
When is a Ruby class not that Ruby class?

I have this code in my controller for a Rails app: def delete object = model.datamapper_class.first(:sourced_id => params[:sourced_id]) if object.blank? render :xml => "No #{resource} with sourced_id #{params[:sourced_id]}", :status => :not_found and return end object.destroy render :xml => "", :status => :no...

C++ Redefinition Header Files

How do I prevent from including header files twice? The problem is I'm including the in MyClass.h and then I'm including MyClass.h in many files, so it includes multiple times and redefinition error occurs. How to prevent? I'm using #pragma once instead of include guards, and I guess that's fine. MyClass.h: // MyClass.h #pragma once...

C++ redefinition due to including header files multiple times

As, the title says. I'm encountering redefinition errors due to including header files multiple times. I know its because of that, but I don't know how to resolve. Yes, I previously posted the same problem in SO an hour ahead. But I wasn't able to explain properly (I think so) and didn't get answers expected. Here is the link: C++ Redef...

Can I redefine a c++ macro for a few includes and then define it back?

I am using both the JUCE Library and a number of Boost headers in my code. Juce defines "T" as a macro (groan), and Boost often uses "T" in it's template definitions. The result is that if you somehow include the JUCE headers before the Boost headers the preposser expands the JUCE macro in the Boost code, and then the compiler gets hop...

C++: static member functions and variables- redefinition of static variable?

I was trying to incorporate the Singleton design pattern into my code, but I started getting a weird error: main.obj : error LNK2005: "private: static class gameState * gameState::state" (?state@gameState@@0PAV1@A) already defined in gameState.obj If you're not familiar with the singleton pattern, it is basically used to enforce only ...

How could I redefine a subroutine and keep the old one too?

Here's what I'd like to achieve: sub first { print "this is original first"; } *original_first = \&first; sub first { print "this is first redefined"; } original_first(); # i expect this to print "this is original first" first() # i expect this to print "this is first redefined" I thought that by saving the symbol for first...

How do I print out a tcl proc?

Given a simple tcl proc like proc foo {a b} {puts "$a $b"} What tcl command can I use to print out the procedure foo ... that is I want the TEXT of the proc back ... For instance: % proc foo {a b} {puts "$a $b"} % foo a b a b % puts $foo can't read "foo": no such variable ... um how do I get "foo {a b} {puts "$a $b"}" back? T...

C++ class redefinition error help

Hi All, I am getting errors like: FxMathFunctions.h: In function 'FxInt32 IMin(FxInt32, FxInt32)': FxMathFunctions.h:13: error: redefinition of 'FxInt32 IMin(FxInt32, FxInt32)' FxMathFunctions.h:15: error: 'FxInt32 IMin(FxInt32, FxInt32)' previously defined here In FxMathFunctions.h I have: 11: struct FxPoint2d; 12: 13: inline Fx...

How to redefine a Ruby constant without warning?

I'm running some ruby code which evals a .rb file everytime its date changes. In the file, I happen to have constant definitions, like Tau = 2 * Pi and of course they make the interpreter display the unwanted "already initialized constant" warning every time. So, I'd like to have the following functions: def_if_not_defined(:Tau, 2 * ...

error C2375: redefinition; different linkage

Error place in api: #define DLLEXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) DLLEXPORT int CAnyseeUSBTVControllerDlg::InitCaptureDevice() { In my .h library class and function definition: class CAnyseeUSBTVControllerDlg : public CDialog { // Construction public: int InitCaptureDevice(void); Any idea how to resolve it? "Error 1...

Why am I getting this redefinition of class error?

Apologies for the code dump: gameObject.cpp: #include "gameObject.h" class gameObject { private: int x; int y; public: gameObject() { x = 0; y = 0; } gameObject(int inx, int iny) { x = inx; y = iny; } ~gameObject() { // } int add() { retur...

Can't include <gl/gl.h>

I'm using Visual Studio 2010. I'm trying to write simple Camera class in OpenGL. I need to include gl/gl.h in Camera.h gl/gl.h is already included in main.cpp and Camera.h is included in main.cpp When I put #include <gl/gl.h> in Camera.h i got bunch of errors likr this one: Error 11 error C2086: 'int APIENTRY' : redefinition ...

C++ variable redefinition

I have a file: variableinclude.h #ifndef _variableinclude_h_ #define _variableinclude_h_ AClass* variable1; int* variable2; #endif But I include this file in another two different ones: - atest1.h - atest2.h The problem is the following: variable redefinition. How to avoid that??? ...

Multiple redefinition error

After learning more about classes and pointers, I refactored a program I had and wiped out > 200 lines of code, in the process creating two other classes, Location and Piece. The problem is, after getting everything to compile, the linker complains that the constructor for Piece is defined multiple times, with a load of errors: In funct...