
Read (to understand) hexa code in Project that decompiled by Reflector

I used .NET reflector to decompiled a file have extension: .exe. After export to project, I have some classes with many "special" characters :( For exampe: Label_065C (why original label name was converted...) Match matchBaseTag = new Regex(@"(?<=base\s+href\=[\x27\x22])(?[^\x27\x22]*)(?=[\x27\x22])").Match(Result); (I think x...

Scope and how to narrow it using VB.Net

If I want to narrow scope of a variable in C#, I can introduce additional braces - i.e.: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { myClass x = new myClass(); x.MyProperty = 1000; Console.WriteLine("x = " + x.MyProperty); { myClass y = new myClass(); y.MyProperty = ...

Is it possible to extend the "Analyze" feature of Reflector?

Hi There, Does anyone know if it's possible to extend the analyze functionality of Reflector? When you select a type and click "Analyze" and then in that analyze window you get the options of "Depends On", "Used By", "Exposed By" or "Instantiated By". I would like to get that output and send it to a file. Thanks in advance, Allan ...

using .NET Reflector on a C# DLL get below unreadable code, how do I correct this class?

The Errors are in public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() and private sealed class d__0 Could you Gurus help to convert those unreadable/understandable code into something I or compiler understand ones... Many Many Thanks first... below is the code using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Collections...

Is it possible to see a member variable's hard-coded value using a disassembler like Reflector?

Given the example source code below, is it possible for someone to see the value of _secret using a disassembler? I didn't see a way to get at the value via Reflector, but I haven't used it very much. Assume the code is not obfuscated in any way. class Foo { private string _secret = @"all your base are belong to us"; public v...

.NET Reflector for Mono

Is there an equivalent of .NET Reflector for Mono? Quick googling did not find anything... Or can I run Reflector on Mono (say, in Mac OS X)? ...

Partially disassembling .net executable.

Hello. I need to write a relatively small program to parse .net executables and generate the list of calls to external methods. For example if System.Console.WriteLine is called inside the file the tool should print that System.Console.WriteLine is called somewhere. I cannot (limited brain and time) and need not (all I need is a list of ...

Clutter in mixed C++/CLI assemblies

Is there any way to hide native placeholder definitions from the managed metadata (visible in Reflector)? I'm creating a mixed-mode C++/CLI assembly containing some files compiled with /clr and some compiled without. I'm using boost and MFC in the native code only, but the boost/MFC headers still need to be #included into the managed c...

Disassembling WPF4 beta2 DLLs with Reflector

Hi there, I'm trying to disassemble some of the DLL of the new WPF4 Beta2 framework. However, all I have is empty methods for all types. I'm not having this problem for other DLL (for example mscorlib). Do you have any idea what is causing this behavior ? Is this anything to do with type forwarding (I know that some WPF types have mov...

Static analysis of .net assembly

I have a C# project for which I need to find the all private methods which are not called from any other public method directly or indirectly. In addition, for each private method which is called from a public method, I need to know which public method it is. Then I will detemine if that method is really called from a client of the clas...

Overloading the ++ and -- operators in c#

It appears in C# you can not override the post decrement operator? I was "reflectoring" and ran across some code that reflector translated to decimal.op_Decrement(x) and I was trying to figure out whether it meant --x or x--. public struct IntWrapper { public static IntWrapper operator --(IntWrapper value) { return new...

Reflector doens't show class implementation

Hi, I'm trying to decompile a library but when I click on a class name or a method name, the implementation code is empty. For example: public bool MethodOne(string str) { // nothing } What could it be? ...

Using reflector, how do you find how an attribute is used in code?

Hi, Is it possible to determine in Reflector or any other tool, how an attribute is being used? All I have are some classes with an attribute being applied, I would like to see the code (disassemble some assemblies) to see how it is being used. JD ...

.NET Reflector Fail - Windows 7 64-bit

Has anyone else had issues using Redgate's .NET Reflector on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit? I'm getting an error saying: "Unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application." Any ideas what's going on with this? Anyone have alternative recommendations for a .NET object browser? I'm thinking lightweight tools, not like Visual ...

Silverlight Canvas: How does it work?

Hello all, In silverlight Canvas class (with Reflector) has very simple implementation: 3 attached dependency properties (Left, Top, ZIndex) and 2 ovverides of MeasureOverride and ArrangeOverride methods which do nothing special. But if i use my implementation like: class MyCanvas : Panel { /* Top and Left dependency properties implem...

2 Events with same name in Reflectored code?

Hello, I work on a project in Silverlight and I wanted to know how does the ObservableCollection work. I was quite surprised to see this in Reflector: public class ObservableCollection<T> : Collection<T>, INotifyCollectionChanged, INotifyPropertyChanged { // Fields private bool _busy; // Events public even...

net reflector and visual studio

I've lost the source code for one of my programs. Is there anyway to disassemble all the code in .Net reflector and then load it into Visual Studio (express preferably), and hopefully get the designer view as well? ...

Where is the implementation of System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost.Dispose()?

I am using Reflector but I can't find System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost.Dispose(). Where is it? ...

replacing vs object browser with reflector?

Has anyone tried to build or seen a plugin for visual studio that replaces the object browser of with Reflector? It would be really cool if I do "Go to Definition" I would end up in Reflector at the correct place instead of in the VS object browser. ...

why licenced code is packed and then is reviewable using Disassembler at the same time ?

Is it legal / ethical to copy code for any reason, or utilize it (like code review) from the .Net framework or any other .Net based API using Reflector or similar tools ? If it is, what advantages do Microsoft and other licence based softwares have for packing there code ? If it is not, Why can we use ILDasm and Reflector ? An...