
automatic utf-8 encodeing in node.js http client

Hi there i am trying to load an XML from a remote host useing node.js. The problem is that german "umlaute" like "ä" are broken. Like in the browser this usualy is a simple encoding problem. But since the XML on the remote host is encoded in iso-8859-2" i had no success getting the letters back to work. The functionality is very simple...

Complete Classic asp page not rendering sometimes for some users (response.buffer?)

I've got a fairly complex classic asp page that for some users doesn't render completely at some times. I wonder if the response.buffer property might have something to do with that. Would setting it to false make it more likely to render completely? I suspect it's crapping out at some point but can't reproduce it on my end. ...

Best HttpApplication event for altering the response source

I intend to build a HttpModule in order to scan a response's source and make small adjustments, mainly altering urls (hrefs, actions, srcs, etc). I see the HttpApplication has a plethora of events that can be handled and I'm not sure of the best stage at which it's safe to alter the HTML content that goes back to the browser. I need to...

How can I send an HTTP Response using only standard network libraries?

Hey gang, I'm working on my first homework project in a web programming class, which is to write a simple web server in Java. I'm at the point where I have data being transmitted back and forth, and to the untrained eye, my baby server seems to be working fine. However, I can't find a way to send appropriate responses. (In other words, ...

How to customize to_json response in Rails 3

I am using respond_with and everything is hooked up right to get data correctly. I want to customize the returned json, xml and foobar formats in a DRY way, but I cannot figure out how to do so using the limited :only and :include. These are great when the data is simple, but with complex finds, they fall short of what I want. Lets say...

WSGI request and response wrappers for Python 3

Are there WSGI request and response wrappers for Python 3? WebOb looks nice (although there is some critique), but it seems to be written in Python <3. Werkzeug seems also to be written in Python <3. Should I write my own request and response wrappers for Python 3? Maybe this would be impossible, since WSGI seems to be somewhat broke...

In Java, how to set the header of a Restlet Response?

I can't seem to figure out how to add headers to my restlet response. When I look at the available methods in the Response object, all I see is setStatus, setEntity, and setAttributes but none of these tell me how to set custom http headers on the response. For example, I have a GET call the returns something like the following: HTTP/1...

uploadify response with coldfsuion

hi, I am trying to use uploadify with coldfusion, the problem i am having is with my response. My upload2.cfm file is simply hello. So I should in theory just get 'hello' in my #newsImageHolder div. What I do get is the whole html of the current page. Thanks for any help. R. <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#newsIma...

uploadify - no response from coldfusion

I have a problem, with uploadify. when using upload.php and echo "hello" I get a response. When changing to upload.cfm and hello I get nothing, no reponse. Any ideas what I can do to get a response from CF. upload.php <?php echo "hello"; ?> upload.cfm <cfoutput>hello</cfoutput> $(document).ready(function() { $('#newsImage'...

how to check reach and response time from my website?

hi, i have a few websites on servers around the world. i want to find out how much time does it take from sending the request from my computer to enter the site until the site begins to load in the server, and how much time does it takes from the time the server ended the request until i see the result on my computer. thanks, yishai ...

how to add the server response message inside jquery dialog?

When I am adding data to the server it send me a response saying data is added whereas in case of data already exist in server i receive a message saying this data with name and description exist in the server.... how can I show my server response text ? edit: solved $.ajax({ url: "/#", type: "POST",...

Return CSV response without headers

I am writing an ASP.NET application that generates CSV string and returns it using response.write. However, along with the CSV string, the output comes with other information I would like to get rid of (e.g. ASP.NET version, time-stamp) etc. How can I just get the CSV string and nothing else? ...

Continuous circle-point collision detection and response still allows intersections

I'm developing a game where I need to do collision detection between a mobile circle and a stationary point. I am using a continuous method. I detect if the circle will hit the point before moving it, get the time of intersection, move the circle, then give the circle a new velocity vector. In my case, the new vector pushes the circle...

how does URL rewrite work in plain english

I have read a lot about URL rewriting but I still don't get it. I understand that a URL like;Month=12&amp;Day=19 can be replaced with a friendlier one like and the server code can remain unchanged because there is some filter which transfo...

ajax image as response in php

Hi, I want to display an image as a response to an ajax call using php.. Does anybody have the complete code for this?? Please help me out.. Thanks in advance.. ...

Java deflate response

Hello all I want to make a filter for tomcat to deflate all responces of certain MIME type. Any guidelines? ... String ae = request.getHeader("accept-encoding"); if (ae != null && ae.indexOf("deflate") != -1) { deflate response...????? } chain.doFilter(request, res); ...

Returning two things in one HttpResponse

I am trying to implement paging across ajax calls. The page should not refresh when the user wants to see the next x num of results. Here is my problem. Returning the QuerySet is super simple. I just do (sumaJson is custom) data = serializers.serialize('sumaJson', result_page.object_list, relations=('first_major', 'country_of_origin', ...

Weird Response JSON on iPhone (and iPhone simulator) only.

Hey all, I send a list over JSON to my server where it updates it and sends me back the updated list. But when I receive the response I get back some weird JSON: ResponseString from Server: {"d":"{\"basketList\":[{\"amount\":1,\"strikethrough\":0,\"listName\":\"default\",\"listID\":\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\"TimeStam...

jquery ajax array response handling

How to handle a array response from .getjson. Following code handles ajax request. function getinfo() { $query="select field_uname_value,field_uaddress_value,field_uphone_value from {content_type_udetails}"; $result= db_query($query); $i=0; while($item = db_fetch_object($result)) { $info[$i++]=array...

check my xml response

Can someone check a xml reply string. User said it is not XML compatible and has bad header. When I do a view source, I see this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <response><task_no_added>54</task_no_added><errorMessage></errorMessage></response> Here is header info found in firebug.....