
In Xcode, project settings, how to add relative path?

How it looks? thanks ...

Converting 3D positions to 2D?

Say I have a 3D object's position, and the camera's location and rotation matrix. How, would I go about converting this to a 2 Dimensional position on the screen? So that I could draw over the 3D object? You see, I'm using an engine that only allows 3D Env + 2D Gui, so I can't do my normal approach of drawing in 3D, but scaled up. I n...

How do I make these relative imports work in Python 3?

I have a directory structure that looks like this: project/ foo/ __init.py__ In project/foo/ I import classes from, and and put them in __all__. There's a class in nam...

Is there anything wrong with having positioning & float?

I have: .event { float:left; position:relative; top: 50px; width: 100%; height: 100px; background-color: #FFFFFF; border-top: 1px solid #D6D6D6; border-bottom: 1px solid #D6D6D6; } It works to my liking in firefox & safari. Mainly float against another element, but be offset against it. I know I can use...

Relative paths in spring classpath resource

Hi all, I have a bunch of spring config files, all of which live under the META-INF directory in various subpackages. I have been using import like the following... <import resource="../database/schema.xml"/> So a relative path from the source file. This works fine when I am working with a local build outside of a jar file. But ...

Get Correct Relative Path in Delphi

Hi, I am writing with Delphi 2009 a little app to edit HTML files. With HypRef := '../../photos/myjpg.jpg' If FileExists(ExpandFileName(HypRef)) then ... I can find out, whether the file exists or not. Is there a function to find out the correct relative path, if FileExists gives a negative answer? ...

php exec command - relative paths not working

how to run external program from php with exec command using relative paths? <?php exec('program_name ......'); ?> this works only if program_name.exe is in the same directory as this php script. for example exec('something/program_name ......'); doesnt work if php script is not in the 'something' directory. anybody know...

SVG Absolute coordinates?

Hello, I have some SVG files which have many text nodes in them. I would like to get the absolute position of each of the text nodes, within the SVG document (the SVG documents have width="743.75" and height="1052.5"). An example text node looks like this: <g> <text transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,106.5,732.5)"> <tspan x="0 7.897999...

The Script Path of an included PHP script?

Is there a way to achieve the following? In my /www/var/public_html/index.php file i have this <?php include('database/connect.php'); ?> And then in /www/var/public_html/database/connect.php, I want to do something like this <?php $my_path = get_path_of_current_script(); // should not be path of index.php echo $my_path; // should p...

setting height of DIV with CSS in relative positioning

I have some HTML+CSS code that wants to layout several DIVs. The layout is like this: all DIVs stay in a parent DIV whose size is fixed. Then each child DIV should stay on its own line, and use the minimum height for drawing its content. The last DIV should consume all remaining height, so that the parent DIV is entirely filled. This co...

Position:relative for anchors in webkit broken. Work-arounds?

In our project we used the following method to link users to some anchorred area on the page: <span style="position: relative; top: -100px; z-index: -1; visibility: hidden;" id="anchor">&nbsp;</span> This was used to leave a little space before the exact anchorred element like a form.

How to create a absolute element overlapping several rows in a calendar (table) design?

Hi Im trying to create a calendar in an HTML table design with css element div elements as appointment blocks in absolute positioning which is working fine. But since the block is absolute, which makes me able to overlap as many rows as I want to create appointments, it dosnt stretch horizontally which is what I want. How can I make the...

Relative path of a given file from a service application in Delphi

I have a problem loading a file, as I'm passing a relative path to the function FileExists(Filename: String) and it's returning false, that is, it does not find the file in the directory that I pass. I have a file named Template.html in the D:\Programming\Delphi\Projects\SendMail directory, and a service written in Delphi whose .EXE is...

CSS Relative positioning overflow (squashed div problem) divs height expand with content?

Hi I'm trying to edit some css to include a border to the right and the left of my site. My problem is that when I make my height 100% or auto nothing happens, but when I change the height it works, but I can't use this as I want it to change with the content. I've noticed in expression web my sitegrinder div looks too squashed up the...

How can I jump relative to the PC using the gnu assembler for AVR?

I have a binary file that I've disassembled using avr-objcopy. The interrupt vector table looks like: 00000000 : ; VECTOR TABLE 0: 13 c0 rjmp .+38 ; 0x28, RESET 2: b8 c1 rjmp .+880 ; 0x374, INT0 4: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x0 6: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x0 8: fb cf ...

WPF: Default TabControl's active tab overlaps from it's container, how to replicate this?

Hi, I am subclassing a control from TabControl (to be able to add stuff alongside tabs, like modern browsers do), and I encountered this problem: The active tab of native TabControl (1st and 2nd control from the top in the picture) overlaps the border of ContentPresenter, hiding the thin line underneath. I copied the xaml from Aero dic...

jQuery: move element by relative value

hi all, (meaning an elements left-value): what's the easiest way to move an element - eg. 10px to the left (from its current position)? thx ...

Testing subpackage modules in Python 3

I have been experimenting with various uses of hierarchies like this and the differences between absolute and relative imports, and can't figure out how to do routine things with the package, subpackages, and modules without simply putting everything on sys.path. I have a two-level package hierarchy: MyApp ...

CSS IE6 IE7 Set child element's width when parent element's position is relative.

I'm trying to set a width for a child element which parent's position is relative. But when I give a width to child larger than parent's width, the parent's width in FireFox will be changed. And which in IE6/IE7, I must change the parent's width then the child's can be changed. Now, I need to change the child's width but not change it's ...

PHP fopen filename. Is it relative or absolute?

Hi I'm having problems with my paths and fopen with reference to my web server. I have a file saved in public/dan/new/apps/lovescopes/thisfile.php. thisfile.php will create a new file in public/internalServer/lovescopes/xml/2009/12 using fopen "x+". now my errors show in the line where fopen is: 1.) if i type in the path as relative ...