
Is this an injection attempt or a normal request?

In cPanel's Analog Stats statistics module, I've noticed countless requests to connect to the following example: /?x=19&y=15 The numbers are random, but its always setting x and y variables. Another category of mysterious requests: /?id= There are other attempts at injections in the request log...

Ajax Questions to Form and Request

Hello to everybody. Now i have create my first ASP.NET MVC Projekt. I think this is a good structure and a nice concept. But now i want to add some dynamic things. My Problem is that i wanted to display 3 select boxes where 1 should be updated. Here is my code below. <code> <table width="100%"> <!--Headers--> <tr> <td><h4>Roles</h4><...

What does a JSON-encoded request look like?

I'm building an API using PHP. What do I need to do to recognize a JSON encoded request? Does it come with a certain request type? How do I get just the request body so that I can json_decode it? ...

Passing array values in an HTTP request in .NET

What's the standard way of passing and processing an array in an HTTP request in .NET? I have a solution, but I don't know if it's the best approach. Here's my solution: <form action="myhandler.ashx" method="post"> <input type="checkbox" name="user" value="Aaron" /> <input type="checkbox" name="user" value="Bobby" /> <input...

Doesn't seem to work: if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') for GET requests?

The following code executes whether there are GET variables passed or not: if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { //Do something } The following only executes when GET variables are passed: if($_GET) { //Do something } I was under the impression that the first method was better, but now I am confused. Any ideas? Thanks!...

How to build Firefox extention to intercept HTTP requests and responses?

Hi, how do I insert a listener to Firefox http requests and responses, so that I popup a window with the address requested and the response body? Note: I have to do this building an extension to Firefox. I need a button to activate or disable the feature. For every request, I need to popup a window with an "Ok" button to allow the r...

What can cause a double page request?

I am currently investigating a double request problem on my site. Not all the time, but sometimes, a requested page will in fact load twice...which is not a problem really until it is on a page with PHP that inserts stuff into my db on request (my tracking script). I have read that an empty src in an image tag, and an empty url() in a c...

MySQL : AVG of AVG impossible ?

Hi, I want to do an average : the problem is for 1 item i'm calculating the AVG of each elements (working) but as soon as i want the GLOBAL average of the averages of the categories (something and foo) it doesn't work (mysql throw me an error : see the syntax i used just below). I need to do that because i want to sort the result by th...

Windows Azure Worldwide availability

Hi, I've been reviewing Windows Azure platform for some time, and can't find answer to one very important question. If I deploy my application within a cloud, how it will be reached from different places worldwide? For example if I have a web application with a database and want it to be accessible to users in UK, US, China and etc. C...

how website find them the request come from a browser or from any other.

how website checked that a request come from a browser or from a programs. ...

Is it possible to do an Ajax request for an ICS file?

I am trying to do an Ajax request for an ICS file. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but I found the perfect library to parse the iCal data. Any ideas why the data comes up blank when I do this? $.ajax({ success:function(data){ alert(data); }, url:";cat=98&amp;platfor...

Prevent Flash-Message showing up twice (on page with error and on next page)

If there is an error in a form my grails application this results in a flash message. If I then go to another page, the (old) flash message shows up again on the new page. How do I prevent this? ...

How do I pass parameters between request-scoped beans

This is a question that has been bothering me for sometime. My application uses ICEFaces for our UI framework and Spring 2.5 for Dependency Injection. In addition, Spring actually maintains all of our backing beans, not the ICEFaces framework, so our faces-config is basically empty. Navigation is not even really handled through naviga...

php $_REQUEST data is only half-decoded

I am retrieving an encoded url via querystring. I need to pass it again to the next page. When I retrieve it the first time, using $_REQUEST['url'], only the slashes are decoded, e.g:;searchscope=10&amp;SORT=D/Xllamas&amp;searchscope=10&amp;SORT=D&amp;SUBKEY=llamas/51%2C64%2C64%2CB/browse Th...

Track each request to the website using HttpModule

I want to save each request to the website. In general I want to include the following information: User IP, The web site url, user-if-exist, date-time. Response time, response success-failed status. Is it reasonable to collect the 1 and 2 in the same action? (like same HttpModule)? Do you know about any existing structure that I ca...

How can I get a Django TemplateLoader see the current Context or Request?

Hi, I' m trying to build a Django TemplateLoader, but I can't make it 'see' either the current Context or Request, so I can't really do much with it. Does anyone know how I can make a Django TemplateLoader do this? Many Thanks Joe ...

transfer parameter to next request

I have a situation where clicking a link in one column on the datatable opens A update FORM in the same page. The problem is when I hit the submit button for update, the render is set to false again of that update panel which was previously set true by parameter passed clicking the link. I tried htmlhiddenInput and did setValue and get...

best tool for monitoring incoming/outgoing requests (PC/MAC)?

What are the best tools for monitoring incoming/outgoing requests from a PC or MAC? Any tool that works well on both? (my guess is N/A) I'm interested in capturing HTTP (possibly even TCPIP)-based requests and responses. Does Wireshark always come out on top or are there alternatives people feel are better? Thanks for any info. ...

Sending and receiving data from a web service using android

Hi All, is it possible that I send a request from my Android app to a web service and in return I get a data for example a XML file from the web service which I parse in android? Thanks kai ...

Django: How to get current user in admin forms

In Django's ModelAdmin I need to display forms customized according to the permissions an user has. Is there a way of getting the current user object into the form class, so that i can customize the form in its __init__ method? I think saving the current request in a thread local would be a possibility but this would be my last resort th...