
How can I remove the first page of a PDF file with Java?

I was thinking about using a library such as PDFBox but I would like your input. SOLUTION With IText public void removeFirstPage(String input_filename, String output_filename) throws DocumentException, IOException { File outFile = new File(output_filename); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(input_filename); int pages_number...

Remove a bit of a string before a word

Hello I have string like this: G:\Projects\TestApp\TestWeb\Files\Upload\file.jpg How can i do to remove all text before Files (G:\Projects\TestApp\TestWeb)? The search way before files can change, so i can't count signs and remove after 20 signs. Thanks for help :) ...

flex 3 play effect removedFromStage

Hi, I'm removing a component from the WindowedApplication, using removeChildAt(), and want to play an effect (defined within the component, say mx:Resize) which reduces the height of the component (an hbox) to 0 before it is removed. I was using the removedFromStage event within the component, but it just disappears (without playing th...

removenode in javascript chrome

Hi All, I want to removw a node from a page for that i am using the below mentioned function document.getElementById(id).removeNode(true); .This is working fine in IE but not in Chrome. Can anyone tell me how can i do that Thanks ...

Search and remove item from listbox

Is there a way to remove an item from a listbox based on a string? I have been playing around for a few minutes and here is what i have so far but its not working foreach(string file in LB_upload.Items) { ftp.Upload(file); int x = LB_upload.Items.IndexOf(file); LB_upload.Items.RemoveAt(x); } I could just loop through each...

Remove item from jQuery object

jQuery makes it easy to remove nodes from the DOM. But how do you remove something from the jQuery object? ...

A recursive remove directory function for PHP?

I am using PHP to move the contents of a images subfolder GalleryName/images/ into another folder. After the move, I need to delete the GalleryName directory and everything else inside it. I know that rmdir() won't work unless the directory is empty. I've spent a while trying to build a recursive function to scandir() starting fr...

Will the listeners be removed when we call $.remove() in jQuery?

... There are listeners on $('#target') and its children. When we call $('#target').remove() to delete it from DOM,will the listeners be removed? If not,how to remove them together? ...

Container.remove(int i) throws unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

I'm trying to remove all but the first child component from a Java Container. The following code logs "There are 3" and throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 2 int componentCount = cardPanel.getComponentCount();"There are " + componentCount); for (int i = 1; i < componentCount; i++) { card...

deleting files with python scripts

Hi, I want to delete some files with python scripts (while using Windows). I have tried the following code: >>>import os >>> os.remove ('D:\new.docx') but I am getting the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in -toplevel- os.remove ('D:\new.docx') OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argume...

how to remove system environment variable by using batch file

I need to remove system variables from client workstation and my clients are 500+ so I want to provide batch file to user to run himself to delete the system variables. ...

What is the difference between REMOVE and DELETE ?

Is there a difference between : @Cascade(org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.REMOVE) and @Cascade(org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE) ? ...

Unable to delete MP3 file using C++

I am unable to delete a mp3 file from C++ using remove(), neither can rename it using rename() function. What can I do to troubleshoot this? ...

Removing multiple classes (jQuery)

Is there any better way to rewrite this: $('element').removeClass('class1').removeClass('class2'); Can't use removeClass(); as it would remove ALL classes, which I don't want. Thanks ...

Make MySQL table unique

Hay, I created a spider to crawl through a PDF document and log every word in the document into a table in a MySQL database. Obviously words like 'the', 'and', 'or' etc appear in a book many, many times. I'm just wondering what's the quickest method to remove dupe values from a table? ...

Jquery Append() and remove() element

Hi, I have a form where I'm dynamically adding the ability to upload files with the append function but I would also like to be able to remove unused fields. Here is the html markup <span class="inputname">Project Images: <a href="#" class="add_project_file"><img src="images/add_small.gif" border="0"></a></span> <span class="project_ima...

Removing HTML tag from string with jQuery

I have a form with several checkboxes and labels, most of the functionality is working correctly, but I'm having trouble getting the label value for the checkbox, while stripping out a span element inside the label: <input type="checkbox" id="list-item-x" /> <label for="list-item-x"><span class="date">Oct 1</span> The checkbox label</la...

UIView continues to exist after removeFromSuperview

I add a firstView in the AppDelegate : #import "TestViewAppDelegate.h" #import "MainViewController.h" @implementation TestViewAppDelegate @synthesize window; @synthesize mainViewController; - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { MainViewController *aController = [[MainViewController alloc] initWit...

How to remove all spaces and tabs from a given string in C language?

What C function, if any, removes all preceding spaces and tabs from a string? Thanks. ...

How to remove \n or \t from a given string in C?

How can I strip a string with all \n and \t in C? ...