
Windows: Mouse Down on Window Decoration

In almost any Windows application, I notice that holding the mouse button down in a non-client area causes the painting to stop. Why is this required? For example, I have a Managed Direct 3D application which displays a spinning cube. If I place the pointer over the title bar and hold the mouse button down, the cube ceases to spin even ...

Embed non-managed directX into C# form

I got a quick question about running a directX application (C++) in a managed environment. I'm attempting to write a MDI tool (in C#) where the background of the parent window would be an embedded render window of directX (C++). I've read ways that involved writing the C++ into a native dll, however it would be prefered to be able to h...

OpenGL background transparency?

I'm using QT's QGLFramebufferObject for off-screen rendering. After rendering to the buffer I read the result using glReadPixels() The problem is that sometimes the background color I read is just 0 (transparent black) and sometimes it is 0xFF000000 (opaque black) This seem to be related to the time the buffer is initialized. If the buff...

Is there a page event that runs after a webcontrol render event?

I have already tried PreRenderComplete and unload is too late ...

Has anyone else seen this IE6.0 Display problem?

Has anyone seen this type of IE display problem? Note that it is doing some sort of word-wrap/duplication when it renders. The code for the brown box and the text that should be in it is: <div class='span-23'> <div class='span-7'> <div class='info_box' style='height: 30px; padding-top: 10px'> <div class='span-4'><b>Vehicle Ful...

Outlook rendering problem, rendering text too large.

I'm trying to create a newsletter standard for our org and having problems with Outlook rendering the text too large. Here is the css section of the page body { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 75%; background: url(; } a { color: #f24c22 !important; } a:v...

List element rendering fault in IE?

Has anyone seen this before - and can anything be done about it? This link is to a PNG screen shot of a list display in IE - if you look closely, the line height of each element is getting a little bigger for each successive item. The web site look is entirely controlled by CSS. Screen Shot It's not a huge deal, but it sure is weird....

Reporting Services Rendering format restriction

Hi, Is there any way i can restrict my rendering format to PDF for one of my report in Report Manager. Thanks, brijit ...

Simple HTML layout engine to convert HTML to an image

I need a tool to automatically convert simple HTML into an image. I will be controlling the HTML input which will consist of simple text formatting tags and possibly image links--I don't need to be able to render arbitrary HTML. Is there a simple way to do this? I've looked at the HTML layout engines like Gecko and Webkit, but frankly ...

Vertical Table in a web page.

Hi, I want to switch between vertical and horizontal table layout for same data. Although it is possible to do it by making applying the same CSS for the first column for the vertical layout as the css applied for the header row for the Horizontal layout. Is there is any way where we can make the webpage render the way we like it (Ho...

Showing a throbber during html page load and rendering

I have a page that renders slowly. The trip across the net is quick. The initial load of the page is quick. You can actually see (if your machine is slow enough), the initial layout of the html components. Then some javascript stuff runs, making some of those components all ajaxy. Then finally the css gets applied. I can't do anyth...

Why do IE and Firefox render the same image differently, how can I prevent it?

On the left you will notice the google logo rendered by IE, I drew a black line at the top and bottom of the G which extends into the FF windows which rendered the same exact logo yet the FF version renders the image larger. There is NO css linked to this page, just plain and simple Html. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and ...

Help Me Solve Font Sizing Issue

Hey Guys, There's been this ongoing display issue my team has been having with the font size rendering larger than it should within the product. We've been having a heck of time pinpointing what it is. Here's a screenshot of a before and after shot: Notice that in the before, it looks ...

What is the best online resource for 3D rendering in JavaScript?

First a little intro: Last year i wrote this Now, i want to make complete rewrite of it, because that old version have some limitations, for example: sometimes it happens that bars are not visible, because they are drawn one behind another. In this old version there is no real 3d, just ...

Has anyone got a solution for the problem <asp:treeview /> != <ul><li></li></ul>

I'm using the asp:TreeView and would really rather just output it to a standard nested <HTML> list using <ul> and <li>, at the moment it produces some pretty ugly code using <div>s and <table>s. Has anyone got a decent workaround? I'm using <asp:XmlDataSource> to populate the TreeView This explains the current situation very well. ...

Response Content type as CSV

I need to send a CSV file in HTTP response. How can I set the output response as CSV format? This is not working: Response.ContentType = "application/CSV"; ...

struts2: s:checkbox doesn't go on the same row with s:checkbox

Here's the .jsp code: <table> <s:iterator value="allAgents"> <tr> <td><s:property value="firstName" /></td> <td><s:property value="middleName" /></td> <td><s:property value="lastName" /></td> <td><s:checkbox name="ss"/></td> </tr> </s:iterator> </table> When rendered, the checkbox would occupy a whole row bel...

Firefox and IE rendering same image differently!

This is an exact duplicate of: Firefox: IE 6: The background for the image is transparent. Yet IE seems to screw it up. Any ideas? ...

Can two processes render to one OpenGL canvas ?

Hi, I have three different processes running on the same machine. One of them owns an OpenGL window. I would like the other two to be able to render (quickly) to different rectangular portions of the OpenGL window. If I can guarantee that they will nicely take turns executing OpenGL commands, is this possible? Many thanks Hugo Elias...

Can I solve Silverlight color rendering differences in IE7/8?

I have a Silverlight control that tries to have the same background as the underlaying div, but I'm facing color difference problems in IE7/8: That doesn't seems to be a problem for Firefox. Does anyone has a tip how to solve this problem? I try to avoid using the windowless mode in Silverlight and alpha transparency as 1st) it's s...