
set zend response into a variable

I have a action that returns a JSON and i need to call it from another controller and i need to get this response into a variable to parse the json. i've tried: private function makeListFromUrl($menu) { $req = new Zend_Controller_Request_Http(); $req->setRequestUri('/module/controller/get.json/'); $res = new Zend_Controll...

Extensionless Page Requests

I have a customer of ours that sent out a publication referring to my site but they used the wrong address...they did not provide a page looks like this: when it should have been Is there a way to tell ASP.NET to default to th...

Ghost requests in

In an ASP.Net WAP, the home page /default.aspx is receiving periodic requests from I-know-not-where. Thinking this was BS when it was reported, I fired up my local copy of the site under Cassini and set a breakpoint on the home page's page_load() event. Sure enough, every few minutes the breakpoint is hit. Any suggestions? This is a pre...

python - urrlib2 request https site - getting 400 error

Hi... using the following snip of code to access a url with a post. i can get it using wget and the following: wget --post-data 'p_calling_proc=bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched&p_term=201010' for some reason, i'm having an issue with my python text, in that i get a er...

caching per request in ASP.NET?

I'm using both IBatis.NET and Spring.NET on a project at work and I'd like to figure out if I can leverage both/either frameworks to achieve "per-request caching" on all calls into my DAL layer. In other words, every time an HTTP request is served by ASP.NET, I would like first call into a DAL method to hit the remote DB, but all calls ...

Struts2 request character encoding

Hello, I'm using Struts2. When I send 'special' characters like ä or ã through a form, the actions that receive it display those characters differently (like à + a little square). I know that I have an encoding problem, but I was unable to find where the request encoding can be configured for Struts2. Can anyone please help me ? Bes...

HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler is NULL in ReleaseRequestState eventHandler

I have a module with custom ReleaseRequestState eventHandler. In this eventHandler i use HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler, and just now revealed that in some situations (particularly - for *.css files) it can be NULL. How this can be, and how it can be correctly workarounded? ...

How do I send a HEAD request manually using Firefox?

I'm debugging my webserver, and I'd like to manually send HEAD requests to some web pages. Is there a way to do this in Firefox? Some extension perhaps. I want to use firefox so that it can be part of a normal session (ie cookies set, logged in, etc). So things like curl aren't perfect. ...

Best practice for handling HTTP HEAD request with Django on App Engine

I'm receiving HEAD requests in my application, and wondering on the best way to handle them. Options are: convert them to GETs, process GET normally, then: strip the body (though I'm not sure how - response.content = '' doesn't seem to do it. it seems app engine auto-strips the body, giving a warning "Dropping unexpected body in respo...

Execution flow in MVC

Hi all, I am trying to learn MVC in detail, and I am wondering whats the exact functional flow internally, in the sense of which functions(important functions) are called and what they does when the application starts and which function are called apart from the controller actions that we write in our application as we proceed. Help in...

How to tell browser do not send COOKIE for certain folders, files or request?

I'm running PHP5 and Apache with mod_rewrite enabled. As we know on every page load browser sends cookie data to requested files. This data could be useful for PHP files, however for images or css files it has no value and simply make communication between browser and server slower. Is there any ways to tell browser or server to stop d...

redirecting a request to a form from a servlet filter

I am in a class that implements javax.servlet.filter. From this class I want to call ((HttpServletResponse)servletResponse).sendRedirect(url) and redirect to a different url (to a jsp with an html form) - the thing is - the url has a very long parameter (could be 5000 bytes long) I understood that there is a limitation on the size of ...

HTTP GET and POST parameters recommendations

Is it bad practice to issue the following POST request: /test?a=1&b=2 POST data: c=3&d=4 Notice that 2 parameters are part of the URL and 2 parameters are part of the POST content. On another note, is the following rule still recommended: GET request: retrieve content from the server but do not change anything on the server. POST r...

Modifying First and Last Name in Hotmail via script

I would like to write a script that logs into hotmail and changes the first and last name. I am thinking of perl for this, although I imagine that any language would do. How do I find out what requests to make? I'm guessing that I can do the change requests manually, determine what http requests are being sent to/from the server, determ...

Java daemon design practices

I'm writing a daemon in Java that takes in requests from multiple providers in which the provider would return a service object for the daemon to run as a thread. Application architecture: Main class Providers Services Libraries / Models List item Main class Basically loads the configuration file, initializes libraries required, etc...

URL GET/POST Request objective-c

Hello! I have to send get or post request to localhost: <?php if(@$_GET['option']) { echo "You said \"{$_GET['option']}\""; }else if(@$_POST['option']) { echo "You said \"{$_POST['option']}\""; } ?> ive using this code: NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost/wsh/index.php?o...

Is the ASIHTTPRequest is not asynchronous ?

Hi all , I am using ASIHTTPRequest to fetch some data from a web service. I am making requests using a loop. The problem is that it doesn't seem the request is going asynchronously so that my activityindicator is not working . Is it true that ASIHTTPRequest is not asynchronous . or should i use the regular nsmutablerequest to perfor...

HTTP parallel requests and AJAX/polling

Okay, so we all know that most modern browsers (without tweaking) are set to 4 parallel HTTP requests at a time to a single domain/subdomain, but how does long-polling AJAX affect this? Say I have a long-poll on a 15 second interval. While the browser is waiting for a response during those 15 seconds, does that still eat up one of the 4...

Determine the domain in an ActiveRecord model

I am in the middle of migrating my application from using subdirectories for userspace to subdomains (ie. to I've got a method in my user class currently to get the "home" URL for each user: class User def home_url "~#{self.username}" # How I'd like to do it for subdomains: #"http://#{se...

Lightweight query server

I'm looking for some service server that is extremely simple and lightweight. It's supposed to be used by administration scripts or simple apps to query for information that is available only as root on other server. I don't need high-throughput, stateful processing, etc. Only blocking, synchronous queries required. Preferably no HTTP s...