
Making a HTTP request to API possible with VB/ASP classic?

Is it possible to make requests to a Web API with ASP classic? For example just something as simple as the Flickr API, or was this sort of thing not supported way back when? ...

Using jQuery's ajax get request with parameters, returning page content

Thank you for looking at my question, as I appreciate your time. Okay, so I'm trying to use jQuery's get function to call my php script which ultimately returns a variable which is a built template of the main content of my page minus my static header/footer, for which I would like to replace the "old" page content without the page rel...

ASP.NET application hangs after a call

I'm having a simple ASP.NET application hosted on my local IIS6, under Vista. It contains a button that when I click I execute a piece of code for recognizing the text in a WAV file (using the System.Speach.Recognition.SpeechRecognition class) and display the text in a label. The code works great on a desktop application, and it almost...

Valid HTTP header? `GET /page.html Http1.0`?

Ok so I've been reading up on HTTP and found this page. This is an example HTTP request that was posted there: GET /http.html Http1.1 Host: Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, Accept-Language: Fr Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0...

Struts2 action: how to know if HTTP request is GET or POST?

Is there a way to know in Struts2 action's method if this is GET or POST request? ...

Is MPI_Request global among the MPI processees ?

Hello All, If i declare a table of MPI_Request ( one request for each CPU ), it will be accessible globally when using for MPI_Isend/MPI_Irecv ?? ( In comparison with MPI_comm that is everywhere accessible after initializing the MPI environment ) Thanks. ...

Django doesn't refresh my request object when reloading the current page.

I have a Django web site which I want ot be viewable in different languages. Until this morning everything was working fine. Here is the deal. I go to my say About Us page and it is in English. Below it there is the change language button and when I press it everything "magically" translates to Bulgarian just the way I want it. On the ot...

remove default.aspx from a request

i am trying to remove default.aspx from any request that might have it. protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; string url = context.Request.Url.ToString(); // remove default.aspx if (url.EndsWith("/default.a...

Send XML String as Response

Hello All, I am getting my Request from a third party application(different domain) to my ASP application. I am handling the request and doing the business part in my application and as a acknowledgement I need to send XML string as Response to the same Page which POSTED the request to my Application. I was successful in retrieving the...

Accessing Request object from custom JSP tags

I'm trying to make a set of custom tags that encapsulate form elements (markup and validation). There's a method given to retrieve the "Out" object easily: JspWriter out = getJspContext().getOut(); However I can't figure out how to get the request object. I want to be able to directly access the submitted form values from within the ...

Send HTTPService Request in flex 3 with '-' in the URl Paramerters to get Google Feeds

I am developing application in flex 3 which interacts with the Google feeds to produce my results. The URL to which i want to send request is something like this Now i can send and receive results with q parameter, but in the next t...

Limit TCP requests per IP

Hello! I'm wondering how to limit the TCP requests per client (per specific IP) in Java. For example, I would like to allow a maximum of X requests per Y seconds for each client IP. I thought of using static Timer/TimerTask in combination with a HashSet of temporary restricted IPs. private static final Set<InetAddress> restrictedIPs = ...

django getting current user id

hello, i have a mini app where users can login, view their profile, and follow each other. 'Follow' is a relation like a regular 'friend' relationship in virtual communities, but it is not necessarily reciprocal, meaning that one can follow a user, without the need that the user to be following back that person who follows him. my probl...

Sending an AJAX Request - Can't get to work

I'm trying to make an AJAX GET request, but I simply cannot get it to work. I want to retrieve the HTML source of I've previously used JQuery to send AJAX requests, but I use JQuery only for its AJAX capabilities so it's a waste to include the 30KB file for one task. What is it that I'm doing wrong? <script type="text/...

python coockie,request another page

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import urllib2 import urllib import httplib import Cookie import cookielib Login = 'user' Password = 'password' Domain = '' Auth = '' cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) login_data = urllib.urlencode...

php http pipeline

Hi! I'm trying to get timestamp on beginRequest and on endRequest when processing an http request using php. I know how to do it on (using httpModules and the finction beginRequest and endRequest). Does anyone know if this option is available on php and guide me how to do it? (I'm not looking for a solution, just some guiding or...

IIS: How can I redirect requests for one page to another?

I have written an app to replace a single page and need to redirect the requests for the old page to the new app. In IIS, how would I redirect the request for to Thanks! ...

Restlet - Access elements of the request URL

I'm unsure what the proper way is to access parts of the requested URL. In this case, I want to get the requested path without the query variables. This is the only way I found to do it: String path = getRequest().getResourceRef().getHostIdentifier() + getRequest().getResourceRef().getPath(); The result would be the bold part ...

add extra data to response object to render in template

İ ned to write a code sniplet that enables to disable connection to some parts of a site. Admin and the mainpage will be displayable, but user section (which uses ajax) will be displayed, but can not be used (vith a transparent div set over the page). Also there is a few pages which will be disabled. my logic is that, i write a middlewa...

Classic ASP Request.Form removes spaces?

I'm trying to figure this oddity out... in classic ASP i seem to be losing spaces in Request.Form values... ie, Request.Form("json") is {"project":{"...","administrator":"AlexGorbatchev", "anonymousViewUrl":null,"assets":[],"availableFrom":"6/10/20104:15PM"... However, CStr(Request.Form) is json={"project":{"__type":"...":"Alex Gorb...