
How to send a JSON object over Request with Android?

Hi, I want to send the following JSON text {"Email":"[email protected]","Password":"123456"} to a web service and read the response. I know to how to read JSON. The problem is that the above jason object must be sent in a variable name jason. How can i do this from android? Like creating a request object setting content headers etc. ...

PHP - getting content of the POST request

I have problem with getting the content. I don't know the names of the post variables so I can't do this using = $_Post['name'] because I don't know the "name". I want to catch all of the variables send by POST method. How can I get keys of the $_Post[] array and the values related with them? ...

Perl: Value of response code in HTTP::Request

Hi, all! So, I am writing a code to get a document from the internet. The document size is around 200 KB. This is the code: #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $url = "SOME URL"; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); my $res = $ua->request($req); if($res->is_success){ print...

How do you get XML::Pastor to set xsi:type for programmatically generated elements?

I'm learning how to use Perl as an automation test framework tool for a Java web service and running into trouble generating xml requests from the Pastor generated modules. The problem is that when including a type that extends from the required type for an element, the xsi:type is not included in the generated xml string. Say, for exa...

Failed IErrorInfo.GetDescription with E_FAIL (0x80004005) ASP.NET

Hello; I'm trynig to connect to a database, but I get this error : Failed IErrorInfo.GetDescription with E_FAIL (0x80004005) Dim ReqTest As String Dim MR As OleDbDataReader Dim cne, idc As Integer ReqTest = "SELECT * FROM READ" MR = Connexion.lecture(ReqTest) MR.Read() With : Public Shared Function lecture(ByVal requete As St...

handle json request in PHP

When making an ajax call, when contentType is set to application/json instead of the default x-www-form-urlencoded, server side (in PHP) can't get the post parameters. in the following working example, if I set the contentType to "application/json" in the ajax request, PHP $_POST would be empty. why does this happen? How can I handle a ...

iPhone https post request

Ho all! I'm trying to' make a login with the iPhone into a https server.. I tried different solution, also asihttprequest and the solution works fine with http normal website, but with https the return data is the same of the login page... I news to' make something different for https? Thanks in advance this is the code that I tried: on...

EasyMock object for unit testing involving scope="request" bean

I am trying to add some Unit Testing to some of our companies code. Yes, I know it should already be there, but not everyone seems to have the same view of unit testing that I do. However, I have come against a bit of a stopper for me. Admittedly, my Java, Spring and Unit Testing knowledge are not all that they should be. My problem ...

Some Browsers always run additional homepage request

Hi, we currently have a strange problem. Some users report problems with our website. As we analyzed the problem, we saw some strange browser behaviors. This is from our apache log (some parts removed): Browser for all log entries: "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; 3.1)" [21/Jun/2010:08:55:20 +0200] "GET /123xyz/ HTT...

POST doesn't seem to work with my form from HttpURLConnection

I am trying to log into a reports system using java. So far, I have tried MANY different implementations that have used HttpURLConnection. The HTML I am trying to post to boils down to: <form name="logonForm" method="POST" action="http://remoteserver/logon.object"&gt; <input type="hidden" name="qryStr" value=""> <input type="hidden" na...

Request and response types in WCF

I see a huge number of request and response types in a project to cater for all the endpoints exposed as WCF services. This seems like an awful lot of repetitive, simple code to maintain. Can these types be auto-generated or avoided altogether using something like attributes? ...

How to run multiple curl requests, processed sequentially?

Assuming I'm a big unix rookie, - I'm running a curl request through cron every 15 minutes. - Curl basically is used to load a web page (php) that given some arguments, acts as a script like: curl What I would like to achieve is to run another "script" using this curl technique, - every time the other sc...

Is it possible to obtain the Request Object in a request scoped bean?

I have a bean declared to be scope="request". is there a chance to obtain the request being used in that scope? <bean class="FooRequestAware" scope="request"/> class FooRequestAware { private final Request req; public final bar() {} } ...

Unable to create Apple Developer certificate request using keychain access tool

I'm creating a new CSR (Certificate Signing Request) using the Keychain Access tool: Certificate Assistant -> Request a certificate from a certificate authority... In the certificate information I fill in my email address and name, selecting the "Save to disk" option. I save the CSR to the desktop The wizard completes successfully, but...

How web request executed via internet?

I want to know how web request executed while requesting any information from other server. I want to know internal of this message processing means when we click any button on web page then how it converted to GET/POST request in proper message format inclucing SOAP etc. Is there any link or book from where i can get these info. Please ...

Request.Params Request.Form not working in Internet explorer

hello i am facing this stupid issue with no help any where. i am facing it in every form in my mvc2 project. This is a input <input type="image" src="<%=Url.Content("~/images/shopping-cart.jpg")%>" alt="shopping cart" id="btnshoppingCart" name="btnshoppingCart" value="shoppingCart" /> when i browse the page with firefox and click on ...

Help! YUI async GET request using HTTPS defaulting to OPTIONS request method

Hi, For some reason whenever I do an async request using YUI and specify it to be a GET or POST, and the request is HTTPS, the actual request comes through with the OPTIONS request method. help! why is it doing this? P.S. I tried this with Prototype and got the same deal. ...

Synchronize an array with javascript

Hello, I wonder if there is a way to synchronize objects/methods in JavaScript in a similar way that you do it in Java. I am developing an interface for the new WebSocket in html5 and need a way to match outgoing requests with incoming responses. Therefor I'm saving the requests (with an unique id) in an array on the client side and then...

[symfony] Problem with two Doctrine request

Hello, Hello I have a little problem with requests : In an action executeFiche, I have three requests public function executeFiche(sfWebRequest $request){ // Récupération du logement correspondant à l'ID passé dans l'URL $this->forward404Unless($this->logement = Doctrine::getTable('Logement')->find(array($request->getParameter('...

PHP: How to send REST requests with XML data

Hi! I need to make a request to an API, using REST (POST method) in PHP. But the data needs to be in XML format. How can I send REST requests with XML data? Thank you! ...