
Web pages that a long time to load keep on reloading, just on vista on my work n/w...

I have a curious problem at work which I've been struggling with since the advent of Windows Vista. We send our own email newsletter out to 40,000+ people once a week. The sending code has been in place for years, it's in classic ASP/VBscript called through a browser and simply loops through each email address, sending it to them. The...

Can't reload ActiveRecord association from controller

Spent a working day on this. I have class Box has_many :users, :through => :subscriptions end I also have custom insert_new_users and associate_with(new_users) methods which use multiple INSERT to do their job quickly. Anyway, they work fine. I also have this line at the end of "associate_with" method: def associate_with # mysql...

Disguise opener.location.reload() as new post event? Popup should reload parent without "This page cannot be refreshed without resending information" Message

Hi, i have following problem. I have a parent site withs forms. And i have links which open a popup via open.window. I want to reload the parent site with opener.location.reload(); in the Jquery .unload event. This works fine till the user submits the form on the parent site and then closes the popup. I get the usual "This page cannot...

template customization / rails reloading

Hi there; I'm looking for giving the ability to user to modify code in a minimal part of a rails app, part that is located in the app directory. I'm stuck with the "not reload anything automatically in production", is there a way to avoid it ? (talking about "user's template customization"; is liquid a way through this problem ? don't s...

How to reload a Python module that was imported in another file?

I am trying to learn how Python reloads modules, but have hit a roadblock. Let's say I have: dir1\ from dir2.file2 import ClassOne myObject = ClassOne() dir1\dir2\ class ClassOne(): def reload_module(): reload(file2) The reload call fails to find module "file2". My question is, how do I do this properl...

In Python, how do you change an instantiated object after a reload?

Let's say you have an object that was instantiated from a class inside a module. Now, you reload that module. The next thing you'd like to do is make that reload affect that class. --- class ClassChange(): def run(self): print 'one' --- import mymodule from mymodule import ClassChange # why is t...

JQuery AJAX load of external JavaScript causes browser to redirect to new location

I am having issues with loading external javascript using JQuery. Every time when I try to load this external file, browser window becomes blank and in Firefox it redirects to something like: wyciwyg://40/ What I am trying to do, is to load walkscore google map into one of div's on the page. I've tried u...

refresh / reload a datagrid in flex

I am using a datagrid. It has itemEditor components, combo boxes, etc. as aprt of columns. Ideally datagrid.invalidateList() method works to reload the datagrid with new dataProvider data. But, for me it is appending to the old data and new data gets added below the older data. I am not able to fix this reload of datagrid. ...

(Rails) Reloading "lib" files without having to restart server...?

Hi All, Is there any way in Rails to have the ENV reload "lib" files without having to restart the server? I'm working with some classes that I have inside a module in "lib". However, in order to see my changes I must restart the server each time. I'm guessing this is the way Rails is intended to work, but it is quite tedious when de...

problem with reload data from table view after come back from another view

I have a problem in my application. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Basically it is from view A to view B, and then come back from view B. In the view A, it has dynamic data loaded in from the database, and display on the table view. In this page, it also has the edit button, not on the navigation bar. When user tabs the edit b...

VS2008: Disable asking whether to reload files changed outside the IDE

Hi, I have a Visual Studio 2008 project where some code files are generated with each build (a parser, integrated via MSBuild aka editing the *.csproj file). VS does not know about the generated nature of these files (i.e. they are not the result of a "Custom Tool). So they "change" with every build, naturally. And VS2008 asks me after...

Traversing a Python object tree

I'm trying to implement dynamic reloading objects in Python, that reflect code changes live. Modules reloading is working, but I have to recreate every instance of the modules' classes for changes to become effective. The problem is that objects data (objects __dict__ content) is lost during the process. So I tried another approach: ...

prevent iframe content reload on hide in firefox

In my webapplication I hide an iframe using jquery hide() function. Surprisingly firefox reload the content of iframe when the iframe is hidden. Is this a known problem? Is there a workaround? I also tried to hide the iframe setting css style display to 'none'. Same result. The script work as expected in opera. I'm using firefox 3.5.1 ...

Refreshing Table View Rows

I have a segmented control that changes the data in the table view. [self.mySexyTableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:updatedPaths withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationTop]; Let's say that I display 5 rows for tab one, 2 rows for tab two. When the second tab is clicked the first two rows get new values but the old data from tab one for ...

How to automatically reload a web page at a certain time?

I have a website that I want to be reloaded at a certain time, like 3:35pm, not after a specific interval like 5min. How do I do that? ...

How to make the value in dropdownlist not change after submit in JSP?

Let's say i have a jsp page which contains a dropdownlist. when user select a item and click submit to submit the JSP page to itself, after that , the JSP page will reload and item selected before will disselected. How can i make it not change even after reload the JSP page? ...

Can I force a rails session to reload from a string?

I have a third-party app (an upload progress bar - swfupload) that I'm using with rails 2.3.3 that cannot pass along session information or cookies. I can, however, pack the session data from my app into the URI it will use to upload a file and retrieve that when I get the file. The trouble is, none of the magic hacks I see floating ar...

How do I reload the mainview when coming back from the flipview using Utilities template?

I'm using the Utilities Xcode template for my iPhone app. I am trying to find out how to reload the mainview after I come back from the flipview. Seems like the searches I've done come back with the older version of the Utilities template that I do not have. Apple seems to have redone it for 3.0. What I tried to do was put a method in ...

How do you clear an HTML form on page reload but not when the user navigates BACK to the page?

I am using the trick where you store some data in a hidden form in order to be able to be able to persist it so that when the user navigates away from the page and then uses the BACK button to come back I can restore the data to the page without hitting the server again... However, this trick means that the same thing happens when the ...

Prevent loss of variables when browser reload button is pressed

Hi to everybody, Is it possible to keep my (global) variables when the page is reloaded? If yes, how? Thanks for any help. Best regards. ...