
If I need to retrieve an object from a custom model binder should the binder interact with the service layer, the repository layer, or ...? Asp.Net MVC

If I have a class similar to this: public class Person { public string firstName { get; set; } public string lastName { get; set; } public Pet myPet { get; set; } } When I create a custom model binder, the Post from my form will not be sending in a Pet, it would send in data like this: firstName: "myFirstName" lastName: "m...

Where is a good place to find maven archetypes?

I'm aware of the archetype list in codehaus. Are there any other good places to find Maven archetypes out there? ...

SQL Server Compact Edition and Repository Pattern

I would like use Repository Pattern and MS SQL Compact Edition in my project. My question is which framework or technology do I use for it? Linq2Sql hasn't data provider for SQL CE SubSonic hasn't support for SQL CE NHibernate looks huge for this, I think. I would like use my POCOs. ...

Is Kigg MVC application DRY? Can we tweak the Repository

I was recently taking a look at the Kazi Manzur Kigg MVC implementation (Kazi rocks) and noticed some code that seemed to defeat the DRY/SOC principle. I'd love to have everyone's thoughts on a possible refactor to separate concerns. Kigg implements both an Add and Remove method on each repository class ( Note: BaseRepository has virtu...

Emulating symlink-like behaviour in a source control repository

Suppose I have the following (desired) folder structure: *CommonProject *Project#1 ----> CommonProject(link) *Project#2 ----> CommonProject(link) Where the CommonProject is the location of the source belonging to that project, and CommonProject(link) is merely a soft link to the main location. If we imagine this as a tree-view in a vi...

SVN 1.3 VS 1.5 (latest)

Our IT guy has installed SVN 1.3, the current version is 1.5. We are migrating from CVS to SVN, so do I lose much by staying with 1.3? I like to run CVS2SVN and move to SVN without the need of writing any scripts Also: in CVS we have on project with multiple directories in there. What is the best practice in SVN? There is a nightly bui...

Does it make any sense testing this? (Repository pattern)

Getting started with TDD and the repository pattern, I'm wondering if it makes any sense testing this... Using the repository pattern, I have this interface: public interface ICustomerRepository { IList<Customer> List(); Customer Get(int id); } I have like 50 different entities, so 50 different repository interfaces/implement...

How Does One Go About Saving an Aggregate (Parent and Children) in a Repository?

According to Dylan's answer for the questions 'Using The Repository Pattern, Is It Best To Save Parent and Children Objects Together Or Separately?', a repository saves the entire aggregate (parent and children). How does one go about this, would this be coded in the actually stored procedure (if using them); would you call the child re...

Fat Domain Models => Inefficient?

Looking at DDD, we abstract the database into the various models which we operate on and look at it as a repository where our models live. Then we add the Data Layers and the Service/Business layers on top of it. My question is, in doing so, are we creating inefficiencies in data transfer by building fat models? For example, say we ha...

How does git-svn behave with svn repositories that have changed layout?

This question is similar to this one and this one, but the scenario is slightly more complex. I started out a few years ago with a private svn repository (which I use mainly for shared config files and the like between various machines). I wasn't too careful with the layout of the repository (where branches, go, etc.), so it changed qui...

Unable to `git submodule foreach git pull`

This question is based on this thread. My .gitmodules is at my Home [submodule "bin"] path = bin url = git:// My folder -structure at my Home: ~ |-- [drwxr-xr-x] bin // this is the folder which I make a submodule // it is also a folder where I have a...

What do the *-dev packages in the Ubuntu repositories actually contain?

My question is very basic, as is my knowledge right now. I'm a long-time Linux user, but have only recently taken a major interest in programming. I see that many popular applications in the Ubuntu repositories have -dev packages (e.g. pidgin-dev in addition to pidgin). My question is this: What is in these packages? How does download...

How does Maven2 know where to find plugins?

I'm using Maven2 and I can't seem to find any plugins in my repository. I'm getting errors like repository metadata for: 'org.apache.maven.plugins' could not be found on repository: myrepo where myrepo is the name of my repository. My question is how does Maven know where to find plugins? There's a reference in my error to met...

Where Does The Logic Reisde For Deleting Dependent Objects In Domain Driven Design (DDD)?

Where does the logic for deleting/not deleting dependent objects belong in DDD? For instance one has a category that contains products: class Category { IList<Products> products; } A rule might be that a category cannot be deleted unless it has no products. Where does the logic belong that does the check for no products under th...

Pointing Apache to a SVN repo

I have a SVN repo on my server which contains a working version of our prototype. Currently we have the repo checked out, and are using our local dev environment (LAMP) to access the proto, make changes and then commit it. What I want to know is how to maintain a live working version of the repo in the LAMP stack, so that when we make c...

Distributed Revision Control, Wiki, and Bug-Tracking all in one

I know about Fossil but are there any alternatives? Something small and easy to install/configure. ...

Subsonic 3 - SimpleRepository

Hi guys, I am playing around with Subsonic 3's simple repository and am hitting walls in understanding how to deal with foreign keys... If I have a product object containing int ID; string name; string description; Category category; int categoryID (this one is just to persist the product's categoryID to the DB) and a categor...

What is an easy Mylyn task repository to use for a small (~40 devs) project?

I'm currently the only developer using Eclipse Mylyn integration (I'm the experimental one). I have two repositories configured - Bugzilla, which the project uses for internal bug tracking and a Local repository. I use the Local repo for organizing the stories I am working on for the iteration. What I'd like to do is make that Local rep...

Defining many-to-many relationships in DDD

Are many-to-many table structures defined as Value Objects in DDD? What if my many-to-many structure has a unique id? Also, what about 1-to-many relationships? For instance, if i have 2 structures Post & Comment with 1-to-many (respectively) wouldn't Comment be a Value Object since it technically cannot exist without a corresponding Pos...

Is there a way to change a SVN users username through the entire repository history?

When my team first started out with SVN we all just used our first names when committing to the repository, however, now that our team has grown, we are running into issues because we just hired a second 'Mike'. What we would like to do is change everybody's usernames to be the same as the username on their computer (first name initial ...