
Best way to handle multiple configuration matrix with rake?

I have an application that can be built in one of 2 configurations (Company1 or Company2) and in debug or release mode. Company1 Release All builds done with the Release compiler flag Build and output core dll files to build directory Build and output Company1Plugin.dll to build directory Copy tools\templates\log4net.config to b...

Ruby on Rails - Using Timezones in Rake Tasks set for Cron Job

My web application requires 6 different cron jobs to run to update timezone sensitive data within tables at 00:01:00 of each timezone. I want to create rake tasks for each time zone. Can I configure rake tasks to be timezone aware? For e.g., can I do that following in a rake task: namespace :db do task :update_EST_records => :env...

Rescue rake tasks

I have a number of file tasks in my Rakefile which look like file 'task1' => 'dep' do sh "some command" end There's also task :start => :next task :last => :dep2 I was wondering if there was a way of rescuing it on the top level, i.e. to say begin task :last => :dep2 rescue # do something end rather than in every file tas...

Rakefile not getting deployed with capistrano

I am getting this error when deploying with capistrano: executing "cd /opt/my_app/dev/releases/20100103021722; rake RAILS_ENV=staging db:migrate" servers: [""] [] executing command ** [out ::] rake aborted! ** [out ::] ** [out ::] No Rakefile found (looking for: rake...

Rake Abort Error with no answer other than head to the wall . Repeat if necessary.

I am the intrepid little programmer that could. I began programming rails five weeks ago and I have been stuck on the same error for that entire time. It goes like this. I have mysql application installed, have the latest rails (2.3.5), ruby (1.8.6), and mysql (5.1.40). I created a perfectly beautiful database and table with content in ...

How to Rename or Move Rails's README_FOR_APP

When I run rake doc:app in my Rails application root, the API docs are generated using /doc/README_FOR_APP as the home page. I would like to add a .rdoc extention to that file so it is properly rendered on GitHub. Even better, I would like to move it to the app root (/README.rdoc). Is there a way to do this in my Rakefile by modifying th...

Rake test loader - load error

Hi, I am a new with ruby. I am trying to run rake test from the application root and I get loaderror, no such file to load from the rake test loader : 5, i.e. it is not able to locate or load the test files. I created a new app to see if this behaviour is app. related, but it still doesn't work. Where should I look? Is this related ...

Rake Task Ordering

Suppose I have two top-level tasks: task :publicBuild => [:zipSourceCode, :copyPrivateKey] task :internalBuild => [:copyPrivateKey] For the internalBuild task, I don't want to zip source code - I just want the private key. But for a publicBuild, I want to do both. But I need to guarantee that for the publicBuild, the zipSourceCode tas...

How to programmatically determine the installed version of IE from a script

We have an automated testing cluster based on selenium-grid. To manage the cluster, I have built a collection of Rake (Ruby) tasks which can start, restart, ping, and stop nodes. I'm testing our application across a number of browsers including IE6, IE7, and IE8. This means each node in the cluster has to be aware of which version of IE...

How can I decide my browser (*firefox,*ie) from command line in the rake file?

I have a rake file which runs few tasks. I want to run my tests on several browsers without hard-coding it on each test. Any suggestions would be great. ...

rake: Best way of handling an undefined parameter?

I've got a rake task on a rails app that needs one parameter, called USER_ID. I think I'd like to throw an exception that halts the execution. This is what my task looks like: desc "My rake task" task :my_task => :envionment do user_id = ENV["USER_ID"] or # THROW SOMETHING HERE # ... do stuff with user_id end What code goes on...

Ruby on Rails Rake Error

EDIT: Solved the problem, thanks to this forum post: http://forums.aptana.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7563&p=27407&hilit=libmysql.dll#p27407. Thanks everyone! I've started learning RoR and have been trying to use rake db:migrate but I keep getting the same error. I can connect to the MySQL database using C:\dev\railslist>mysql ...

convert rails plugin with rake tasks and capistrano recipes into gem

I want to convert rails plugin into gem. Is there any way to make gem to auto add rake tasks and capistrano recipes when mentioned in environment.rb using config.gem command? ...

How to execute a git commit/push from within a rake task

I've run into the following issue while trying to execute some git commands from within a Ruby rake task (I've tried without the bash --login -c and get the same result). tmpid='TueJan26014125UTC2010' cmd=["git add .", "git commit -a -m \'Migrate nanoc3 co output to gh-pages #{tmpid}\'", "git push --force origin gh-pages:gh-pages" ]...

Choosing a scripting/build tool

Hi, We are currently working on a project with both actionscript and Java. Up to now, we were using Ant as our main build tool, but the dumb amount of duplication it implies and the lack of flexibility (we are building a pretty large amount of small sub-projects, and copying all of the build files every time is a pain) are pushing us t...

Rails Locally Installing Rails Application rake db:migrate returns

I have a private Rails app that I'm trying to install locally. It's currently running in a hosting environment but I'd like to install it locally to begin making changes. I've already worked out that I can make deploy updates to the 'live' server but a recent misstep 'reinforced the need to make changes locally'. After a fair amount of...

Recover from failure of require/load in ruby

I recently discovered the Hanna RDoc template and I like it a lot more than the default. I want to use it in my project, but I also don't want my project to require it. The only change I had to make to my Rakefile to get the hanna template to work was to change require 'rake/rdoctask' to require 'hanna/rdoctask' Is there any way...

What is the inverse rake operation to rake gems:unpack?

I would like to unfreeze the gems which where previously rake gems:unpacked. What is the operation for this? So far I know only the method of rm -r vendor/gems. For rake rails:freeze:edge there is rake rails:unfreeze. Is there such inverse rake task for gems too? ...

Rake task to fetch XML stream with nogokiri and write selected fields to DB

Hey Everybody, I am trying to build a rake tasks, that fetches a product feed and adds it to my db. task :testme => :environment do require 'nokogiri' require 'zlib' require 'open-uri' @url = "http://some_url/filename.xml.gz" @source = open((@url), :http_basic_authentication=>[USERID, "PASSWORD"]) @gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(@s...

Ruby On Rails ORM Model Relations

I'm a bit confused as to how "relationships" are created/processed in ROR/rake. Can anyone confirm if the following is correct? Code the "insert xxx relation" in the DB Migration file. Migrate this once done. Code in the final relationship (has_xxx...) in the model file. If so, can ROR autogen the DB Migration file from changes in t...