
Redirect in Front Controller plugin Zend

Hi, I'm trying to centralise my redirects (based on authentication and various other states) into a front controller plugin. So far I've tried: $this->setRequest(new Zend_Controller_Request_Http('my_url')); at various points in the plugin (i.e. from routeStartup to dispatchLoopShutdown) and also: $this->setResponse(new Zend_C...

Why is request method send to web server called GET and POST?

I guessed that the name of each of the request method has a relationship with the operations they performed in some manner. But I can't get it! Detials: GET means posted argument are showed in the url and POST means they are sent but not shown in the url. But what is that related to POST/GET? What is gotten/posted or what does the post...

Three20 iPhone - Sending XML-RPC Request instead of HTTP?

I am new to Three20 and have been trying to develop an iPhone app with Three20 for the past week. This app has to access to a xmlrpc server. I know it is possible to receive responses in other formats like JSON. But for requests, instead of the provided HTTP class TTURLRequest, is it possible to send request by XML-RPC? ...

J2ee Get Request

Hi. I have a j2ee application running on struts & spring. Currently I have no control over my action class. I cn just set a particular class as its business logic class by setting it as property of the action class in the xml. In my business logic class i need to get the request so that i cn store something on the request which I will us...

PHP: Cache RSS data to avoid requesting it everytime the page loads.

I'm parsing data from this RSS feed:|AR|AR005|MONTE%20MAIZ, The data there updates once every hour. To parse it, I load the RSS at the initialization of my class and convert it into an usable object. The problem with this is that every time the page loads, the ...

How can I get "request" object in ActionController::SessionManagement::ClassMethods

Now, I'm a user of ruby-on-rails 2.3.5. I want to override the method of "session_store" in ActionController::SessionManagement::ClassMethods. In my overrides, I need the "request" object which has a lot of useful information such as host name, domain name, etc... Do you have any idea to get the "request" object in that method. My rails ...

ASP.NET binding object to Request in mvc

I've created a object that I'd like to have accessible from wherever the request-object is accessible, and to "die" with the request, more or less like how you always in a mvc-application has access to the RouteData-collection. Especially it's important that I have access to this object in the execution of action-filters. And also there ...

How to first get different related values from diferent SQL tables (PHP)

I am triig to fill options list. I have 2 tables USERS and STREAMS I vant to get all streams and get names of users assigned to that streams. Users consists of username and id Streams consists of id, userID, streamID I try such code: <?php global $connection; $query = "SELECT * FROM streams "; ...

several requests from one HttpURLConnection

Hi! How can I do several request in one HttpURLConnection with Java? URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects( true ); connection.setDoOutput( true ); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( conne...

How to make an HTTP request in a separate thread with timeout?

Hi, I haven't programmed in Delphi for a while and frankly didn't think I'll ever have to but... Here I am, desperately trying to find some information on the matter and it's so scarce nowadays, I can't find anything. So maybe you guys could help me out. Currently my application uses Synapse library to make HTTP calls, but it doesn't a...

How do I allow inline images with data urls on .NET 4 without triggering request validation?

I'm using the jQuery jstree plugin ( in a ASP.NET MVC 2 project on .NET 4 RC, and running on IIS 7.5. It comes with some stylesheets with inline images with data urls, like this: .tree-checkbox ul { background-image:url(); } Now,...

Please help! request compression

Hi, I wrote an IHttpModule that compress my respone using gzip (I return a lot of data) in order to reduce response size. It is working great as long as the web service doesn't throws an exception. In case exception is thrown, the exception gzipped but the Content-encoding header is disappear and the client doesn't know to read the excep...

cakephp function calling

whats the use of calling a cakephp function http://localhost/project/controller/method.hello so whats hello? but it requires views/method/hello/method.ctp... ...

Intercept page request behind firewall return altered content with php and apache

I'm providing free wifi service and need an ad to be added to all page requests. Currently I have a router forwarding all http requests to an apache server, which redirects all requests to an index.php page. The index.php page reads the request, fetches the content from the appropriate site, and edits the content to include the ad. The...

get current URL of UIWebview

Hey guys, I already tried getting the current url of my UIWebView with: webview.request.URL. Unfortunately the NSURL was empty. Anything wrong here? I'am working with Xcode 3.2.2 beta 5. The code above should be executed in the UIWebViews delegate didStartLoad... Thanks a lot! ...

Django: request object to template context transparancy

Hi! I want to include an initialized data structure in my request object, making it accessible in the context object from my templates. What I'm doing right now is passing it manually and tiresome within all my views: render_to_response(...., ( {'menu': RequestContext(request)})) The request object contains the key,value pair which i... configureRequest not getting request as parameter

when creating an new object like this... var store = new, { configureRequest: function(req) { req.setParameter("key", "resources.appsrvs"); } },"callback"); ... the delegate function configureRequest does not get the request as parameter as described in post parameters in body and url

hi, when creating and sending an http POST request like this... var req = new"/test","POST"); req.setParameter("pi", "3.1415"); req.setParameter("color", "red"); req.setParameter("password", "mySecretPassword"); req.send(); ... paramters are send in the body and in the url...

Server.Execute(path).. executed page returns the calling pages' url from request.url..

Hey, As explained in the title, I am having a problem with getting the URL of the page being executed from within a page. Basically I have a dynamic catalogue, where customers select products they are interested in. The manager of the company I am doing this for would like to be able to create an up to date offline catalogue at any giv...

[ASP.NET] Odd HttpRequest behaviour

I have a web service which runs with a HttpHandler class. In this class, I inspect the request stream for form / query string parameters. In some circumstances, it seemed as though these parameters weren't getting through. After a bit of digging around, I came across some behaviour I don't quite understand. See below: // The request co...