
10K, 20M, 21V kudos etc... in Ruby on Rails

I am creating a snippet-site where people can rate snippets, just like votes on SO. Currently, when a snippet has over 999 kudos, it looks like on this mug: So what I want is to do a 1K, 1M, etc... kudos like on SO: ----- |999| ----- **user does +1** ----- |1K | ----- **one million kudos** ----- |1M | ----- The same goes for billi...

MySQL Rating System - Find Rating

I'm trying to rate Types of Fruit by the best possible rating given by users. I have a Fruit table called Ratings just for submitting ratings with the following Information Fruit_id int From_ID int Rating int now I'm trying to run a SQL command like the following select From_ID, AVG(Rating) AS Rating FROM Ratings Group BY `Fruit_ID`...

Galleriffic with photo rating script

Hello, Anybody has a idea how to intergrate "Reddit-style Voting" with "Galleriffic 2"? links: http://ad1987.blogspot.com/2009/02/reddit-style-voting-with-php-mysql-and.html http://www.twospy.com/galleriffic/ I would like to show in description div buttons with option to rating photo. I try to do that, but the script doesn't start w...

Is there a meta tag for website content rating?

A client of mine said she noticed her site was blocked in a grocery store's wifi cafe. It contains nothing scandalous - it is just a travel blog. It said the reason for the restriction is Forbidden Category "Not Rated." Is there some way to apply a rating to web content so that it won't be blocked? I've never come across this problem b...

Rating/Voting and Tag APIs, do they exist?

Everyone loves to display Digg/Tweet/Like badges on their websites, and the Disqus Comment System is starting to take over. The benefits of those systems from a developers perspective are: You don't have to program the complex, fully-featured logic that those seemingly simple systems require. You don't have to handle the ...

Looking for super simple but effective BUG/Feature list that users can vote.

I am looking for some javascript or php code where it allows anyone to enter something in a list, and allows people to vote (1 vote per IP or cookie) or rate (not important, OK, important). There would be two lists, one for people suggest features and also rate features up and down in the list. The other would be bugs, for people to vot...

Calculations in mysql statement for rating

Hello, I want order a selection of items by the rating. There are 2 fields: rateup and ratedown. I use these fields to calculate a number and order the selection on that number. Can that be done in mysql? I have a querylike this, but this doesn't work: SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY (((9/rateup+ratedown)*rateup)+1) DESC How can I make t...

Public Rating script, allowing 1 submission per visitor

Hi everyone, I've written a .NET/jQuery rating script that allows users to rate a particular product. Everyone that visits the website can rate, but I'd like to only allow 1 rating per visitor. So far I've considered the following options. 1: Store the users IP address and only allow 1 submission per IP. Of course, this would mean t...

RatingBar onClick

Hi, I have a ListView that uses different XML files to create Views and make items out of. One of these XML files contains a RatingBar. Everything displays and looks excellent. I'm trying to attach an onClick handler to the RatingBar to launch a new Activity. My RatingBar is of style ?android:attr/ratingBarStyleSmall; so it's just a...

How do you display value from database in AjaxControlToolkit Rating Control?

I am using the Rating Control in .NET 2010, but can't figure out how to save the value back to the db and, more importantly, how to display the proper amount of stars for a given record from the databse. Here is my markup: <ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager runat="Server" EnablePartialRendering="true" ID="ScriptManager1" /> <ajaxToo...

asp.net code for article submission and comments and rating

Hi, I need to write a module for submission of articles and rate and commenting of the article. Can anyone help me with sample asp.net 3.5 code to upload articles in asp.net and comments and rating. Thanks in advance. ...

Ajax Slider Rating System (not Star Rating)

I'm looking for a Ajax rating script similar to the one on metacritic, ign, gamespot, etc. (example) I've found only star rating systems and one slider that is not similar to the one that I'm looking for. (jquery ui slider) Anyone knows something like that I'm looking for? Otherwise I'm willing to pay someone for this work. ...

Rating site in PHP

Hi I'm planning on doing a rating site for hotels in a certain region. Before I reinvent the wheel, are there any complete open source rating alternatives that I just can install on my server? I know I'm not being very specific, but some functionality that might be good is... Add details of a hotel Rate and comment a hotel Forum is g...

Direct "rate in iTunes" link in my app?

I've seen posts here on Stackoverflow that describe how to allow users to be directed to apps on the app store. Is there a way to link directly to the rating and comments form in the App Store? ...

What are some tools to test or rate my site?

I have a mobile and a normal website. They load pretty fast. I used YSlow and Page Speed (google) to test it and got >90%. Are there other tools or sites i can use to 'profile' my site for suggestions or to rank it in a way? -edit- Good answers. Anymore? makes this a CW ...

Decrease the size of Rating Bar in Android 2.1

Hi guys, I am currently working on a Mobile App project for Ford company, and I am a newbie in Java Android. I am just wondering, is there any way to decrease the size of rating bar in Android 2.1? I want to preserve more spaces for other buttons and edittexts. Thank you in advance for you help ...

Drupal: Inserting fivestar widget in an external php file

Hello, I have been trying to load fivestar module and show the rating widget of the selected node in an external php file. I have gotten the rating widget displayed on the page but it only displays degraded version of the widget (non-JavaScript, dropdown widget and "Rate" button) I looked into the source code of the page but the javascr...

A php photo contest with rating system

I would need a simple php photo contest system with rating option. Every user can register on it and upload his photo. Every user can rate the photos (obviously one rate per photo). I don't pretend to find anything which adheres perfectly to my specification, but something similar may be good, as I can hack and adapt it to my needs. Can...

Destiney Rated Images Script template's section comment

I'm hacking this script in order suit it to my needs... To be clearer the script is this: http://destiney.com/php#Destiney_rated_images it was recommended to me by a stackoverflow user...Thanks Yasterday I was working on it and I don't know how, using the Chrome's developer tools I saw that in the html code there were the beginning and ...

image grid display with "Destiney Rated Images Script"

I'm talking about this http://destiney.com/php "Destiney Rated Images Script" Is it possibile to show all the images in a grid? moreover, What does it mean "Image Types"? Is it a sort of category? Thanks in advance... ...