
django: second for loop produces no elements

I'm fetching a recordset, and doing a for loop to display the data like so: {% for category in categories %} {"img":"{{ category.pr_image }}", "url":"{{ category.pr_store_url }}", "type":"ca", "price":"{{ category.pr_price }}", "store":"{{ category.pr_store }}", "name":"{{ category.pr_name }}", "lat":"{...

VBA for MS-ACCESS: how to populate a combobox with a recordset?

There is some litterature available at expert's exchange and at teck republic about using the combobox.recordset property to populate a combobox in an Access form. These controls are usually populated with a "SELECT *" string in the 'rowsource' properties of the control, referencing a table or query available on the client's side of ...

Recordset only returning 1000 records

I'm doing an ADODB command with an LDAP query to get all the users from my Active Directory. There are about 2600 users, but I'm only getting back 1000 of them. I've tried altering the recordset's PageSize and MaxRecords properties with no luck. Without extraneous stuff, this is what the code looks like (I've made th...

Select data from a record collection type.

I have a stored proc in oracle 11g server that has an out variable of record. I cannot edit this procedure. I am creating a function that will call the procedure and return the information in the record set. I looked at the following question asked here: past question My Question is can I create a type of table for a record and query i...

how to get a column of recordset in an arraylist ?

how to get a column of recordset in an arraylist ?? using .. please help me out .. ...

(Rails) Creating multi-dimensional hashes/arrays from a data set...?

Hi All, I'm having a bit of an issue wrapping my head around something. I'm currently using a hacked version of Gruff in order to accommodate "Scatter Plots". That said, the data is entered in the form of:"Person1",[12,32,34,55,23],[323,43,23,43,22]) ...where the first item is the ENTITY, the second item is X-COORDs, and t...

ADODB Recordset.Recordcount corruption with oracle (ASP)

For some unknown reason, when I try to read the RecordCount property from an ADODB.Recordset object in ASP it causes strange data corruption that doesn't appear to follow any particular pattern that I can find. I'm using ASP to connect to an Oracle 10g database. The following is the code I am using. c_objRS.Open strSql, objPage.objCn,...

Copy only 1 row from a RecordSet (VB6)

I have a RecordSet in VB6 containing multiple rows. I have to copy the current (in a loop) row, and only this one, to another RecordSet (which will contain only that row). The source RecordSet is retrieved from a SQL query. The destination, is only a container for local use. How could I do that? Thanks guys PS: I know absolutely noth...

ADO+Running a Stored procedure via recordset or command, any difference?

Hi Sometimes we run a SP in client application (vb6.0) using recordset and sometimes, by a command object . So, what is the benefit of using command object instead of a recordet? ...


Using a VBA script in Excel, I'm trying to insert a new row into a table and then get back the identity value of that row. If I run: INSERT INTO DataSheet(databaseUserID, currentTimestamp) VALUES (1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() in Management Studio, the row is inserted and it gives me the returned identity value as exp...

How do I get previous and next rows even though some rows have been deleted?

Hello all, I have the following PHP functions that determine the next and previous rows in a database. However, there are lots of occasions when rows can be deleted and therefore my functions will not work as all they do is decrement the auto_increment field. For example, current row 5. My function gives: 4 (previous) and 6 (next). Wha...

How to avoid re-execute the query on a MoveFirst

I have a query in a ASP page. The record set that I obtein must be printed in 3 different tables, after some conditions. So, for avoid extecuting 3 times almost the same query, I decided to search the recordset for the results I I need to make a RS.MoveFirst two times. But...when I analyzed with SQL Profiler, I saw that MoveFir...

read output stored procedure that returns multiple recordsets in sql 2005

I'm trying to programmatically access the result of executing the system stored procedure sp_spaceused. if you pass the name of an object as a parameter, the sp returns a recordset which you can read like this CREATE TABLE #TempTable ( [Table_Name] varchar(50), Row_Count int, Table_Size varchar(50), Data_Space_Used var...

how to write huge data in text file using JDBC without running out of memory

I am trying to create a dump file from a database using JDBC. The file should be round about 300 mb in size containing 1.2 to 1.5 millions records across ten columns but I run out of memory at about 250 thousand. My question is does java store the entire recordset in memory? I have set the recordset to be readable only forward in th...

ADO.RecordSet only can return the 1st and last column

Hi, This is my part of code (classic asp): Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") cmd.ActiveConnection = dbconn cmd.CommandText = "test" cmd.CommandType = 4 cmd.Parameters.Refresh cmd.Parameters("@test") = test Set rsGetGroupMemberList = cmd.Execute dim rs, Cols, Rows rs = rsGetGroupMemberList.GetRows rsGetG...

Clone existing recordset to excel recordset

I have a recordset that contains all of the data needed to import into an Excel file. Is there a way I can clone my live recordset into the one created when I open an Excel file? Here is what I'm trying right now with no luck. Dim connection : Set connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connection.Open "Driver={Microsoft ...

VBA/Access RecordSet per form record problem


Problems with Recordset Filter

I'm having trouble with a filter on an ADO Recordset in legacy ASP Classic code, and I'm trying to understand if what I'm trying to do is not supported, or if I'm just doing it wrong. I have a recordset of Items, and they have a Status of 1 (active) or 0 (inactive), and an optional End_Date. In my administrative user interface, I have ...

Constructing a C++ object (the MFC CRecordset) thread-safely

We're trying to build a class that provides the MFC CRecordset (or, really, the CODBCRecordset class) thread safety. Everything actually seem to work out pretty well for the various functions like opening and moving through the recordset (we enclose these calls with critical sections), however, one problem remains, a problem that seems t...

Recordset returns the correct number of row but with all field empty

hi I have the same copy of access running in 3 cities right now. they work prefectly ok. they are 99% the same with one minor difference. Each of them has two views which use different odbc connection to different cities DB (all these db are SQL 2005). The views act as datasource for some two very simple queries. however, while i tried ...