p383-rc1.exe. Ran gem install rake Get error: Error installing rake: invalid gem format for C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/cache/rake-0.8.7.gem I've tried deleting the cache folder but i keep getting the same error. Tried with Ruby 1.9.1 too. Same error. What am i doing wrong? ...

How to get TeamCity to recognize msbuild compilation errors, using the Rake runner

I have a .NET project with a Rake build script. Rake calls msbuild.exe to do the actual compilation. When I configure a TeamCity 5.0 build using the Rake runner, compilation errors are not recognized as such by TC. When a compilation error occurs: The build does abort and is flagged as a failure; The log overview does not contain the ...

Emacs: Navigating to compile error

I'm setting up emacs as my ruby development environment. I run tests by doing M-x compile and then rake test. I've set up compile-error-regexp-alist appropriately so that the resulting compile buffer can recognize test failures and make them clickable, but I'm facing trouble getting compile-find-file to use the correct directory to find ...

Combining many rake tasks into one rake task

Instead of running each rake task individually like this: rake db:drop rake db:create rake db:migrate rake db:load I want to run one rake task that does all for. This is what I have for my rakefile: desc 'This rebuilds development db' namespace :rebuild_dev do Rake::Task["db:drop"].execute Rake::Task["db:create"].execute Rake::Ta...

Automating rake doc:app

For you rails programmers, what's the easiest way to keep your RDoc files up-to-date? I know I can run rake doc:app manually, but I really don't feel like adding a manual step to the check-in process, and since we're already using cruisecontrolrb to handle deployment and testing automation, it seems like there should be an easy way to r...

Given a path, how to determine if its absolute/relative in Ruby ?

I am working on writing a rake build scrip which will work cross platform ( Mac OSX, Linux , Windows ). The build script will be consumed by a CI server [1] I want the logic of my script to be as follows: If the path is determined to be relative, make it absolute by making *output_path = FOO_HOME + user_supplied_relative_path* If th...

rails Rake and mysql ssh port forwarding.

Hello, I need to create a rake task to do some active record operations via a ssh tunnel. The rake task is run on a remote windows machine so I would like to keep things in ruby. This is my latest attempt. desc "Syncronizes the tablets DB with the Server" task(:sync => :environment) do require 'rubygems' require...

Vlad the Deployer - Usage Patterns?

I'm starting to use vlad for new deployments and am wondering what's the best way to set it up so I can use the same tasks for my local development and remote production servers? I thought about defining everything as remote tasks then having dev/prod methods which set the domain variable, then I can just call rake dev/prod vlad:do_some...