
problem with get http request from IPhone

Hi, I am writing a sample PHP Web Service that is sending GET Http request from the iphone to the web server. The server side code is returning JSON Data to iphone, the server side code looks like: function getUsers(){ $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root","123456") or die(mysql_error()); if(!mysql_select_db("eventsfast",$con)) { ...

Spring MVC for portlets, request lifecycle

Hi All, does anybody know where to get documentation about Spring request lifecycle for portlet App (Spring's annotation based controller? I need to know the order of calling methods by Spring and parameters (request, model, ...) available on each stage of request handling. Main question is: when @ModelAttribute methods are called (I ...

Multiple requests to server question

I have a DB with user accounts information. I've scheduled a CRON job which updates the DB with every new user data it fetches from their accounts. I was thinking that this may cause a problem since all requests are coming from the same IP address and the server may block requests from that IP address. Is this the case? If so, how do ...

Run several url requests in a loop in Qt

In Qt I need to connect and check for updates on several servers and for this I'm using QNetworkAccessManager. The problem is that I don't want to connect to the next url until the current request has replied and is finished. My first idea was to use a loop like below, but then I have the problem with that I don't want to connect to the ...

How to show ajax loading gif only for a specific request?

How do you show ajax gif only for a specific request? For example my page is calling a web-service every 30 seconds in a background, and I don't want to show the gif during this callback. On the other hand I want to show the gif, when I'am making manual ajax requests. I am using jQuery. edit: I didn't setup the global handler as shown ...

jquery post and get request different on local intranet and live server

Hi, I have been developing an mvc application where i need to make large amounts of jquery post and get request to call controller methods and get back json result. Everything is working fine. The problem is i had to write different jquery post and get request url on local intranet(deployed by making virtual directory) and liv...

Django - Empty session data in ajax requests

Hi guys, I have an ajax view where I want to set a session variable like such: def upload(request, *args, **kwargs): request.session['test'] = 'test' request.session.modified = True print request.session.items() I have another normal view something like this: def advertise(request): print request.session.ite...

Open a new tab in a browser with the response to an ASP request

It's a bit complicated this one... Lets say I have a listing of PDF files displayed in the user's browser. Each filename is a link pointing not to the file, but to an ASP page, say <--a href="viewfile.asp?file=somefile.pdf">somefile.pdf</a> I want viewfile.asp to fetch the file (I've done that bit OK) but I then want the file to ...

Assert that request verb is POST

How do you ensure early enough in the PHP request pipeline the verb is POST and deny others? ...

How to make per- http Request cache in ASP.NET 3.5

We using ASP.NET 3.5 (Controls-based approach) and need to have storage specific for one http request only. Thread-specific cache with keys from session id won't work because threads are supposed to be pooled and therefore I have a chance to have data from some previous request in cache, which is undesirable in my case. I always need to...

How to use a filter in Java to change an incoming servlet request url ?

How to use a filter to change an incoming request url : From : "" To : "" ? Frank Edit : According to BalusC's steps below, I came up with the following lines : import; import jav...

Rails request forgery protection settings

Hey, please help a newbie in Rails :) I have protect_from_forgery call (which is given by default) with no attributes in my ApplicationController class. Basically here's the code: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base helper :all # include all helpers, all the time protect_from_forgery helper_method :current_user...

Does ASP.NET Make Request Scheduling Decisions Based Upon SessionID?

I know that a properly implemented SessionStateStoreProvider maintains an exclusive lock on session data for the duration of a request. However, considering that multiple requests could arrive simultaneously (e.g. via IFRAMEs) all but one would be able to make forward progress. All the other requests would block for a bit and reduce the ...

ASP/AJAX - How to get the time between an server request and response?

Whenver Ajax requests new data from the server this can sometimes take a a second or two. Now I want to know, how can I get this time between the ajax request and the response it gets from the server? I need this because an ajax timer I'm running ain't perfectly doing his stuff. It got some delay whenever it needs to reset to it's origi...

Java HTTP Request Occasionally Hangs

Hello Everyone, For the majority of the time, my HTTP Requests work with no problem. However, occasionally they will hang. The code that I am using is set up so that if the request succeeds (with a response code of 200 or 201), then call screen.requestSucceeded(). If the request fails, then call screen.requestFailed(). When the requ...

Rhino - Convert Paramater Map to Native JS object

What's the "right" way to convert the parameters from request into a native JS object? It seems that no matter what I do, I end up with a java object. ...

How to connect to a SOAP webServices with Android

Hi everyone,I'm programming an application who must send coordinate and request to a WebServices this is my code: private String SOAP_ACTION = "getAllPositions"; private String METHOD_NAME = "getAllPositions"; private String NAMESPACE = "http://session/"; private static final String URL ="

Invoking a URL - c#

I m trying to invoke a URL in C#, I am just interested in invoking, and dont care about response. When i have the following, does it mean that I m invoking the URL? HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); ...

How do set default values in django for an HttpRequest.GET?

I have a webpage that displays data based on a default date. The user can then change their view of the data by slecting a date with a date picker and clicking a submit button. I already have a variable set so that if no date is chosen, a default date is used.... so what's the problem? The problem comes if the user trys to type in the...

Redirection with a programmatically generated http request in

Hi everyone, I have a web method in second.aspx,which has to be executed only if the incoming request is 'application/json'.So in my First.aspx page I am programmatically generating a Http request with content type set to 'application/json' using the following code. HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://localhos...