I have a very interesting task, which I don't know how to implement.
I need to store many regular expressions in a database table, and need to be able to find which of them matches the given string.
For example:
id | regexp
1 | ^hello world$
2 | ^I have [0-9] flowers&
3 | ^some other regexp$
4 | ^and another (o...
I've this PHP regular expression:
$username = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $username);
It allows only A-Z and 0-9. How can I allow ., - and _ as well?
I have a list of legal characters and I want to remove all others chars from text.
// my legal chars. a-Z, numbers, space, _, - and percentage
string legalChars = "[\p{L}\p{Nd}_\- %]*"
string text = "[update], Text with {illegal} chars such as: !? {}";
I do find a lot of examples for removing illegal chars. I want to do the...
I have the following code that should strip all non alphanumerics (excluding hyphens) from some text. It does however miss square brackets somehow?
ereg_replace('[^A-z0-9-]', '', strtolower(str_replace(' ','-',$title)))
Can anyone advise?
I want to extract a string from a url (link). That string is in a <h3></h3> tag.
link = http://www.test.com/page.html
Content of link: <h3>Text here</h3>
What would be an elegant way to first get the content/sourcecode of page.html and then exctract the link?
i'm searching forward in an array of strings with a regex, like this:
for (int j = line; j < lines.length; j++) {
if (lines[j] == null || lines[j].isEmpty()) {
matcher = pattern.matcher(lines[j]);
if (matcher.find(offset)) {
offset = matcher.end();
line = j;
In PostgreSQL, there is a BLOB datatype called bytea. It's just an array of bytes.
bytea literals are output in the following way:
See PostgreSQL docs for full definition of the format.
I'm trying to construct a Perl regular expression which will match any such string.
It sh...
I'm trying to use (.+?) to isolate the words "I. NEED. ISOLATION" in the source below:
<td valign="top" width="82%"> <font face="Arial" size="2">
I. NEED. ISOLATION </font> </td>
using (.+?), I could do this:
$regex = '/stuff before(.+?)stuff after/';
and for this html, that would be...
I want to ignore everything BUT a subfolder in Mercurial.
The folder I want to keep:
Everything else under:
Should be ignored.
I'm using regexp mode in the .hgignore file. This is what I've so far:
Even if this works fine, I would like to shrink it to a single...
I am trying to first find a div using a regular expression (since its class name is somewhat dynamic).
Once found, I then need to place the div inside of a fieldset, so I end up having a final output of
<fieldset class="...">
<div class="the one I found">...</div>
How can I do this in javascript?
Much thanks,
(Yes, yes, I shouldn't use regexps. Alternate solutions are most welcome!)
I'm trying to customize my view of a web page I use a lot, using GreaseMonkey to filter out things I don't want to see.
Basically, the pages contain a lot of links that look like this:
<a class="foo" href="blah">Text</a>
and I'd prefer them to look like this:...
Hi all
This is the regex I am currently using which will evaluate on 1 of each: upper,lower,digit, and specials of my choosing. The question I have is how do I make it check for 2 of each of these? Also I ask because it is seemingly difficult to write a test case for ...
Consider the need to replace window titles that are currently in all caps i.e. "ADD PRESCRIPTION", "ADD PATIENT", to the form "Add Prescription" and "Add Patient".
I am using the Visual Studio search dialog to find all of the strings that are all caps using the regex "([A-Z]|[ ])*". That works great.
Is it possible to find and replac...
My thoughts on how to grab all scalers and arrays out of perl file went along the lines of:
open (InFile, "SomeScript.pl");
@InArray = <InFile>;
@OutArray = {};
close (InFile);
$ArrayCount = @InArray;
open (OutFile, ">outfile.txt");
for ($x=0; $x<=$ArrayCount; $x++){
$Testline = @InArray[$x];
if($Testline =~ m/((@|\$)[A-Z]+)/i){
text = '#container a.filter(.top).filter(.bottom).filter(.middle)';
regex = /(.*?)\.filter\((.*?)\)/;
matches = text.match(regex);
// matches[1] is '#container a'
//matchss[2] is '.top'
I expect to capture
matches[1] is '#container a'
matches[2] is '.top'
matches[3] is '.bottom'
matches[4] is '.middle'
One solution ...
We have a report queue that can get clogged with no good method to monitor.
We have a web page in Oracle report builder that can display how reports are in the queue
Should always be 1 or 0
So I want to create a bash script to use curl to grep for
1-10 of 10
and if 10 of 10 is not equal
ie 10 of 50 to return the first match.
What is the best way to determine whether or not a field's value is an integer in SQL Server (2000/2005/2008)?
IsNumeric returns true for a variety of formats that would not likely convert to an integer. Examples include '15,000' and '15.1'.
You can use a like statement but that only appears to work well for fields that have a pre-det...
Trying to parse a text file for records starting with an RH space and a date. I need to return the entire line. I expect to find about 6000 in the file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Example of a full record:
RH 09/27/08 11:49 11:49:00.224 COA292 H393 2664FB753 178 -54.82 8.98 C 431 264 13 040 34 24.45-074 58 57.93...
Provide an example for the pseudo-regex: Match every url except those from example.com and example2.com according to the PHP regexp syntax.
Here is what I have so far, but it doesn't work:
$patternToMatch = "@https?://[^(example.com|example2.com)]\"*@i";
In Visual Studio 2008, using Regex, how do I comment out all lines containing the text "xyz"?