
get server ram with php

Hi, Is there a way to know the avaliable ram in a server (linux distro) with php (widthout using linux commands)? edit: sorry, the objective is to be aware of the ram available in the server / virtual machine, for the particular server (even if that memory is shared). ...

Single Input to Array of Custom Modules in Verilog

So I have an array of 4 RAM modules that I want to be able to read/write to based on two different selector signals. Right now I'm instantiating the RAM using intermediary signals: genvar i; generate for (i = 0; i < regnum; i=i+1) begin: regs rfram_generic rf (clk,rst,ce_a_int[i],addr_a_int[i],do_a_int[i], ...

Android Available Ram

How much RAM is available for use by each app? I read somewhere that each app could only use a max of 16 mb, but the total system memory is much higher. ...

What should I load into memory when my app loads?

I have objects I am saving to the file system using serialization. When I load the app, should I load all the objects into memory or just stubs (for searching capabilities)? If I load just stubs, then I would load them from the file system when they are needed and keep them in memory after that for quick access. The order of magnitude...

Hard disk drive and RAM memory - Dynamic Power Management

From what I have seen there is a pretty good support for dynamic power management in the both Windows and Linux when it comes to the CPU (scaling frequency so as to reduce energy consumption). Is there similar support for managing the Hard Disk Drive and the RAM (spinning down the HDD, lowering RAM frequency or anything that might result...

How do I structure the memory map in an N64 emulator?

According to Wikipedia, the N64 only has 4 MB of RDRAM (8 MB with the Expansion Pack), and the other quantities are similarly small (4 KB or so of L1 cache). However, technical documents I have found on Google state that its memory addresses range from $0000:0000 to $FFFF:FFFF -- that's 4 GB! Since existing N64 emulators like Project64 d...

create tables/rows in ram using sqlite?

I remember once i had temporary data used on a webpage. I used php and mysql to create a table that stored visitors ips and the port they requested. I didnt care how long they lasted because after 10mins or an hour the data would no longer be relevant. I cant remember how i did it but using sqlite instead... How do i create a table for ...

Scraping System Memory for strings matching a regular expression in Windows

Any ideas on where to start? ...

Problem allocating heap space over 4 GB when calling java "from Python"

I am using using os.system call from python to run jar file. The jar file requires large heap space and thus i am allocating 4 Gb heap space using Xmx. When i execute the command "java -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -jar camXnet.jar net.txt" from command line it executes properly, however when i call it from a python program via os.system, it wor...

How does PHP handle variables in RAM?

I am curious how PHP handles variables in memory? If I have 100 constants or variables set that hold values related to my application and not on a per user basis, like site name, version number, things like that, which all users have the same value. Will PHP put these 100 variables into ram 100 times if 100 users are hitting the page a...

How do I limit RAM to test low memory situations?

I'm trying to reproduce a bug that seems to appear when a user is using up a bunch of RAM. What's the best way to either limit the available RAM the computer can use, or fill most of it up? I'd prefer to do this without physically removing memory and without running a bunch of arbitrary, memory-intensive programs (ie, Photoshop, Quake,...

Reserve RAM in C

Hi I need ideas on how to write a C program that reserve a specified amount of MB RAM until a key [ex. the any key] is pressed on a Linux 2.6 32 bit system. * /.eat_ram.out 200 # If free -m is execute at this time, it should report 200 MB more in the used section, than before running the program. [Any key is pressed] # Now all the r...

How do I know if my PHP application is using too much memory?

I'm working on a PHP web application that let's users network with each other, book events, message etc... I launched it a few months ago and at the moment, there's only about 100 users. I set up the application on a VPS with ubuntu 9.10, apache 2, mysql 5 and php 5. I had 360 Mb of RAM, but upgraded to 720 MB a few minutes ago. Late...

Load a MySQL innodb database into memory

I have a MySQL innodb database at 1.9GB, showed by following command. SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name" , sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1 048 576 as "Data Base Size in MB" , sum( data_free )/ 1 048 576 as "Free Space in MB" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema ; +-------------------...

What does disassemble look like on machines with memory larger than 4G?

This is what it looks like on my laptop with less than 4G: 0x004012f1 <main+0>: push %ebp 0x004012f2 <main+1>: mov %esp,%ebp 0x004012f4 <main+3>: sub $0x18,%esp 0x004012f7 <main+6>: and $0xfffffff0,%esp Can someone using RAM larger than 4G paste a dump? I think it should be no longer like 0x004012f7 as its capa...

C++: Unitialized variables garbage

int myInt; cout << myInt; // Garbage like 429948, etc If I output and/or work with unitialized variables in C++, what are their assumed values? Actual values in the memory from the "last user"? e.g.: Program A is closed, it had an int with the value 1234 at 0x1234 -> I run my program, myInt gets the address 0x1234, I output it like...

Python large variable RAM useage

Hi, Say there is a dict variable that grows very large during runtime- up into millions of key:value pairs. Does this variable get stored in RAM,effectively using up all the available memory and slowing down the rest of the system? Asking the interpreter to display the entire dict is a bad idea, but would it be okay as long as one k...

Can RAM handle different data type sizes?

int, char and bool usually have different sizes. Where int>char>bool, I suppose. But does the RAM even support this? How is it built up? Can it take advantage of bool being only 1 byte and store it in a small "register"? ...

Java variables -> replace? RAM optimization

Hi guys, I just wanted to know what happens behind my program when I declare and initialize a variable and later initialize it again with other values, e.g. an ArrayList or something similar. What happens in my RAM, when I say e.g. this: ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(); ...add values, work with it and so on.... al = new...


Before I describe my problem, here is a description of the program I'm writting: This is a C++ application. The purpose of my program is to create file on RAM memory. I read that if specify FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY | FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE when creating file it will be loaded direct to the RAM memory. One of blogs that talk about ...