
Which SVN hostings allow repository import/export

There are many subversion hosting companies, some free, some charge a bit/a lot. When google first offered GMail, they allowed users to come and to leave, unlike most other major providers. You could export all your email to another account, etc. Are there anything similar in SVN hosting market? I only found to offer that, bu...

Which Linux software do you recommend for C++ programming?

I would like to learn to program using the Linux environment. What do you suggest for Editors/ IDEs? ...

PHP Framework recommendation?

Hi, I'm pretty much new to PHP and still learning as I go. (aren't we all) I'm working on a Web 2.0 startup and I wonder what PHP Framework should I use. It must be free and of course enables commercial use, supports AJAX, DB, etc. And I would prefer that it didn't force JSON when using AJAX, I think XML is better... I don't know :) W...

Simple Suggestion / Recommendation Algorithm

I am looking for a simple suggestion algorithm to implement in to my Web App. Much like Netflix, Amazon, etc... But simpler. I don't need teams of Phd's working to get a better suggestion metric. So say I have: User1 likes Object1. User2 likes Object1 and Object2. I want to suggest to User1 they might also like Object2. I can obvi...

How does your company/business document their technology roadmap?

I have seen people use everything from sticky notes to pretty expensive software. I have been asked to do a bit of research into different available software and or methods for creating and tracking our technology roadmap. What do you or your company use to track their technology roadmap? Would you use something different? ...

Inter-Process Communication Recommendation

I'm searching for a light-weight, fast and easy way to handle Inter Process Communication between some programs on a Linux machine. Currently, I'm thinking Named Pipe, because it's provided by the OS itself. Are there any caveats about the performance or usability? Would Shared Memory be better? I don't think I need a super-complex F...

recommendations for two challenging web app problems

I'm looking for recommendations for vendors - quite possibly start-ups - who can help with two challenging requirements for an app I'm building right now. We're really open to new and innovative solutions to these two challenges. I've got a lot of control in terms of dictating choice of browser, selection of hardware, and even choice of ...

Collaborative Filtering Program: What to do for a Pearson Score When There Isn't Enough Data

I'm building a recommendation engine using collaborative filtering. For similarity scores, I use a Pearson correlation. This is great most of the time, but sometimes I have users that only share a 1 or 2 fields. For example: User 1{ a: 4 b: 2 } User 2{ a: 4 b: 3 } Since this is only 2 data points, a Pearson correlation would always...

XAML/WPF Book Recommendation

I am looking for a good (excellent?) WPF/XAML book. A couple of things would be preferable: Oriented largely towards programming on the desktop. In depth and digs into advanced topics. Can you give a recommendation and tell why? ...

UItextfield auto labelling

hi, i'm having one text field, normally when touch the text field, keyboard will appear, is it any possibilities where when text field is touch one drop down list will appear to recommend value to be enter and value is selected it will appear in texr field thanks ...

recommendation systems and the cold start problem

Hello, I am curious what are the methods / approaches to overcome the "cold start" problem where when a new user or an item enters the system, due to lack of info about this new entity, making recommendation is a problem. I can think of doing some prediction based recommendation (like gender, nationality and so on). Thanks ...

What do I need in a database for "Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought"?

Amazon has "Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought". I am wondering and want to add this to my shopping cart which I made. What fields do I need in a database? Any website, blog or resources for this? Can you suggest the mechanism how to I should code it please? ...

Book Recommendations To Learn Tcl/Tk

I'm now in love with Tcl/Tk because of the flexibility and easy way to do the things, but I like to learn by books, then I want some book recommendation to learn. ...

F# Book Recommendation

Possible Duplicates: What’s a good book for learning F#? Good F# Programming Books With the upcomming release of Visual Studio 2010, I want to broaden my knowledge of F# and functional programming in general. Which particular book(s) can you recommend and why? ...

Extracting data using screenscrapers

I am looking for recommendations for a screenscraper I need to extract "Contact Us" information from certain web sites. Any ideas where I can get a good (pref free) screenscarper? ...

Resources To Learn How To Use ld

I'm now doing some upgrades in my own OS and now I need to use ld, but I don't understand much about how to use it, then I'm asking for a good tutorial for really beginners. ...

How to automatically exclude items already visited in recommendation algorithm?

I'm now using slope One for recommendation. How to exclude visited items from result? I can't do it simply by not in (visited_id_list) to filter those visited ones because it will have scalability issue for an old user! I've come up with a solution without not in: select,count( total from propertyviews a ...

SonarJ like tool for .NET

I'm looking for a tool like SonarJ but for .NET instead of Java. SonarJ helps you to find deviations between he architecture and the code within minutes. It can be integrated into your IDE to help you avoid the introduction of new architetural violations to your code base. You can also use it to maintain metric based so...

What are some of good reference books on writing web services?

Hi, I did a bit of research on the topic, but haven't found the "it" book. Do you have recommendations for books on developing web services? Ideally it explains from the beginning, thought process, development process, maintaining the service, tracking, optimization, and so on. Basically it would guide me through developing web servic...

How do you efficiently implement a document similarity search system?

How do you implement a "similar items" system for items described by a set of tags? In my database, I have three tables, Article, ArticleTag and Tag. Each Article is related to a number of Tags via a many-to-many relationship. For each Article i want to find the five most similar articles to implement a "if you like this article you wil...