
research topics

what could be a good research topic which concerns the latest web technologies? im a computer science student, though our computer science program leans more on the software engineering part of the science. ...

Windows slowdown, non mythical answer sought :)

I know there are mythical answers to this, but I am looking for something definitive. Why do windows machines always start off booting up quickly and performing nicely and then by a year later your boot time is ridiculously long and launching programs is much slower. Is is because of programs misbehaving (if so how do i find them), regis...

What research methods have you used for user interface development?

I'm after experience of professionals who want reproducible results, and take a scientific approach to get it. I really just want to know if any validated HCI/CHI research methods are used in industry. I'll mention (and tag) game development, given the huge investment in novel interfaces, and Apple given they seem to get some design de...

programming self-efficacy scale

does anyone ever hear about programming self-efficacy scale?? i'm looking for the guidance to know and to applying this research instrument. please inform me for any information related to this research instruments. thanks.. ...

How much of the data in a database is string/text data?

I was wondering if there has been any research about how much of the data stored in a databases consists of string data. Also, how much of that string data is free-text data (i.e. completly unstructered) and how much of it consists of identifiers such as proper names. My intuitive feeling is that often the size of a record is mainly defi...

Structured output between linux commands

I am looking for any papers, implementations, or just general ideas about common linux/unix utilities writing/reading structured output/input. The structured output could be anything, xml, jsopn, yaml, etc. This question: asks pretty much what I am...

Shelf packing problem

I'm faced with a Shelf Packing problem and am currently conducting some preliminary research as to which algorithms/heuristics are currently yielding the best results. Since the problem is NP hard I do not expect to find the optimal solution in every case, but I was wondering: 1) what are the best algorithms? 2) what are the best heuri...

Covariance matrix computation

Input : random vector X=xi, i=1..n. vector of means for X=meanxi, i=1..n Output : covariance matrix Sigma (n*n). Computation : 1) find all cov(xi,xj)= 1/n * (xi-meanxi) * (xj-meanxj), i,j=1..n 2) Sigma(i,j)=cov(xi,xj), symmetric matrix. Is this algorithm correct and has no side-effects? ...

Inline speed and compiler optimization

Hey guys, I'm doing a bit of hands on research surrounding the speed benefits of making a function inline. I don't have the book with me, but one text I was reading, was suggesting a fairly large overhead cost to making function calls; and when ever executable size is either negligible, or can be spared, a function should be declared inl...

Unrolling procedural code into SQL

The act of transforming procedural code into SQL has been of interest to me lately. I know that not absolutely everything is expressable in a turing complete procedural language. What if you have a special purpose procedural language though? For instance converting something like this: foreach(var row in Table){ if(row.FirstName=="F...

How .NET Transactions are working on Sql Server Database When conducted a small analysis

I did a simple test to understand how transactions work in .net Sample code on which my transaction test was done is _sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(true); try { _sqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SpName.sp_UpdateRoomStatus.ToString() , Parameters.SqlParam<int?>("DepartmentId", this.DepartmentId, SqlDbType.Int) ); _sqlHelp...

Getting involved in computer science research

I'd like to know how one goes about getting involved in research in computer science. I have an undergraduate degree in computer science and am currently working in a company. Universities in the US ask for research experience when applying for their graduate programs. How do I get involved in this ? ...

How to create visual development tools usable by an end user?

For instance, Google's App Inventor for Android is aimed to serve non-programmers. Are there any researches on this matter, which deal with the following questions: Real tests, showing to what extent such tools can be really usable by end users. What are tips and tricks in creating such a tools? Thanks. ...

GPL code moving upstream

I have a GPL open source project that in its early days is going to be of interest mostly to academics and research groups. This group can sometimes be very competitive, and a research group could modify and improve the code for their internal use but never release it. The GPL says this is fine, since they have not distributed the code....

"Code is read more than it is written"

I often hear the adage, "Code is read more than it is written." I happen to agree with this sentiment, but I can't find any studies or statistics to back it up. Has anyone come across a substantial finding on this topic (something more than an apocryphal tale) or, better yet, done this sort of research? ...

paper on event-based v.s. threaded programing

I am trying to tap into the stackoverflow community to aid my fogged memory. A while ago I have read a research paper regarding multithreading v.s. event-base programming paradigm. The thesis is to challenge the current belief that multithreading has a natural limit on the number of threads a system is able to support. It asserts such li...

CUDA C Research / Project Ideas

Over the summer, I started to learn CUDA C because the nVIDIA performance claims were simply unbelievable. This past week, I started another semester of my undergrad studies. My major is computer science. One of the classes I am taking this semester is undergrad research and want to further practice with CUDA C. Does anyone have an...

Problems in artificial intelligence research?

I'm currently a second-year undergraduate computer engineering student, and I'm a big fan of artificial intelligence. I've done formal research in nanotech, but in graduate school, I don't think that research experience will ultimately help me in what I want to do. So, here are the questions I pose: What are some good problems to ex...

Adaptive Keyboard applications

Folks, Can you see any potentially breathtaking applications for these unique keyboards ? (youtube videos at the bottom) The main crux is where can a constantly modifying input device generate higher productivity as against a normal input device? Can the keyboard's input device be ...

Any known discusson of why string identifiers are used to access resource data

I'm working a project to replace a Resource Management system (QuickTime Resource Manager on Mac and Windows) that has been deprecated and I have been using the current model that Qt uses where data is retrieved from the resource file using a string key. For example, I may have an image in my resource file, "HungryBear.png" stored in my...