
Reseting the form when usering the jquery validations plugin

I have a simple form like below that I have added the jQuery validations plugin onto ( I have this form in a modal popup window so if there are errors and the user closes the window when they open it again the form still has the errors. In my popup close callback I tried calling resetForm() but ...

Git: How to move back and forth between commits

Hi, I have a newbie question about Git: I need to move back and forth in a history of a branch. That means, I need to get all the files to the state they were in in some old revision, and then I need to get back to the latest state in the repository. I don't need to commit. With SVN, it would be svn up -r800 to get to revision 800, ...

Python equivalent of IDL's stop and .reset

Hi there, I'm relatively new to python but have a bit of experience using IDL. I was wondering if anyone knows if there are equivalent commands in python for IDL's stop and .reset commands. If I'm running some IDL script I wrote that I put a stop command in, essentially what it does is stop the script there and give me access to the com...

JQuery: Fading Out, Performing an Action, then Fading Back In

Hello, So I have what amounts to an html form, but is not an actual <form>, per se. I have a 'Clear' button that I am currently using to reset all of the fields back to their defaults. From an aesthetic standpoint, I would like for the form to fade out, reset while it's "gone", and fade back in completely reset. I've got this code so f...

Problems with Clearing InputText in a JSF Datatable

I'm trying to reset some input text fields, inside of a data table, using a cancel button. The issue I'm having is that, if I attempt to cancel it, but there are validation errors, it does not allow me to do so because it does validation first, finds and error, and outputs the error before it can rerender itself. The obvious solution is...

jQuery detect keystrokes and set variables accordingly

I have created a rudimentary EasterEgg within my code to activate when the following keystrokes are made (not simultaneously) Enter + c + o + l + o + r + s with the following code: isEnter = 0; isC = 0; isO = 0; isL = 0; isR = 0; isS = 0; $(window).keydown(function(e){ if(e.which==13) isEnter = 1; if(e.which==67) isC = 1; if(e.which...

SQL Server Reset Identity Increment for all tables

Basically I need to reset Identity Increment for all tables to its original. Here I tried some code, but it fails. actual code from link: USE World00_Character GO -- Create a cursor to loop through the System Ojects and get each table name DECLARE TBL_CURSOR CURSOR -- Declare the SQL Statement to cursor t...

Anonymous branch after doing git reset

Background: Swip was working on a test project solely for the purpose of trying out git. This is a local one-person repository that has not been shared so swip did a reset hard in order to obliterate some unwanted commits: :git reset --hard 6aa32cfecf4 HEAD is now at 6aa32cf auto commit Sun Feb 28 16:00:10 -0800 2010 Then swip...

How to Reset an MySQL AutoIncrement using a MAX value from another table?

I know this won't work, tried it in various forms and failed all times. What is the simplest way to achieve the following result? ALTER TABLE XYZ AUTO_INCREMENT = (select max(ID) from ABC); This is great for automation projects. Thank you! SELECT @max := (max(ID)+1) from ABC; -> This works! select ID from ABC where ID = (@max-...

Connection Reset error WCF Java client

Hi, We are facing similar problem, we have WCF service and ws client is in Java using axis 1.4. We have followed your advice and checked for the firewall , there is not any, and tried to access trough telnet and it is working fine. Can you please provide us any workaround/idea or any setting need to be checked. Thanks, Partha ...

The connection was reset

"The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading." Hi, I am trying to load a php page on apache , but none of the static content gets loaded. Using firebug I captured the static url and tried it separately, when I received "The connection was reset" message. The site works other computers mac, windows, linux but no o...

Resets the stacks view when the root controller is a tab bar controller

Hi, I have a tab bar controller and in both tab bar items i have a nav controller in each. I would like that whenever a user goes away and back to a tab bar item it resets the nav controller. If I've been navigating in one of the tab bar and then i press another tab item and go back it takes me to the beginning of the navigation. An...

Refresh/Reset View

Hi, I'm using MVP in WPF and I came across a design doubt and I would to get your opinion on this: At some point I need to refresh my view and perform the same initial queries, like when the view was loading. The view's DataContext is my presenter and I have a couple of collections and other variables that are bound to the view. When I ...

Can you explain to me git reset in plain english?

I have seen interesting posts explaining subtleties about git reset. Unfortunately, the more I read about it, the more it appears that I don't understand it fully. I come from a SVN background and Git is a whole new paradigm. I got mercurial easily, but Git is much more technical. I think git reset is close to hg revert, but it seems t...

javascript: True form reset for hidden fields.

Unfortunately form.reset() function doesn't reset hidden inputs of the form. Checked in FF3 and Chromium. Does any one have an idea how to do the reset for hidden fields as well? ...

Can I configure the ResetPassword in Asp.Net's MembershipProvider?

I have an C# app using the default Sql MembershipProvider. My web.config has a few settings that control how I'm using this Provider: enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="true" requiresUniqueEmail="true" passwordFormat="Hashed" minRequiredPasswordLength="5" The problem I'm running into is that when people r...

Reason for not properly closed socket?

Here is what I am trying to do: The server sends message to connected clients when new messages are available. The client, on the other hand, when connected, tries to send a message to the server using send() and then receive message using recv(), right after that, the client calls close() to close the connection. Sometimes, after the c...

Python time.clock() - reset clock value with threads

Hi, I see time.clock() on Windows 'starts' a timer when called for the first time, and returns elasped time since the first call for calls after that. I read that the only way to restart the clock is to start a new process. Is starting and killing threads supposed to restart the time.clock() as well? It doesn't seem to be working righ...

How to force rebase when same changes applied to both branches manually?

My repository looks like: X - Y- A - B - C - D - E branch:master \ \ \ \ merge master -> release \ \ M --- BCDE --- N branch:release Here "M - BCDE - N" are manually (unfortunately!) applied changes approximately same as separate comm...

Reset Particular Input Element in a HTML Form

I have multiple input textboxes in my page. I want to reset particular text box to its onload state if certain conditions fails. I am considering using a Hidden element to store the onload state of the textbox. I would other suggestions or solutions to resolve this issue. ...