
Http Requests POST vs GET

Hi everyone, I am using a lot of HTTP Requests in an application that I am writing which uses OAuth. Currently, I am sending my GET and POST requests the same way: HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection) + connectionParameters); connection.setRequestMethod(method); co...

Different url scheme for Zend Framework

For our CMS we have a site manager that defines the site's tree structure (sitemap if you want to call it that). A possible url is which would map in the tree structure to the node chris, child of developers which is in turn a child of out-team. All this is in place and working thanks to the w...

passing a variable to a ajax request Jquery

Hello, I am trying to pass a variable to an ajax request via jquery. I have a triggered event that defines the variable. I want to do this so that I can have one ajax request handle multiple urls. I have alerted the url and it come back fine, but when I plug it into the URL slot of a $.ajax request my targeted content does not load. Here...

Using an HTML Textbox in place of an ASP.NET TextBox

If I add this to the ASPX page: <input id="Text1" type="text" value="Text1Value" /> I would expect to see "Text1" in the list of Request Form keys even WITHOUT setting the runat=Server property. ? request.Form.AllKeys I realize that if I do set that propery, then I will have a server-sided HTML control that I can reference using the...

Symfony: Weird routing issue

Hi, I've got following URL in symfony (specifics not important): /frontend_dev.php/something/25/apple ... and a routing rule: /something/:id/:word The URL works fine when clicked through to on the site, but not when I type in the URL. Instead, symfony says: Unable to find a matching route to generate url for params "NULL". The ...

Detecting Requests Using Posix Semaphores

You know we can use message queues with the function mq_receive(); what is a good way to implement that functionality (you know, waiting until the shared data is changed) with semaphores? ...

Rails: how can I access the request object outside a helper or controller?

In my application_helper.rb file I have a function like this: def internal_request? server_name = request.env['SERVER_NAME'] [plus more code...] end This function is needed in controllers, model, and views. So, I put this code in a utility function file in the lib/ directory. However, this did not work: I got complaints about requ...

Using C# to iterate form fields with same name

I have a section of a form that I need to handle differently from the rest of form results. In the section that needs special handling I need to iterate over 3 form fields that have the same name. They have to have the same name, I can't change it. The section of the form I am referring to looks something like this: <td><input name="Co...

Japanese text garbled while passing to a http restlet service

I have a Perl client which is calling an http restlet service (put method). Some of the parameters in this call contain japanese text. When I printed the contents of these request parameters in the restlet service I found these chars garbled ! This is my PERL client code: my %request_headers = ( 'DocumentName' => $document_name...

Prefilling large volumes of body text in GMAIL compose getting a Request URI too long error

Hi guys this is a followup from the question: Where I was building a google apps application - I can call a gmail compose message page from my application using the url:;fs=1&amp;tf=1&amp;source=mailt...

WCF - (504) The server did not return a response for this request.

I have a JSONP WCF service,using back end as MySql.It is working properly when i run it locally with visual studio. Now we have hosted it in Windows Server 2003. Now there is very strange problem occurring.. When I do a request with fiddler which does not require much processing internally, it gives me result 200 OK with desired out...

How to know a HTTP request is from Ajax?

Is it possible to know that a HTTP request is from Ajax?If yes, how? ...

How can I add an Array element into a Post rcp request

Hello community, I don't know how can I add array parameters in a post request. Until now I only needed something like My question is how can I add an Array in plain text? ...

Zend Framework: Getting request object in bootstrap

How do I get the request object from inside the bootstrap file? I can try this methods but not work. $request= new Zend_Controller_Request_Http(); $request = Zend_Controller_FrontController::getInstance()->getRequest(); ...

I don't find the sql request

Hi everybody, Here it's my problem I've a list of the following measure : src1 dst2 24th december 2009 src1 dst3 22th december 2009 src1 dst2 18th december 2009 I would like to have just the latest measures with a sql request -> 2 first lines in my case because the pairs(src and dst) aren't the same. I try to use DISTIN...

HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostName is empty when called from a class

I have various web pages that need to build up a URL to display or place it in an emitted email message. The code I inherited had this value for the name of the webserver in a Public Const in a Public Class called FixedConstants. For example: Public Const cdServerName As String = "WEBSERVERNAME" Trying to improve on this, I wrote this...

Post request with WinSock

How can I do a POST (http) request with WinSock/WinSock2 in C language? ...

Keeping a web request alive.

I have a web application , that helps download reports. But the report generation sometimes takes a lot of time, and the web request times out through the intermediate proxy server.(Timeout :90 secs). The workflow for downloading the report is straightforward. Client sends request to the web server. The web server generates the report ,...

Is there a way to access HttpSession from EJB module?

I'm currently in a need of getting session ID thus I need to get the HttpSession but I don't have any servlets in my EJB module. So perhaps some DI annotation like in webservices api? ...

What is the "opposite" of request serialization called?

For example, if a request is made to a resource and another identical request is made before the first has returned a result, the server returns the result of the first request for the second request as well. This to avoid unnecessary processing on the resource. This is not the same thing as caching/memoization since it only concerns ide...