
Problems reading an RSS feed with SimpleXML

I am trying to read a simple Twitpic rss feed but not having much luck. I can't see anything wrong with my code, but its only returning the following when using print_r() Array ( [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( ) ) Here is my code: function get_twitpics() { /* get raw feed */ $url = '

How to make the Mercurial (hgwebdir) rss/atom feed display the branch name

I would like to configure our Mercurial server installation so the rss/atom feed will publish the branch name of the changeset, in addition to the standard fields (title, guid, description, author, pubDate). ...

How can I display a 'random' feed item using this jQuery zRSS plugin code?

Hi, I am running and using the zRSSFeed jQuery plugin ( to pull feed items from my WordPress blog and display a single feed item within a seperate XHTML file (outside of the WordPres blog). It works perfectly displaying the latest item in the feed specified. I would like it to display a RANDOM i...

Managing RSS Cache with Simplepie fetch_feed()

How can I force a refresh when the rss file has been updated? It appears to be caching no matter what... The feed is located in a WordPress dashboard widget using the simplepie fetch_feed() method... /* Dashboard Widget */ function my_dashboard_widget_function() { $rss = fetch_feed( "" ); if ( is_wp...

RSS via Ubuntu Apache PHP - content delivered but not recognized by reader

This is a little difficult to explain so please bear with me : Using FF as my RSS reader to test, I am migrating a site which has an RSS Feed component to it; on the old server (apache on fedora 7) the PHP delivers the RSS, and the content is parsed and displayed in the browser. In the new site, (apache on Ubuntu 8.04) the browser r...

How to extract titles, images and text from any kind of feed ?

Possible Duplicate: Best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds with PHP I want to extract the titles, images and text from any kind of Feed Rss ( feedburner, xml, etc ). How can I do this in PHP ? For example, I want to extract the stuff above from this feed: ...

How to extract titles, images and text from any kind of feed ?

I want to extract the titles, images and text from any kind of Feed Rss ( feedburner, xml, etc ). How can I do this with javascript ? For example, I want to extract the stuff above from this feed: and from this feed: ...

Language support issues with ASP.NET MVC RSS feed

I want to have an Arabic and English language RSS feed, but right now only the English feed works correctly. Any ideas what might be wrong? ...

Social-networks sharing links in RSS

Does anyone know how to add social-networks sharing links to an RSS feed, similar to how CNN does here? BTW I work with PHP code. link text ...

Simple Yahoo Pipe not working

All I want to do is mix three rss feeds into one, remove duplicates (based on the title) and sort the items by date of publish. So I built this pipe ( which is just refusing to work: As you can see, for example, the 4th and the 7th iteam have almost exactly the same title so one of them shou...

Use of Lucene to store data from RSS feeds

Hello I would like to store data retrieved hourly from RSS feeds in a database or in Lucene so that the text can be easily indexed for wordcounts. I need to get the text from the title and description elements of RSS items. Ideally, for each hourly retrieval from a given feed, I would add a row to a table in a dataset made up of the f...

How to strip out strange characters when consuming a feed?

I am consuming a couple of feeds at the same time and assembling one single feed. When grabbing and 'cleaning up' the description for a particular tag, I find bullet characters, that I cannot for the life of me 'remove' from the output. Doing a simple str_replace to find the • (just like that, not an li or ascii value) character does no...

How do I auto update a site RSS feed

Within a site I am working on, the previous developer put together a very rudementary function to re-create the RSS Feed at the click of a button. I need to be able to have the RSS Feed continuously up-to-date without clicking on the button and running the function. This is written in C# Can anyone help me on what to do please? ...

Inserting into HTML5 database with jQuery loop

Hi, Javascript is not my forte, so excuse me if this is incredibly obvious. I'm working on some code that creates a local database and table, retrieves an RSS feed, parses it, and adds information from each entry to the database. $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: feedurl, dataType: "xml", success: parseXml }); function parse...

How large RSS reader works (netvibes, Google reader...)

Hello guys, I wonder how web applications like Google Reader, Blogline, techronati works, and what technics they follow to parse millions of RSS feeds using cron job at one time?. Good evening, Thank you. ...

How do I make an RSS/Atom feed in Rails 3?

I'm pretty new to Rails 3, and I'm trying to make an RSS/Atom feed. I know about auto_discovery_link_tag, but what is the associated controller/action supposed to look like? Thanks! ...

How to use Superfeedr with PHP

Hello world!, I'm working on a project that parse a lot of RSS feeds, and I just discover Superfeedr it has a poor documentation in how to use their PubSubHubbub API with PHP. Please can anyone give me a good tutorial or an example how to use it to subscribe to any feed? Thank you, ...

How RSS and ATOM inform client about updates? long polling or polling or something else?

I red that RSS and ATOM are HTTP based using XML. So how RSS or atom reader are informed about content updates if HTTP doesn't support connections? They need to poll to server periodically? I'm interested in using it in real time web application but i heard that "polling doesn't scale". ...

RSS feed only displays text

I have an rss reader app which works perfectly on some feeds, but on others it just displays text and no images. Is it the feed which should be adjusted to publish images or Im sure it is something with the way I read the stream. Why does it work for some streams(shows entire posts, images, videos etc. from e.g. blogspot rss feeds) but...

RSS in a Wordpress

is there any way to show an image for RSS feess in my wordpress page... it os because currently defaul wordpress RSS feeds will only show a text of other feeds from other can i make my site show a thumb image of rss feeds of th other sites..below are example of the rss feeds on my site. plizzz help me.i really needs a help from...