
Sending POST data with GET request valid?

Using Curl for example, I can "post" data in a GET request. Is this a valid thing to do? With that I mean: Is it not forbidden by any RFC specification? Does someone out there use it with good reason? Thanks for any help. ...

try to open a page every 10 seconds

Using Javascript (or Ajax) I want to connect to a page (a .php page) every 10 seconds. This will be done in user-side (browser) within a web page. Just, I'm trying to see the online users. I have about 1-2 visitors daily, in my personal web site. ...

Server returns error 503

Hi, I've added a feature in my app that sends POST request to my web server. I've tested it and it does run fine. But at some moment when I tried to run again the app, then it crashes. I've found out the error 503 that says Server is unavailable. My question was what should I do to prevent my app from crashing when I've receive this err...

Submit multiple value when using Ajax.Request and Starbox

I'm using starbox and I have a function defined like: document.observe('starbox:rated', saveStar); function saveStar(event) { new Ajax.Request('saverating.htm', { parameters: event.memo }); } I can retrieve the event parameters (rated, average, etc) in my controller. However, I also want to send another variable in the Ajax...

PostMethod setRequestBody(String) deprecedated - why?

I am using Apache Commons HttpClient PostMethod 3.1. In the PostMethod class there are also three methods for setting POST method's request body: setRequestBody(InputStream body) setRequestBody(String body) setRequestBody(NameValuePair[] parametersBody); NameValuePair API First two methods are deprecated. Does anybody knows why? Bec...

How do I create a request object in Django?

So I'm using Django with Google App Engine and I have an file that redirects each url to a corresponding method. Each one of those methods is automatically passed "request" as one of the arguments, which I believe is an HttpRequest object. How do I create this populated request object from within my code? For example, if I'm wi...

How to send data from AfterEffects plugin into the web?

So I'm creating a plug-in for Adobe After Effects. I want to establish connection between it and my server (for ex to send Ajax request for approving serial number, or just sending a short cut of a frame) how to do such thing? Any materials, blog articles would be wary grate. ...

HttpApplication.AcquireRequestState vs Session_Start : which method to use to set some Session Data?

Hi folks, my site has a few skins, to repsent the UI. These skins are based on the HOSTNAME they are connecting with. As such, each css file, image, etc needs to be prepended with the correct folder location. So, i thought that i should put it into the session of the user. So, which is the earliest place i can/should do this. Second...

MooTools JSON request

Trying to get a very simple request working with MooTools Request.JSON. After having no success building it from scratch, I took an example from somewhere and slowly pared it down to the bare, bare minimum, then put it back into my own page. The only things changed are the url and element ID, but to no avail. Any help, ideas, will be gr...

Call Web Service .asmx using $.get jquery

I need to call a simple method from a WfService.asmx file,using $.get(). It works fine with POST method.Here's the Method: [WebMethod] public int Sum() { return 10 + 10; } Now code using Jquery: $.get('WfService.asmx/Soma',function(data){ alert(data.d);},"json"); And i get a error message. What am i doing wrong? ...

Load external stylesheets on request?

$.getScript('ajax/test.js', function() { alert('Load was performed.'); }); .. like the above code which loads an external JS on request, is there something similar available to load an external CSS stylesheet when required? Like for example when I use lightboxes (inline popups) on my site, I want to avoid loading lightbox JS and CS...

Problem with FBML request-from display

Hi! I have a request-form tag with a request-form-submit button. Problem is: when I click on the submit button, the popup form appears on top of the button, and it is not in the center of the window. See image: [img][/img] It is also hidden by other images. Anybody knows how I can get the popup to be ...

How to parse SOAP response from ruby client?

Hi I am learning Ruby and I have written the following code to find out how to consume SOAP services: require 'soap/wsdlDriver' wsdl="" weather=service.getTodaysBirthdays('1/26/2010') The response that I get...

How to start a GET/POST/PUT/DELETE request and judge request type in PHP?

I never see how is PUT/DELETE request sent, how to do it in PHP? I know how to send a GET/POST request with curl: $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookieFile); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,$cookieFile); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($...

Django request.POST does not contain the name of the button that submitted the form

I have a django form with two different submit buttons, on the view where the form is submitted to I need to know what submit button was pressed and take different actions accordingly. From what I have read the submit button's name or id should be somewhere in the request.POST dictionary, but it not there! This is a fragment of my fo...

Undefined index: Error in php script

In a php page I have following code: if($_REQUEST['c']!="") // I get error on this line itself. Why? { $pidis=(int)($_REQUEST['c']); } I keep getting Undefined index error. On Googling I manage to understand that if a page is access without parameters (in URL) which we are trying to access we can get this error/warning. I believe t...

Progress icon while POST request is processing

There are next initial conditions: Backend: servlet for file uploading; UI: form, that submits servlet for file upload: <iframe id="uploadFrame" name="uploadFrame"></iframe> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" target="uploadFrame" action="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/uploadFile? portletId=${portletId}&rem...

Ajax request during a file upload takes a long time to complete.

I'm using a Webphere server. I am performing a file upload through a servlet using the Apache FileUpload methods. I attach a listener to this FileUpload which updates a "percentage" field denoting what percentage of the request has been processed. The request gets directed to an iframe (form's target is an iframe) so that the page that...

Return value to browser but still process in PHP

I am using flash to call a PHP page that needs to do a bit of processing. Is it possible to let PHP continue processing but show a response anyway so flash doesn't stall waiting? ...

How to differentiate between http and cli requests?

The title is quiet straightforward. I have to know on server side if the script called through HTTP request or by command line. I could examine the $_SERVER['argv'] or $_SERVER['argc']. What is the pragmatic way to do that? ...