
Problem with Reflector and Automatic Properties

I've just disassembled a project to debug it using Reflector, but it seems to balk at decoding the 'compile results' of automatic properties, e.g. the next line gives me a syntax error. I've tried fixing these manually, but every time I fix one, more appear. private string <GLDescription>k__BackingField; Is there anything I can do ab...

Why do people disassemble .NET (CLR) binaries?

I'm somewhat new to .NET but not new to programming, and I'm somewhat puzzled at the trend and excitement about disassembling compiled .NET code. It seems pointless. The high-level ease of use of .NET is the reason I use it. I've written C and real (hardware processor) assembly in environments with limited resources. That was the rea...

What are these opcodes for?

Using reflector I get the following output: .method private hidebysig static class myModelTestarea.Foo Method() cil managed { .maxstack 1 .locals init ([0] class myModelTestarea.Foo CS$1$0000) L_0000: nop L_0001: ldc.i4.0 L_0002: newarr object L_0007: call object myModelTestarea.Program::Resolve(object[]) L_000c: castcla...

How to see XML comments of the code from Reflector

Hi I prefer to browse the assemblies using reflector even though i have source code with me specially in case when i move to new project. But I feel it would be nice if i could see the XML comments of the source code in reflector. Is any addin which would do that? Thanks In advance, Uday ...

Automatically detecting incompatible DLL references

Is there a tool that takes a solution or a set of DLLs, and automatically detects incompatible references (two DLLs that reference that same DLL but with different versions, thus resulting in hard-to-detect runtime errors). Currently we're debugging such problems using Reflector, I'm looking for a magical automatic tool. ...

Matching ASP.NET source code to a compiled web application

My client has a compiled ASP.NET 2.0 application that was compiled & deployed a year ago. They also have 4 versions of source code projects/solutions not under source control (stored on previous developer's workstation file system). None of the file dates appear to match one another. Is there any way to determine which (if any) of thos...

C# encryption in the age of reflector

Hi everyone, I have a program, where the password to a database is set by a remote user. The program saves the username and password to an encrypted string in an xml file that otherwise should be human readable. Now, this works fine, I use the C# DES encryption with a key, and it get encrypted and decrypted. Now, the problem is that any...

How to use reflector to view the implementation of .NET library functions

I tried to see the implementation of [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] public extern int get_Length(); fucntion, which in turn is Length property of string. But reflector gave me the following error "The member is not loaded or may be hidden due to your visibility settings" However the member is loaded and the visibility set...

Why does Console.Out.WriteLine exist?

Actually the question should be why does Console.WriteLine exist just to be a wrapper for Console.Out.WriteLine I found this little method using intellisense, then opened .NET reflector and 'decompiled' the code for the Console.WriteLine method and found this: public static void WriteLine(string value) { Out.WriteLine(value); } S...

How can the .NET source code XML comments be persisted in the assembly metadata?

Dear ladies and sirs. Have you noticed that for some methods in the system assemblies, the .NET Reflector also shows the respective documentation? Which means that the documentation can be persisted in the assembly metadata. How can I make it work for my own assemblies? Meaning, I want to see my comments to my method when I reflect it ...

Distribute Reflector assembly list

Does anyone know of a Reflector add-in that allows you to distribute assembly lists? That is, the lists that can be maintained when using the File, Open List menu option? I have a list of assemblies for development that needs to be updated between several machines used by different developers at the moment. Something less painful would ...

MesureOverride to return more than the availableSize?

I was looking at FrameworkElement.MesureOverride on MSDN, trying to understand the mechanism behind the layout engine. I stumbled upon this interesting note : During this process, child elements might return a larger DesiredSize size than the initial availableSize to indicate that the child element wants more space. Ok. I had ref...

ClickOnce Application Deployment dll reference question

Hello, I have installed an application off the web via ClickOnce. Examining the application in Reflector shows that it depends on two custom libraries--Thirteen23.Library.3 and TwitterLib. When attempting to open classes defined in these libraries, Reflector complains that "The following assembly name cannot be resolved automatically...

c++ public function syntax error

I am attempting to convert a c# to c++ with reflector. The code compiled, disassembled and reconstructed code is generating this error: 1>c:\users\user\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\reflect_readoo\reflect_readoo\readoo.cpp(2) : error C2059: syntax error : 'public' 1>c:\users\user\documents\visual studio 2008\pr...

Can i reverse engineer my own dll?

Hi folks, We've got a .NET project at work, which we lost (human error). The person who wrote the code said she had three projects in the solution => one webform, one winform and one class library. Now, we have the final DLLs and website. Is there anything we can do with this? For the class library, I was thinking about using Reflect...

Does anyone know of a free tool to integrate Reflector with Visual Studio, besides TestDriven.NET?

Dear ladies and sirs. I love the Go to Reflector menu option installed by TD.NET. However, TD.NET is not free for commercial use and so I do not have it at work. I am wondering if there is another tool out there that does just that - allows to jump to Reflector from the source code in VS and which is totally free. I know it is possibl...

Where to find a specific version of a .NET Framework DLL (to examine in Reflector)

I'd like to get hold of version 2.0.50727.832 of System.Windows.Forms.dll - does anyone know where I can find it, without installing the correpsonding version of the .NET Framework? Background: A customer has just reported a crash in my product. I believe it's due to a bug in a previous version of the .NET framework, which is fixed in ...

Where do Label_ markers come from in Reflector and how to decipher them?

I'm trying to understand a method using the disassembly feature of Reflector. As anyone that's used this tool will know, certain code is displayed with C# labels that were (presumably) not used in the original source. In the 110 line method I'm looking at there are 11 label statements. Random snippet examples: Label_0076: if (enume...

Is it possible to reflect a running .NET process?

Dear ladies and sirs. I have an application with dynamic types emitted at run-time. In order to inspect the generated .NET code, we save the dynamically generated assemblies and use the Reflector. I am wondering whether there is a way to reflect them the Reflector way while the respective process is running, without having to save th...

Strange Property Override in DataGridViewTextBoxCell.

If you look at the DataGridViewTextBoxCell property, ValueType, in reflector, you can see it overrides a property from DataGridViewCell. The strange thing is, is that the overriden property is readonly, but the property in the parent class is read and write. I can only presume that the property has been shadowed and reflector doesn't ....