
Appengine retrieve data related to user form submission

Hi, I had read the docs for Appengine to know how to retrieve data from Models. But i´m missing something.. My models are user and student, where student is a reference property from user. Users login, fill form with some values and save the data with put(). If you login with [email protected] you get your data or if you login with an...

Python Reportlab PDF - Centering Text on page

I am using ReportLab to generate a pdf dynamically with python. I would like a line of text to be centered on a page. Here is the specific code I currently have, but do not know how to center the text horizontally. header = p.beginText(190, 740) header.textOut("Title of Page Here") # I know i can use TextLine etc in place of textOu...

How to open a generated PDF file in browser?

I have written a Pdf merger which merges an original file with a watermark. What I want to do now is to open 'document-output.pdf' file in the browser by a Django view. I already checked Django's related articles, but since my approach is relatively different, I don't directly create the PDF object, using the response object as its "fil...

Adding Graph to Reportlab PDF

I have seen many reportlab graphing examples. Generating the graph is not the problem, I can't seem to figure out how to display the graph on the pdf. Here is the code: buffer = StringIO() p = canvas.Canvas(buffer, pagesize = letter) ##### Beginning of code in question d = Drawing(200, 100) pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = ...

Highcharts SVG Export from Python Server Side Code

I am using reportlab in python to render a pdf server side. I really like the look of highcharts graphs. But I am building a pdf server side which needs to include some graphs. The server side graphing (reportlab and matplotlib) do not have nearly as much choices for formatting / design. Is there a way I can run a client side javas...

Appengine - Reportlab (Get Photo from Model)

I´m using Reportlab to generate a PDF. Can´t retrieve a photo from a model. #Personal Info p.drawImage('myPhoto.jpg', 40, 730) p.drawString(50, 670, 'Your name:' + '%s' % p.drawImage (50, 640, 'Photo: %s' % ( When i create on generate PDF, i got this error: Traceback (most recent call last)...

Reportlab - how to introduce line break if the paragraph is too long for a line

I have a list of text to be added to a reportlab frame style = getSampleStyleSheet()['Normal'] style.wordWrap = 'LTR' style.leading = 12 for legend in legends: elements.append(Paragraph(str(legend),style)) If the legend is too long, the text at the end is not visible at all. How to introduce line breaks in this situation. ...

Reportlab - Pie chart fill colors

I am making a simple pie chart in reportlab. I can not find in the docs how to change each individual pies fill color. pie_chart = Drawing(200, 200) pc = Pie() pc.x = 65 pc.y = 15 pc.width = 150 pc.height = 150 = [65,13,12,9,1] pc.labels = ['Name','Another','Yet Another','Test','Stack'] pc.slices[1]. // This is where I need t...