
Restart w2k3 on asm.

Hello! Please tell me how to cause reboot w2k3 (Without using rpc-calls to do it) on the assembler. In advance thanks! ...

Debugging ASP.NET website from Visual Studio causes restart of the website

Somehow, since some time I'm experiencing problems with debugging my ASP.NET website. Every time I try to debug the website ASP.NET shuts down (global.asax_Application_End is called). I believe this is triggered because the site is built by Visual Studio. However, manually (re)build the site and then start debugging also restarts the sit...

Starting and stopping a named instance of SQL server 2005 from a client computer

The issue I'm running into is that I don't always have access to the server but I need to restart the database on the server. Is this possible if so how would I do this? I know you can start and stop a named instance from cmd from the server. Not sure how to do from client. ...

Executing sc.exe from .NET Process unable to start and stop service.

I'm trying to restart the service from a remote machine. Here is my code. The problem is that I need to enter startinfo.filename = "sc.exe" since I'm putting "start /wait sc" this is causing an error. Here is my code, any thoughts. Also if anyone has any idea how to keep the cmd window open after this is ran so I could see the code that ...

How to Prevent System from Shutting down or Restart in a Win32 service?

i want to prevent users from shut down or restart the system. my application runs as a Win32 Native Service (written by C++) and under LocalSystem account. i heard about WM_QUERYENDSESSION it's solution: creating a hidden window and capturing WM_QUERYENDSESSION to prevent shutdown. but this solution is not really clean and also have t...

How to restart the w3wp.exe process using C#?

How to restart the w3wp.exe process using C#? For example, I want to click a button in a webform page to restart the w3wp.exe process in the server. ...

Fast restart technique instead of keeping the good state (availability and consistency)

How often do you solve your problems by restarting a computer, router, program, browser? Or even by reinstalling the operating system or software component? This seems to be a common pattern when there is a suspect that software component does not keep its state in the right way, then you just get the initial state by restarting the com...

Is there a 'restart' function in Windows/C++

In a windows project I am working on, I intend to have a menu selection that copletely restarts the app. Is there a Windows or C++ function that does this? ...

How do I code a watchdog timer to restart a Windows service?

I'm very interested in the answer to another question regarding watchdog timers for Windows services (see here). That answer stated: I have also used an internal watchdog system running in another thread. That thread looks at the main thread for activity like log output or a toggling event. If the activity is not seen then the servic...

Reconnect RMI client after server restart

I have an RMI server and a desktop RMI client. When I restart the server, I get errors in the client. Is it possible to restart the RMI connection without restarting the client? [EDIT] Here is the stacktrace: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is: Con...

Program Restart

I have a Program which is written in C++. It is a program which needs to be restarted when network connection is lost ... I have written program code which is pinging IP and I'm stuck on that ... Can anybody show me the code for the next step Thank you beforehand. ...

How to disable orientation change in Android ?

I have an application that I just would like to use in portrait mode, so I have defined android:screenOrientation="portrait" in the manifest xml. This works ok for the htc magic phone. But I have a problem with the HTC G1 phone as i open the hardware qwerty keyboard (not the virtual keyboard). My activity stays in portrait mode, but se...

Resin Restarts when class files or Servlets are uploaded.

Hi. When we upload a .class file or a servlet to the server, the web server restarts. This does not happen when we upload a JSP. Is there a way to configure Resin so that it dynamically loads the class without restarting the web server? ...

Is it possible to restart a PC using "pure" .NET and *without* using p/invoke?

Is it possible, without employing pinvoke, to restart a PC using .NET? I kind of just repeated the title, but I'm not too sure how to elaborate much further! Edit: I should have mentioned that don't want to use "shutdown -r" as a solution. I was really after a pure .NET way, something like: Environment.ShutDown(); In other words, s...

SharePoint, VirtualPathProviders and Application Restarts

Given that the only way to unload dynamically compiled assemblies (to reclaim memory) is to unload the app domain, how does SharePoint rely on VirtualPathProviders, for master pages and page layouts in particular, without bumping into this limitation? The restart can be delayed through various settings but not avoided completely when ma...

Automatically restart program when error occur

The program is like this: HEADER CODE urllib2.initialization() try: while True: ... except Exception, e: print e FOOTER CODE My question is when error occurs (timeout, connection reset by peer, etc), how to restart from urll...

C# - Restarting application conflicts with "program already running" error

When I call the Application.Restart() method, the error comes up that detects whether the application is currently running. Is there anyway around this? static void Main(string[] args) { string proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName; Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(proc); if (pro...

How do I go about getting a page to restart processing in C#?

I'm working with a CMS which allows you to develop your own custom controls which get dynamically included at runtime. So I have a custom control which alters a datasource (NHibernate cache) and as I'm at a point in the process where the CMS has already read this data from the cache, I need to restart the processing of the page somehow s...

Wipe SVN to reinitialise

Hi! Does anybody know how to delete the complete svn repository including old revisions? I just want to start again ;) Thanks, wishi ...

why does tomcat take time to recognize the folder on shutting down and restarting it?

I work on a folder and tomcat recognizes the folder. But, when I shutdown and restart tomcat it is taking time to recognize the same folder. Can anybody tell me why? I see the error report in catalina.out. It gives a list of errors but finally says Nov 22, 2009 2:08:58 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start INFO: Server startup i...