
Paint me a Rainbow

How would you go about making a range of RGB colours evenly spaced over the spectral colour range? So as to look like a real rainbow. ...

Getting out the r-channel from a argb-uint?

i have an argb value in the parameter of a function and the function needs to get rid of the agb values and only keep the r. How would you do that? thank-you ...

Find Colour Range

I want to find a range of colours from the value of one RGB value If I was given rgb(0,100,200) for example it would give me everything between rgb(0,0,255) and rgb(0,255,255). However not rgb(255,0,255). Similarly rgb(150,50,0). Return: rgb(255,0,0) and rgb(255,255,0). Not rgb(255,0,255). Making sense? Im using PHP ...

To convert RGB 12 bit data to RGB 12 bit packed data

Hello, I have some RGB(image) data which is 12 bit. Each R,G,B has 12 bits, total 36 bits. Now i need to club this 12 bit RGB data into a packed data format. I have tried to mention the packing as below:- At present I have input data as - B0 - 12 bits G0 - 12 bits R0 - 12 bits B1 - 12 bits G1 - 12 bits R1 - 12 bits .. so on. I ...

How to check the rgb color of the object using if condition? help me

I want to check the RGB color of the object using actionscript in flash. The name of the object is object1. I checked like this but it didnt worked. help me if (object1.color=rgb(255,0,255)) { trace("Selected Pink"); } Give me correct syntax to check the rgb color of the object ...

How to serialize Color property as ARGB values?

I'm working with Windows Forms designer. It serializes properties of type Color as known name whenever possible. I need it to serialize such properties always as RGB, because I need it later for interop with other system, which can deserialize only from RGB values. Is there a way to serialize Color properties always as RGB values? ...

Iterating over colors

Is there a good way to iterate over colors? I know it sounds like a strange question but here's an analogy. Suppose you write a game where you travel around the Earth. You pick a starting point and then you define a rule that you apply repeatedly. For example: Start at your current location on Earth and then define the great circle ...

Convert light frequency to RGB?

Does anyone know of any formula for converting a light frequency to an RGB value? ...

How do i get red green blue and alpha back from a UIColor object?

I am getting a UIColor returned from this method: - (UIColor *)getColor { return [UIColor colorWithRed:redSlider.value green:greenSlider.value blue:blueSlider.value alpha:1.0]; } and getting color like this: SelectedColor=[(ColorPickerView *)alertView getColor]; Now I want to get red, green, blue from SelectedColor, in order to...

Getting RGB values for each pixel from a 24bpp Bitmap in C

Hello, i want to read the RGB values for each pixel from a .bmp file , so i can convert the bmp into a format suitable for gba . so i need to get just the RGB for each pixel and then write this information to a file. i am trying to use the windows.h structures : typedef struct { char signature[2]; unsigned int fileSize; u...

Getting RGB values for each pixel from a raw image in C

Hello, I want to read the RGB values for each pixel from a raw image. Can someone tell me how to achieve this? Thanks for help! the format of my raw image is .CR2 which come from camera. ...

Extract list of supported HTML or X11 colour names and their RGB values using javascript

There are places to get lists of HTML or X11 colour names and their RGB equivalents. For instance we can find that "Aquamarine" is "#70DB93". Presumably the browsers know the mappings. Is there a way to use javascript to interrogate the browser and get a list of which colour names it supports (along with the RGB the browser plans on u...

convert 24bit RGB to ARGB16

hi, i am reading a 24bpp bitmap , and i need to convert each pixel from RGB24 to ARGB16. i am using this : #define ARGB16(a, r, g, b) ( ((a) << 15) | (r)|((g)<<5)|((b)<<10)) but the output it's not what i need, can someone offer some help ? thank you. ...

Converting RGB data into a bitmap in Objective-C++ Cocoa

I have a buffer of RGB unsigned char that I would like converted into a bitmap file, does anyone know how? My RGB float is of the following format R [(0,0)], G[(0,0)], B[(0,0)],R [(0,1)], G[(0,1)], B[(0,1)], R [(0,2)], G[(0,2)], B[(0,2)] ..... The values for each data unit ranges from 0 to 255. anyone has any ideas how I can go about ...

Getting pixel data from an image using java.

I'm trying to get the pixel rgb values from a 64 x 48 bit image. I get some values but nowhere near the 3072 (= 64 x 48) values that I'm expecting. I also get: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Coordinate out of bounds! at sun.awt.image.ByteInterleavedRaster.getDataElements(ByteInterleavedRaster.java:3...

Java: Operations with Colors (add, subtract)? - Colors in a constant class

I'm working with java.awt.Color instances. Is there any way to do arithmetic operations on colors? Something like rgb(20, 20, 20) + rgb(10, 200, 170) = rgb(30, 220, 190)? What I'm trying to do: I have a gui that features a table, where if the user clicks on a cell, the other cells change color based on their relationship to the selected...

Loading an raw image to the program and get the RGB value from each pixel in C

Hello, I want to read the RGB values for each pixel from a raw image. Can someone tell me how to achieve this? Thanks for help! the format of my raw image is .CR2 which is taken from camera. ...

JS function to calculate complementary color?

Does anybody know, off the top of your heads, a Javascript solution for calculating the complementary colour of a hex value? There is a number of colour picking suites and palette generators on the web but I haven't seen any that calculate the colour live using JS. A detailed hint or a snippet would be very much appreciated. ...

Converting an rgb image to hsv

Hi, I'm trying to convert an rgb image to the equivalent hsv one in C#. I found several algorithms to do the conversion but couldn't find how to save these values of an image after calculating it. For example after the calculation h = 287, s = 0.5, v = 0.34 . Where should I save these values in the image file to convert it to the equiv...

What is rgb formula for a gradient going from white to blue?

I want to have a button that has numbers in the range 0 ... 255. I'd like the color of the button to be white when it's zero and blue (RGB = (0,0,255)) when it is 255. How can I accomplish this? At first I tried to make it RGB = (0,0,0) in the beginning, but it will only make it black. How can I accomplish this? ...