
Classic ASP SQLNCLI connection string returns empty recordsets that worked fine with SQLOLEDB

Trying to switch to SQLNCLI so I can use varchar(max) fields in my ASP application. No records are returned from a query that worked fine under SQLOLEDB. The connection string opens as follows: ConnStr="Provider=SQLNCLI10;Server=,8888;Server=UWCTest;Uid=user;Pwd=pass;DataTypeCompatibility=80;MARS Connection=true;" oConn....

How to save a ado recordset into a new local table in access 2003?

I'm trying to import tables from a FoxPro 9.0 database into access 2003. So far, from google searches and many trials, the only way for me to connect to the tables is through an OLE DB connection programatically. I have set up 3 ODBC connections with different configurations but none of them work. I get unspecified errors, that I can't f...

[ADO] Can't update recordset

I don't want to update data in DB. I just want to update data in the recordset to prepare the data to use. With RS .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Open "execute StoredProcedure", DBCon, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing End With I was once able to call update method successfully with the code ab...

Insert Null value in ADO Recordset

Is it possible to insert a null value into a field using the AddNew method of an ADO Recordset in VB6? In a typcial INSERT query, you would simply use NULL; however, I've discovered that this doesn't work through ADO; it inserts "NULL" instead. Is there another way to insert a null value when adding a new record? ...

DetailsView is not visible when there is no data in DataSource.

Hi guys. What to do to show DetailsView even when there is no data in underlying datasource? The problem is that when DetailsView is not visible, the command buttons are also not visible. So I can not insert a new record to a database. I would like to have always visible DetailsView with its DefaultMode set to ReadOnly. If it is not p...

SSIS sometimes inserts fewer records with the same source data set

I have a table with 63,506 records. After running through a fairly complicated dataflow, the number shown flowing to the SQL Server Destination always matches my initial record count, yet SOMETIMES, not all records are inserted into my destination table. The flow always completes 'successfully', but it's only truly successful maybe half ...

In VBScript, how to convert a string value into an object like ADODB.Recordset as objects variable name?

As i mentioned in the title, i have a function that retrieves some string parameters. In the function i need a convertion a string to an object like ADODB.Recordset. I am using VBScript in ASP. Thank you My code looks like: Function calc(someString,anotherString) Set someString = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") 'Opening db ...

Limit no of records fetched by a query.

I have a table with 100 K records. I am writing an XML file based on this recordset. I need to write 100 records to a file at a time. So I will have 1000 separate files. Currently to limit number of records getting written to a file, I am using the SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ROWNUM < 100; This fetches 100 records and writes them to ...

How can I get Client Side Recordset from Server side Recordset?

I just made a sql query through a component which returned me a server side recordset. Is there a way I can make it as a client side recordset? Creation of the recordset is not in my control. I am not going to need server side recordset again. Basically I want to minimize round trips to the server at the cost of client memory. What cou...

Classic ASP recordset not allowing field update

I have a strange one here.. I create a recordset using Classic ASP Set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.ActiveConnection = g_conn rs.CursorLocation=3 ' adUseClient rs.LockType= 3 ' adLockBatchOptimistic on error resume next rs.Open ...

Unspecific behavior of record set in vb6

Dear Expert i have the following problem when i try to get the value from the record set it showing error the query is SSql = "select doj,dol,employeeid from m_employee where employeeid='" & Trim(RsCardNo!Code) & "'" rsCardRepl.Open SSql, Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If rsCardRepl.RecordCount > 0 Then Dim temp As In...

Return recordset from function in classic ASP

Hi, I'm at a loss on how I can return a readable recordset from a function in classic ASP. This is what I came up with, but it's not working: Response.Clear Response.CharSet = "utf-8" Response.ContentType = "text/plain" Dim Count Set Count = Test Response.Write Count.Fields(0).Value Function Test Dim Query, Connection, Comman...

Is there a way to increase the ammount of open dao recordsets at vb?

I've opened a dao recordset at a VB application. The problem is that I received an '3037' runtime error, this error says that I can't open any more tables or queries. So, I have to close some, but this doesn't seem to work... Is there any way to increase the number of opened recordsets? I use the next code to sort a FlexGrid table when ...

I am trying to produce a 3 level deep nested list from a dreamweaver recordset

I have put a page up at that shows all the records produced by this recordset code: SELECT manufacturer.manDesc, models.modelDesc, engine.engineSize FROM manufacturer INNER JOIN models ON (manufacturer.manID = models.manID) INNER JOIN model_engine ON (models.modelID = model_engine.model...

First record not picked up in pagination script (despite the fact it is set to show all records > NOW() as query)

This is my pagination script, which I've been working on: This is the query page which displays the records - but it omits the first record: The actual query is this: <?php //Require the file that contains the required classes include("pmcPagination.php"); //Php...

Rails 3 ActiveRecord associated collections custom methods

If I have an Auction record, which has many Bids associated with it, out of the box I can do things like: highest_bid = auction.bids.last(:all, :order => :amount) But if I want to make this clearer (since it's used in multiple areas in the code), where would I define the method: highest_bid = auction.bids.highest_bid Is this actual...

How to get average tax rates with SQL from a one-to-many relationship

I have a database containing two tables - one, states, contains info about each state's income taxes, and the second, brackets, contains the tax brackets for each state connected to States by a numeric key. I would like to use SQL to retrieve each state and the AVERAGE tax bracket amount for each state to output in a recordset. For exam...

Oracle 10g - flatten relational data dynamically

Hi. I am using Oracle 10g. and I have the following relational structure that I think I need to flatten out so on the client side a grid view shows the correct number of columns. TableA below can be configured to have any one of it's records enabled or disabled using the enabled field. TableB stores calculated values related to TableA ...

Ado.Net RecordSet member equivalent?

I'm currently re-writing a Vb6 program relying on ADO into C# w/ ADO.NET. I've run into several places in the original code with stuff like this: Dim rs As New Recordset rs.CacheSize = 500 Call rs.Open(sSql, cnMeta, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly) Is there an equivalent (or even a need for an equivalent) to ADO.RecordSet.CacheSize...